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April 12, 2006 - 2:18pm
May issue?
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Really DUP?
Admit it. If the review was done utilizing anything LESS than YOUR SYSTEM, cabling, and ROOM it would be INVALID, now wouldn't it?
Of copurse, I can be a "reviewer"...I know what I hear, I wanna read what they hear...and not to justify my purchase, liek i said, i started out with Legacy FOCUS, way before teh peopel at Sterophile decided to acknoledge Legacy , and they even gave Bill d. accolades on being a design guru.they finally did a FOCUS review, I had FOCUS for 9 years, long before StereoPhile even acknowledged Legacy existed, since they are in the business, you would think they are up on all things audio, maybe they should refer to pro audio review or pro sound news for industry news, and facts. If they don't hear what I hear, then I know.....but then they probably won't have teh proper drive electronics, I think they should get some VanAlstine for review too, they need to acknoldege them too, after being in business for 40 years, I think Vanalstine qulifys as a staple in the audio business, he outlasted most over the years. Of course if teh Whispers ain't multi amped, you ain't doing them justice, even though they are efficient, they really open up with more watts, 4 mono amps driving them, it's Bliss.
Huh? I can spell that. When my fingers is moving, my brains may be stoppin'.
Paul Bolin has yet to turn in the Legacy Whisper review, but I visited him 3 weeks ago in Minnesota, did some in-room measurements of the Whisper, and took a listen. He was driving the speakers with Lamm ML1.2 monoblocks (a favorite amp of mine), along with a Plinius CD player and an Audio Research Reference 3 preamp. I am anticipating his review appearing in either the July or August issue.
COOL, I am looking forward to it. I loves my WHISPERS, incredible stuff. FOCUS where great, wHISPERS are Stupendous, the clarity and midranges voices, highs are REAL. Every detail is clear and ALIVE.
Recieved mine today.
I got mine today.
I haven't, unless, my wife is hiding it from me. It could go either way.
Me, neither!
I got mine, funny stuff, reviewing a SACD/DVD/CD player for about $4000, they put some magic wood blocks under it, now all of a sudden the DVDs are much clearer!!! Magic WOOD!!! and of course you must use 3 !!! these blaocks are designed with teh "golden ratio" oh man...this stuff is entertainment beyond what any science fiction writer could dream up. Have you changed you wood blaocks yet!!! WOOD that be balanced WOOd or UNBALANCED..I wood think since most CD chassis are made with 4 rubber like feet, now these wood sellers say use I would imagine you put them under teh bottom chassis, negating teh feet that are on teh thing to isolate teh chassis, if the thing has sort of soft feet. Wood blaocks, my DVDS are now clearer!!!!! Funny Funny Stuff. Not called Mapingo no mo' now some other name.....Listen to any green ink lately? Frozen discs, wall outlets?
DUP, I will pay you a full year's subscritpion price if you quit reading Stereophile right now.
I'll even sign you up for the Legacy and Van Alstine newsletters.
But wait, there's more...I'll also toss in a subscription to another hobby's magazine to give you another forum to troll.
Cash money, DUP.
All you have to do is 'nothing.'
Maybe if we all email Legacy and Van Alstine and accuse them of shilling their products here, they'll realize that DUP is directing their brand images along the lines of Kobe Bryant or Jack Abramoff's Q rating.
Seriously, is there anyone here who's developed any positive feelings about those products in the last two months?
I think it's been quite a successful aversion campaign.
I was thinking along those lines the other day. You know, "please don't do us any favors" sorta thing.
I just wish he would remember to sign in when he posts. I don't get those.
OK, send money, this way I may be able to buy some magic wood blocks. If my questions are so bad questioning how on earth a magic wood block under a DVD player will make an improvement in teh picture this player produces, I ain't teh on ewho needs help. So please, explain how on earth a piece of wood will change teh electrical operation of a DVD player? Why this magic wood, not a pice of pine or plywood? This is what high end audio reproduction is all about, don't think so. to remain credible, I wood think these kinds of remarks in a review of something wood not be. Of course you will give me the standard line about vibration control, ya gotta have an open mind etc etc. Is it an open mind or an empty head? Funny stuff thoguh, I really like how they throw in the absurd stuff, with a straight face, while describing the player.
Not defending wood bits, just tired of what us old guys call "the broken record effect."
Oh, wait, you have three tonearms and such in your hypothetical rig, so you may understand the mechanics of the saying, but, evidently, not the sensation.
Curiosity kept me from using that sign-off button, but it's to the point where now I've got your complete covers the audio alphabet from A to B. If you don't accept my financial offer, then how about we save time and you can just post in shorthand:
If it's the usual, "AVA/Whipser, 1200 watts, times two per channel, slam, one kind of music," just post "Reply A."
If it's "this or that wire or aftermarket product sucks," just post "Reply B."
There, that about covers it.
Now, how does that magic button people have been talking about work?
I agree. It's better to "agree" and say, yeah, I DO hear an improvement when I replaced my wall outlet, I DID hear an improvment with 12 toothpicks under each foot of my pre amp. I give, reality SUCKS, electrical engineering is old hat. Specs don't matter, as long as the stuff has a magic BS quotient filled, it's all good. OK, I just tried putting a magic wood block under my MagnumDynaLab "Etude", now get this, it's not even on, and I swear, I hear an improvement in the SACD player directly under it. You are correct, I just need an open mind. I'm sorry, now I get it. Thanks.
That would be "Reply B."
See? If you won't quit it, at least I can save you time.
Just got that magic button figured's been nice, but see ya.
Reading more of the current issue, Siltech ad....first they freeze it then they burn it....makes the magic cables even more magic!!!! And teh Ayre review, soem guru of ckts says, each input must "break in"...the ckt foil is breaking IN!!!!!!! This is mind numbing, incredible. Does teh ckt traces in any other electronic item need this? tv's, car dashboards,LED's in traffic signals? so now in audio world, the sound is now in teh ckt traces!!!!! Wow, how bout' the ckt trace on teh electronic ballast of my newest compact fluorescent lamp? How do teh electrons know, they are audio, or lighting? Or in a car dash board ckt? Really this really needs an explanation. Entertainment at it's finast, I am a life long subscriber now. Great stuff. More, i need more. merely freezing the wires, nope, not this month, burn it, freeze it, but I use it at only room temperatiure, which company next month will have it in some kind of enviromental chamber for optimum use? Now don't steal that idea, I thought of it first, wire marketeers.
In will double whatever Buddha is willing to kick in for his proposition.
Hi, Buddha,
I'll match your offer. I conjured my best curse and even THAT didn't work. Even threw in the demiurge, "teh," just to make sure the incantation blanketed 'em all. My Great Spirit has deserted me. How the hell you supposed to find virgins to sacrifice THESE days? Your point about Van Alstine and Legacy is a good one. Even if I absolutely CRAVED this gear, and were ready to write a check, I'd cancel the order after being subjected to the endless-loop redundancy of DUP's sales pitches. He doesn't seem to understand that it's not the MESSAGE CONTENT per se, but the persistent, obnoxious redundancy of it all. The mask of unblinking omnipotence has to be shaped by an appropriate STYLE or it merely annoys. These appeals to the divine authority of a couple of "prosound" websites as automatic validation for the "truth" of such babblings comprise the ultimate insult for anyone who grew up past the "My daddy can whup your daddy" phase of infantile development. My offer stands. Happy tunes, Clifton.
I'm not sure if you guys missed this thread, but, it looks like John Atkinson, Stephen Mejias and I will be visiting DUP's listening room to hear and measure the LEGENDARY Whispers and teh REAL LIVE ampacity!!!
Got mine yesterday.
Mahalo for the wiki wiki service.
John A. and Jeff W are coool dudes, it was a pleasure meeting them. Interesting to talk with them, about STUFF and to see how things are measured, and tested. I was honored by their coming out, and taking the time to check out my "stuff"..
This is great! I'm glad you guys had fun.
Were you able to get a few tweaks and positioning guidance from them? You had a lot of years of experience and education in your home.
So, did you damage anyone's hearing?
John A. did ask to lower it just a tad at one point. Be LOUD, be PRODUD to be an ear bender!!!! Actually John didn't mention tweaking postion of the speakers or anything like that, now that you mention it...did I have them correctly positioned? Legacy manual recomends they be aimed inward so they cross just in front of the listening spot, unlike "other" standard designs, where they usually have em' cross behind the listener. The WHISPERS do it a little differently, according to the manual. If was FUN! Bill D. is coming to the local distributor in June, so I gotta meet him , hopefully the timing works out, John A. and Jeff can come down and talk with him. John A. mentioned he has met Bill Dudleston of LegacyAudio. Hmmm them HELIX sure look fine, never heard em' seen them at the factory open house in Pa a few years ago...they didn't have them hooked up, they knew the crowd there wasn't buying no $43,000 speakers!!! But they did play everything else from WHISPER all the way down to the smallest ones, all great stuff in their price range. I think bill d. comes and delivers Helix in person maybe?
Even cooler, built in amp, then ya need 3 more external amps!!! I got the amps, now all I need are the HELIXES. a minor hurdle..
Pics are now up in the gallery.