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I thought it would be fun to sponsor a set of three of Doug's Mypingo
A very generous and cool award.
I so wanted you to win dude, especially when I saw it was your birthday, but it just seemed like you checked your usual extra-sensory perception at the door that day. I was actually expecting you to call it cold, you disappointed me
How about getting him to make a pair of LaScalas without a large resonant top surface?
It's funny you should say that. I happen to be working on some speaker designs for an importer for some very high-end horn drivers. Details will be available when designs and testing are farther along (a few months probably). No plans for Mpingo cabinets yet though, heh.
I heard that Struts grew a 5 ft beard, listening to his NC Artist, and now, because of the long beard, is recruited by a ZZ Top cover band.