Patrick82's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Mar 16 2007 - 2:16pm
Made my own 10+ kg brilliant pebble - mass damping to the extreme!
CECE's picture
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

Your system is sure evolving into a masterpiece!!! Do you know Latka Gravis who used to work at the Taxi company? thank you very much. But what did you do with those dirty underswear? Shouldn't you keep your ball in your underwear at all times? Keep teh ball safe from being broken, by a ball breaker.

cyclebrain's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: Jun 16 2006 - 11:40pm

Your extreme dedication to great audio is to be admired.
But I hope that you are open to new concepts from others.
Your giant ball makes a great diffusor.
But a pair huge balls would be even better.
You might want to contact Dave Wilson at Wilson Audio about this new material. I think that he still has some letters in the alphabet left to name it.
On the down side, your massive uniball is cursed by its spherical formula which does not have the prefered "golden ratio".

Jeff Wong
Jeff Wong's picture
Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: Sep 6 2005 - 3:28am

Patrick - Thank you for posting and sharing. I always find your pics and videos at Head-Fi interesting and entertaining. I know you take a lot of ridiculing for your extreme tweaking, but, it must be said: at least you give these things a try and actually listen before dismissing or embracing. More power to you!

mfi's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: May 26 2007 - 2:18pm

Possibly the most unusual post I have any forum. But having been to Sweden last year....well lets just say its different over there, in a good way. And I had the best time at the audio show in NYC in a Swedish speaker manufacturer's room. Full bar and a huge cooler of beer, and food. And the speakers sounded great. A holographic design, small but room filling.

CECE's picture
Last seen: 5 years 11 months ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

That "special" stuff looks like styrofoam shiping/packing material that comes with a DVD or CD player, SCIENCE in action!!!But mostly Mocking the tweaks more likely? The ball sound might just give one a CLUE....If ONE ball is good,2 BALLS is better, and a must, for symetical sound, having only one BALL, ain't right.

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