On The Right: DSD

The DSD exhibitors included Native DSD Music, Blue Coast Music and representatives for Acoustic Sounds new download web site: Super Hi-Rez. In all fairness it should be pointed out that Super Hi-Rez offers both DSD and PCM HD downloads, though the numbers of titles seem heavily weighted towards DSD at this point.

Announced right before the show was the formation of Blue Coast Music, the company that will oversee Blue Coast Records, Downloads NOW!, DSD-Guide and distribute recordings for other DSD labels that include IsoMike, San Francisco Symphony, ACT Music and others.

Another new company in the group is Native DSD Music, who had just launched the beta version of their website before the show. Official launch date is Febuary 1st, and the company has already signed Harmonia Mundi. Shown below in the photo are (L to R): Ted Brady, Jared Sacks, Tom Caulfield and Jonas Sacks.


These guys were excited about DSD's download prospects and plan to offer both stereo and multi-channel albums worldwide as ID3v2 .dsf files.