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... the Triangle speaker designer's first priority.
Triangle is a mainstream European manufacturer, like KEF in England or Golden Ear in America. Triangle makes loudspeakers, subwoofers, and audio cables at every price point. To my ears, Triangle speakers deliver an exceptional amount of sonic virtue for the dollar.
The two models I have heard most are the $1399/pair Borea BR08 stand-mounts and the $8K/pair Signature Delta. The latter was on display in the Antal Audio Group room at CAF.
The four-foot-tall Signature Delta (see John Atkinson's review here) is a three-way, four-driver speaker with crossover points at 20Hz and 2.7KHz. The tweeter is a 1" titanium dome loaded with a die-cast horn. The midrange is paper, and the woofers have fiberglass cones. From a distance, it looks a little like a British-made speaker of some repute, but the Delta does not sound British at all. Except! Like the British monitors I favor, the Triangle Delta delivers major PRaT (pace rhythm and timing).
Astonishingly, the Triangle Signature Deltas were powered by a 20W single-ended class-A amplifier by Tsakiridis, a well-respected, long-established Greek manufacturer. These good-looking $4095/pair monoblocks, called “Orpheus,” showcase my favorite tube, the direct-heated 211 triode. I feel genuine love just typing about 20W, 211-tube monoblocks that cost so little.
The whole time I listened, the Orpheus were charming to death with their looks and how they managed the Signature Deltas. If there is a God she will surely cause me to review the Orpheus for my column.
This system sounded lively, maybe even punchy, and had an Olympian-quality midrange.
The Orpheus-Delta combo was supported by some equally amazing stuff including Tsakiridis’s Alexander line-level preamp ($2695), Zeus MM/MC Hybrid phono preamp ($1495), the completely impressive Soulines Kubrick DCX turntable ($4600 without arm) equipped with a SME tonearm, or as a vinyl-spinning alternative, the Soulines Dostoyevsky ($2800 without arm). Cables were by Analysis Plus, and the rack was a Solid Tech Hybrid.
This room delivered high-level musical pleasure at affordable prices.
... the Triangle speaker designer's first priority.
JA's in-room measurement (see fig7) shows *rather* flat response -
I suppose the often reported agility of Triangle speakers is not necessarily exclusively a result of particular frequency response but rather of their use of very lightweight membrane (and coil?) material. While earlier designs had a lift in treble and bass (to work best with tube amps?), current (see Esprit Australe) do not; still, remarkable agility remains mentioned very often by audio testers.