Metronome’s New Music Center

In our March 2016 issue, Art Dudley loved the sound of Metronome’s CD8 S CD player, which has USB and serial digital inputs, though I found some issues on the test bench. At CES, the French company was showing this elegant server, the Music Center 1 (price tba), which plays CDs, music from a USB stick, a NAS drive, or from its internal RAID3 array (1–6TB available).

tkwlau's picture

Dear John Atkinson, May I ask you to elaborate what kind of issues that you have encountered on the test bench ?

John Atkinson's picture
tkwlau wrote:
May I ask you to elaborate what kind of issues that you have encountered on the test bench?

Apologies but for that you will have to wait for the March issue of the magazine.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile