milesjr's picture
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Oppo DV-981HD Modded player?
CECE's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

A $1600 $100 player? You gots to be kidding. $1600 can get you a mighty fine well made player from Marantz, Denon, Onkyo(Onkyo surprised me, well made, sound great, super well made solid) A TASCAM pro unit is less than that!!! Like putting a $3000 Harley paint set on a Honda!!!!

erik1's picture
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Joined: Oct 5 2007 - 9:40am

I have the 981. Looks and sounds great, but I hate the flimsy slider tray and its also slow in, physical, reaction. Most of the time I have to hit the open button twice for it to react. I had there earlier version and it was the same.

I want the cambridge cd player

bobedaone's picture
Last seen: 10 years 11 months ago
Joined: Feb 1 2007 - 12:27am

I have a DV-980H, and the stock sound is excellent. I'd put it in a league with $500 players. I'm sure it sounds better with mods, but you'll eventually reach a point where it would be preferable to have a better-built unit. As others will tell you, the disk tray is flimsy. The player itself is also extremely lightweight. Unless you Blue-Tac (or otherwise restrain) the feet, a press of the pause, skip, play, or stop button can cause the Oppo to slide.

If you're like me and prefer a meticulously quiet listening environment (and frequently listen softly or near your equipment), the noisy transport may be bothersome. I don't know is it's common to all Oppos, but that thing can whir. It's not a problem at normal listening levels or in a standard listening position, but it's irritating when it's audible.

So, yes, the Oppo is astonishingly good for the price, but for Rega or Arcam money, I'd have a Rega or Arcam.

piinob's picture
Last seen: 8 years 8 months ago
Joined: Aug 14 2007 - 11:31pm

I have the Oppo in question and it is an excellent player for the money. (no mods) I bought an NM24 Monarchy DAC and it, (the Oppo) is worlds better. Plus I have a lot of flexibility. I am sure that many other DAC's might serve you as well.

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