Moon by Simaudio Neo 230HAD D/A headphone amplifier Measurements

Sidebar 3: Measurements

I measured the Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD with my Audio Precision SYS2722 system (see the January 2008 "As We See It"). As well as the Audio Precision's analog and digital outputs, I used WAV and AIFF test-tone files sourced via USB from my MacBook Pro running on battery power with Pure Music 3.0. Apple's USB Prober utility identified the Neo 230HAD as "MOON USB DSD HD Audio" from "Simaudio Ltd.," and its serial number as "413-001." The Neo 230HAD's USB port operated in the optimal isochronous asynchronous mode, and Apple's AudioMIDI utility revealed that it accepted 32-bit integer data via USB sampled at all rates from 32 to 384kHz.

Looking first at the behavior of the Neo 230HAD's analog inputs and outputs, the maximum gain at 1kHz was 11.9dB from the front-panel ¼" headphone jack and 5.9dB from the variable rear-panel RCA jacks. Measured at the fixed RCA jacks, the gain was 5.9dB. All three sets of outputs preserved absolute polarity (ie, were non-inverting) with both analog and digital input signals. The input impedance was the specified 22k ohms at low and middle frequencies, but dropped to 9.7k ohms at the top of the audioband. The output impedance was a low 22.5 ohms from the variable RCA jacks, 50 ohms from the fixed RCA jacks, and an appropriately low 0.7 ohm from the ¼" headphone jack, all figures constant across the audioband.

The analog input/output frequency response was flat within the audioband, with the ultrasonic –3dB point above 200kHz (fig.1). This graph was taken from the variable outputs with the volume control set to its maximum; note the excellent channel matching—neither this nor the response changed at different volume-control settings, from the other outputs, or with lower load impedances. Channel separation (not shown) was >100dB below 2kHz, and was still 80dB at 20kHz. Again, this behavior was consistent from all three sets of outputs.


Fig.1 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, variable output, frequency response with volume control set to its maximum at 1V into: 100k ohms (left channel blue, right red), 300 ohms (left cyan, right magenta) (0.5dB/vertical div.).

The Neo 230HAD offered a high maximum output level, clipping at just over 10V into 100k ohms (variable and fixed outputs), and into 300 ohms from the headphone output (fig.2). Reducing the load to 30 ohms reduced the headphone clipping output to 6.5V (fig.3), but this will still be enough to drive low-impedance headphones to ear-shattering levels. The distortion signature from the variable and fixed outputs was the second harmonic (fig.4), but at –114dB ref. 2V (0.0002%) this will be inconsequential, to say the least. The third harmonic was the highest in level from the headphone output (fig.5), but this is still extremely low in level. Intermodulation distortion (fig.6) was also vanishingly low in level.


Fig.2 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, headphone output, THD+N (%) vs 1kHz output voltage into 300 ohms.


Fig.3 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, headphone output, THD+N (%) vs 1kHz output voltage into 30 ohms.


Fig.4 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, variable output, spectrum of 50Hz sinewave, DC–1kHz, at 2V into 100k ohms (left channel blue, right red; linear frequency scale).


Fig.5 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, headphone output, spectrum of 50Hz sinewave, DC–1kHz, at 2V into 300 ohms (left channel blue, right red; linear frequency scale).


Fig.6 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, headphone output, HF intermodulation spectrum, DC–30kHz, 19+20kHz at 0dBFS into 100k ohms, (left channel blue, right red; linear frequency scale).

Turning to the behavior of the Neo 230HAD with digital input signals, the maximum output levels at 1kHz in DAC mode were 8.1V (headphone output) and 4.05V (variable and fixed RCA outputs). The impulse response with 44.1kHz data was typical of a DAC using a conventional finite impulse-response reconstruction filter (fig.7), with the symmetrical ringing to either side of the pulse mapping the filter's coefficient values. This filter has a very steep rolloff above the audioband (fig.8, magenta and red traces), but, peculiarly, the aliased image at 25kHz of a full-scale 19.1kHz tone was reduced in level by only 85dB (cyan, blue, footnote 1). Harmonic distortion associated with that tone was low, however, with the third harmonic highest in level at –86dB (0.005%). Fig.9 is a more conventional means of displaying frequency response, this time with data sampled at 44.1, 96, 192, and 384kHz. Again note the superb channel matching, and that, at the three lower sample rates, the smooth rolloff above the audioband is broken by a sharp drop in output just below each Nyquist frequency (ie, half the sample rate).


Fig.7 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, impulse response (one sample at 0dBFS, 44.1kHz sampling, 4ms time window).


Fig.8 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, wideband spectrum of white noise at –4dBFS (left channel red, right magenta) and 19.1kHz tone at 0dBFS (left blue, right cyan), with data sampled at 44.1kHz (20dB/vertical div.).


Fig.9 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, frequency response at –12dBFS into 100k ohms with data sampled at: 44.1kHz (left channel blue, right red), 96kHz (left cyan, right magenta), 192kHz (left green, right gray), 384kHz (left blue, right red) (1dB/vertical div.).

The Neo 230HAD's DAC offers high resolution. With data representing a dithered 1kHz tone at –90dBFS, increasing the bit depth from 16 to 24 drops the noise floor by almost 20dB (fig.10), which suggests resolution of greater than 19 bits. This graph was taken with S/PDIF data; the resolution was equally excellent with USB data (fig.11). An undithered tone at exactly –90.31dBFS was reproduced with a superbly symmetrical waveform, with the three DC voltage levels well defined (fig.12). With undithered 24-bit data at this low level, the Moon output a well-formed sinewave (fig.13).


Fig.10 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, spectrum with noise and spuriae of dithered 1kHz tone at –90dBFS with: 16-bit data (left channel cyan, right magenta), 24-bit data (left blue, right red) (20dB/vertical div.).


Fig.11 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, spectrum with noise and spuriae of dithered 1kHz tone at –90dBFS with: 16-bit data (left channel cyan, right magenta), 24-bit data (left blue, right red) (20dB/vertical div.).


Fig.12 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, waveform of undithered 1kHz sinewave at –90.31dBFS, 16-bit data (left channel blue, right red).


Fig.13 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, waveform of undithered 1kHz sinewave at –90.31dBFS, 24-bit data (left channel blue, right red).

Both harmonic and intermodulation distortions were very low in level with digital data, but with the latter (fig.14), I was puzzled to see what appeared to be some modulation of the noise floor around 8–9kHz and 17–18kHz. Though the 230HAD's rejection of word-clock jitter was excellent for both the S/PDIF and USB inputs, this modulation can be seen with both 16-bit (fig.15) and 24-bit (fig.16) J-Test data. A mystery.


Fig.14 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, 24-bit data, HF intermodulation spectrum, DC–30kHz, 19+20kHz at 0dBFS into 100k ohms, 44.1kHz data (left channel blue, right red; linear frequency scale).


Fig.15 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, high-resolution jitter spectrum of analog output signal, 11.025kHz at –6dBFS, sampled at 44.1kHz with LSB toggled at 229Hz: 16-bit TosLink data (left channel blue, right red). Center frequency of trace, 11.025kHz; frequency range, ±3.5kHz.


Fig.16 Simaudio Moon Neo 230HAD, digital input, high-resolution jitter spectrum of analog output signal, 11.025kHz at –6dBFS, sampled at 44.1kHz with LSB toggled at 229Hz: 24-bit USB data (left channel blue, right red). Center frequency of trace, 11.025kHz; frequency range, ±3.5kHz.

Overall, the Moon Neo 230HAD's digital input behaved very similarly to the digital-input module in Simaudio's Moon Neo 340i integrated amplifier, which Herb Reichert reviewed in 2016, but its noise floor is not compromised by the digital circuitry being close to circuits carrying very high currents. As a headphone amplifier, the 230HAD offers superbly low distortion, very high dynamic range, and excellent channel matching.

At $1499, the Moon Neo 230HAD is a little less expensive than Ayre Acoustics' Codex, which retails for $1795 and which Jon Iverson reviewed in June 2016. Unlike the Ayre, the Moon has analog inputs but no balanced headphone output. Both handle DSD data, and PCM data sampled at up to 384kHz; the Neo 230HAD has a conventional digital filter, whereas the Ayre offers a very short minimum-phase filter with a much slower rolloff above the audioband. These two headphone amplifiers very much typify the two current approaches to high-performance DAC design, therefore.—John Atkinson

Footnote 1: My thanks to Jürgen Reis of MBL for suggesting this test to me.
Simaudio Ltd.
1345 Newton Road
Boucherville, Quebec J4B 5H2
(450) 449-2212

philipjohnwright's picture

It's what differentiates SF; writers like Herb, the much-missed SM, and the too-early-to-say-but-showing-distinct-promise Jana. Along with all the old (sorry guys) favourites

Keep them coming please John; earnest, humourless,colourless reviewers abound elsewhere; don't let them through the door here.

woodford's picture

you're probably already familiar, but there are wonderful 60s era phillips recordings of the Beethovem, Brahms, and Mendelssohn concerti with Haitink conducting. the Brahms is a particular favorite.

fourpobs's picture

As finish my coffee and get ready to put my butt-kissing suit on for a day in the corporate mines, the first couple paragraphs remind me there must be a way to make a living, have good audio and know interesting, inspiring people(perhaps even be an interesting person. Maybe even a "character"). I will read the rest of the article later on but thanks for that.

Anton's picture

Would this pass as a part of the definition of 'euphonic?'

"Even close-miked instruments are surrounded by a bit of moist air. The microZOTL's transparency surrounds instrumental tones with a kind of vibrating aura."

If it does that to everything, then it would strike me as being 'artifactual.'

Prediction: I think some key words that will appear in the Pass Labs review will be: composed, unruffled, effortless, matter of fact (in the best way, as in 'it possessed a matter of fact control and level of detail that made everything it did seem effortless.')

I really hope you like it. I think Pass Labs' amplification would be on my ownership list if I had adequate scratch!

Cheers, and thanks for a fun all around review!

audiodoctornj's picture

Herb a great review on, no doubt a great product, I would like to call your attention to, the Nuprime DAC 10H which is only $200 dollars more, than the Sim product you reviewed.

[Advertising copy deleted by John Atkinson]

We, Audio Doctor, have the Nuprime on display and have been supporting the first iteration of the company, Nuforce, and now in its second incarnation, Nuprime for years.

[Advertising copy deleted by John Atkinson]

Herb I would love to have you over to the shop to hear the Nuprime for yourself we are only three miles away from you, it is really something special.

Peragulator's picture

No balanced out for headphones?