Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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I am done with this forum
Freako's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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But why? I am certain you have a lot of goodies to contribute with...???

If any of my posts hurt your feelings, I apologize.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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But why? I am certain you have a lot of goodies to contribute with...???

A search of his posts will inform you and you can come to a conclusion in that regard.

I guess Grosse Fatigue has grosse fatigue.

Universal internet truth: Whenever a poster says he's done with a forum forever, he never is.

Grosse likes to brag about how many names he has used after being kicked off of forums, so get ready for the arrival of Muerto de Cansancio in the next few hours or days.

Maybe his buddy Mui Fatigado will join us, as well and start talking about the superiority of the Spanish.

rvance's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
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Yes, getting rid of all your posts would be a step in the right direction.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

I cant quit you, Froggie poo.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
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Who the hell you think you are? de Gaulle? You will get nothing and like it.

KBK's picture
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The AVS forum used to have those features, those features that Grosse desires, and I fear I am the person who brought that to an end. I think this is where his thoughts on this matter comes from.

What happened was that when I first came to the AVS forum in 1999-2000, I decided to do the commercial equivalent of starting a business like a cow with a window on the side so you could see the churning of the food in the stomachs. I stated that in the thread, in exactly those words. No hidden agendas, all was on the table. For the heck of it, to see what would happen, I began posting the entire trail of logic and development of the optics and the formulation of optical coatings for video screens.

What I realized, after about 2+ years, is that the first thread I started had about 90-100 posts in it and the information in it was far too sensitive and consisted of the entire logic trail required to suss out all these points of understanding. Thankfully it was nearly in the archives and showed that it had not been accessed for quite some time. Whew! Dead in the dustbins and file cabinets of history, Forever..I hoped, but there was a way to ensure that point.

At that time, people were deleting their first post that started a given thread and when doing that, they were given the option of nuking the entire thread. Some were doing exactly that, for spite - and out of shame for their behavior, etc.

The straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, was my deletion of that all important screen coatings design thread. Within a few days of my deletion of that thread, no member was allowed to do that ever again and all material henceforth was explicitly stated as being AVS property, stated so...up front and center, for everyone to see and take notice of.

What went on after that, is the entire idea of making your own screen become popular enough to have it's own forum area, and I expect it has become quite popular in that world. It has even had it's own caste and design wars, like tiny little councils of Nicaea. Ie, 'Before Goo, there was nothing'. I'm not quite Elvis by any estimation*, but in that world, I did put the key in the ignition and fire it up. All the components, thought patterns, and understandings...I had to create from scratch, and breathe them into life, like starting a fire.

And some video screen manufacturers would likely -joyfully- run me over - if given the opportunity. (Crunch! Thumpity thump... "Quick! Put it in reverse! He's still moving!")

In conclusion, No, Grosse, you don't get the opportunity to clean up your messes. They are part of history now. Own Your posts. Wear them with pride, for I do not judge you by them, for they are only moments, slices of life from a person, a person who has ups and downs - like all of us. For me, when it comes to that thread...I'm just personally lucky that I did get the chance! I have also noticed that this capacity to kill posts and entire threads , if available, is very quickly removed from the given forum, after a few abuses. Removed, for all the right reasons, I feel.

*"Before Elvis - there was nothing" - John Lennon

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

What happened was that when I first came to the AVS forum in 1999-2000, I decided to do the commercial equivalent of starting a business like a cow with a window on the side so you could see the churning of the food in the stomachs.

oh yeah? do tell. i am curious to know.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
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The AVS forum used to have those features, those features that Grosse desires, and I fear I am the person who brought that to an end.

Trouble maker till the end!

KBK's picture
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Joined: Sep 30 2007 - 12:30pm


The AVS forum used to have those features, those features that Grosse desires, and I fear I am the person who brought that to an end.

Trouble maker till the end!

Look who's talking, you rotten little kettle.

rvance's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2007 - 9:58am

I'm not quite Elvis by any estimation*, but in that world, I did put the key in the ignition and fire it up. All the components, thought patterns, and understandings...I had to create from scratch, and breathe them into life, like starting a fire.

In conclusion, No, Grosse, you don't get the opportunity to clean up your messes. They are part of history now. Own Your posts. Wear them with pride, for I do not judge you by them, for they are only moments, slices of life from a person, a person who has ups and downs - like all of us. For me, when it comes to that thread...I'm just personally lucky that I did get the chance! I have also noticed that this capacity to kill posts and entire threads , if available, is very quickly removed from the given forum, after a few abuses. Removed, for all the right reasons, I feel.

*"Before Elvis - there was nothing" - John Lennon

Beyond Elvis, both Presley and Costello, for sure. More like Yahweh in your power to create and destroy life and worlds. Like the Christ in your ability to lead the unknowing on the path to salvation through God-consciousness. And like the Holy Spirit to anoint us with God's perfect grace.

Like Thomas, I doubted you. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

KBK's picture
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Careful. You're gonna give me a complex.

Buddha's picture
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Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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Joined: Nov 22 2007 - 7:04pm

As an artist and a writer I want full control over my literary output -and I want dividends.
De Gaulle quit Nato
I'll leave Stereophile forum if my conditions are not met

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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You are right about avs Ken

One time I was edited by a deadbeat moderator and I deleted the whole thread that I had started

Next day they were asking themselves where it was gone -gone fore ever

It was an extraordinary tool to tell them that without us posters there are just an empty shell, they are nobody, especially in the case of avs two uneducated gold diggers owner and admistrator

Grosse Fatigue
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Those expressing their positive feelings so soon will be either ignored or verbally abused if I change my mind, depending on weather conditions and my last meal (I hate cold pastas)

Those who say don't leave will be lavished with bons mots, small gestures and gifts (a bracelet for ncdrawl), french way

This whole thing maybe a trap
Then it maybe not

Anyway I should be paid to entertain any further

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

See, he's back. French men are idiot-teases.

"I am leaving! (Hand on forehead.)"

"Wait! No I am not!"

"I am dramatic, yes?"

It's a Pepe le Peu thing.

Grosse, leave...or don't.

Your masturbation over your presence is truly solipsistic.

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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I'll take it to my tomb
and have it write over

"I can't quit you, Froggie poo."

Freako's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
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LOL, you're such a happy bunch! I believe you need a group hug

Elk's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
Joined: Dec 26 2006 - 6:32am

Maybe his buddy Mui Fatigado will join us, as well and start talking about the superiority of the Spanish.

Well, they are better than the French.

KBK's picture
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Joined: Sep 30 2007 - 12:30pm

As an artist and a writer I want full control over my literary output -and I want dividends.
De Gaulle quit Nato
I'll leave Stereophile forum if my conditions are not met

Now there.... is an interesting symbol. The 'true' Nato symbol is blue, like sniper kitty's little star, and has 32 points..and one in the middle, for a total of 33. hhmmm.... So you've got a 'newer' symbol..with +12,000 year old intentions attached to it's core. hhmmm.

And if you go back to the origins of the whole (modern) thing, you run into the differing families and groups of France, Italy, Germania, etc.

And if you really dig into What Nato is all about, who was involved in it's creation, who is involved in it's directions, and what it did and does, with respects to actions... it is no small wonder that De Gaulle quit Nato.

Most people miss about 90% of what is actually going on and somehow confuse popular press with some form of reality. Intelligence has little to do with it, it's more a case of desire for full awareness or knowledge. If all one does is read newspapers or watch television, then there is no chance whatsoever to know what is going on. Heck, half the books out there on politics (and that which surrounds it) are propaganda, so the digging must necessarily be deep.

Paranoia of being lied to is an essential tool that does not show the way, but only helps one be properly wary of any proffered info. The vast majority of it is designed to appeal to the emotions and thus bypass the intellectual process of critical analysis at the levels required. Be extremely wary of having your desires fulfilled by any news or data, even if it is something you had to dig for.

Yes, it really is that deep and convoluted. The way to keep intentions and directions workable is to be sure they are as hidden from the public eye, or any potential interfering eye.. as is possible. Yet, at the same time, leave the symbology, or sign on the door, fully intact. This is the shadowy kind of sign(s) of the real games of, and on, this planet.

The infiltration of quality of foodstuffs, education, support systems, etc, in North America and particularly the US has come to the point that the cognitive capacities of the average youth in America is now on par with the average youth in Somalia. A Somalian kid who is starved, malnourished, and has nothing with which to fix their attention and learn through or by. And yet, the entire situation surrounding that of the youth in America, for all their so called advantages, results in the same.

This does not happen all by itself. Not a chance. It really took off in approximately 1970 or so, when it was realized that the idea of personal responsibility and attempting peace and a future by the masses, for the masses, in America - nearly took hold.

This had elite power structures shaking in their boots. They had taken their hands off the wheel for a few years, and they nearly lost their position. So they gathered together, slowly, over the years and began to work toward removing that capacity in Modern Western man. Not all together, but they worked together - enough.

And look where you are today.

A kid in America, the average kid.. has the same cognitive capacity as a malnourished under-educated and under-stimulated young Somali who sits in the desert, hungry, and stares at nothing. You see, the cognitive physical wiring of the kid in the Somali desert is reduced from the norm due to the entire situation surrounding them.

Now to have the same be in America..with all that information, etc..well, think about it. Plastic food. Drugged out. Ruinously poisonous food additives. Over stimulated and influenced in ways that have no depth of meaning or connectivity to a viable future of any kind.

That's quite the feat, don't you think?

Control does not have to be direct, that never works. Direct control gives the capacity for fixation of those who are being controlled, upon the controller, so the controlled can see who and what to fight. That shows the hand directly and the hand must remain hidden if it is to work. So the effort is to guide, guide the thoughts and be one to many steps ahead in the game, so as to shape the channels and directions that thoughts may take. Nothing more is necessary. But prevention of awareness is very much key to such efforts. It is an expensive, difficult, unwieldy, and complex game-but it is the only one that truly works.

You are being primed. The question is...for what?

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am


Anyway I should be paid to entertain any further

I've sent a letter to the editor on your behalf. Thank you for gracing us with your presence. Maybe they will get rid of Baird , Fremer, or Meijas to make room for you.

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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Joined: Nov 22 2007 - 7:04pm

I have a manager

I think I can write jokes for Fremer
I impersonated him successfully on avs
I was probably Richie Duroseau but it could have been Boudoir

I don't know about the other ones

Elk's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Were you not on your way out?

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Oct 18 2008 - 9:18am

I have a manager

I think I can write jokes for Fremer
I impersonated him successfully on avs
I was probably Richie Duroseau but it could have been Boudoir

I don't know about the other ones

yeah but do you do a mean Depardieu?

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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I saw him at Deauville many years ago
He is not Alain Delon
He is working class
In his early films he was very good, basically playing himself
He has a good voice

We have fine, extraordinary talented character actors in France, like in England, but we lack leading men like Delon.
Depardieu pale as a leading man compared to a Delon. I don't care much for Belmondo who was otherwise OK in Breathless. Besides Delon I like Jean-Louis Trintignant who is from the same generation.

To answer your question I cannot not do anything Depardieu. I look like Alain Delon.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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He must like long goodbyes.

Imagine him doing a death scene in a play!

dbowker's picture
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Oh, ahem, I mean, I'm SO sorry to hear that--so sorry---really. Best of luck and all that; may the wind always be at your backside...

I'd say put it in writing, but we know how little means in digital form. As it is, I can only hope there is some sort of Troll honor out there, and Mr. Fatigue and will abide by his own decree of ennui...

Oh Grosse, we hardly knew ye! "sniff, sniff"

A good thing, actually.

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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Joined: Nov 22 2007 - 7:04pm

I am reconsidering and consulting with my manager since ncdrawl declared

"I cant quit you, Froggy poo."
Your bracelet is on its way nc

Also Freako had concerns
Lot of class

KBK's picture
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Your childhood may have made for an interesting sitcom episode or two.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Well, I now believe you are actually French!

"I am done with this forum."

"No, I am reconsidering."

I'll say this for ya, so far, you have the all the resolve and follow-through of a Frenchman!

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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Joined: Nov 22 2007 - 7:04pm

You are right about that

In Japan I would wake up very early in the morning, when the sun rises (nothing like here), and make milk deliveries with the milk man

Like the kid in Empire of the Sun movie taking place in Shanghai I was pretty much left to myself and made friends along the way, but sometimes Japanese kids would throw stones at me thinking I was american

I saw Peter Pan in a movie theater in Tokyo with my father's driver
I was yelling at him during the film that Peter Pan was a woman..

Elk's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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. . . sometimes Japanese kids would throw stones at me thinking I was American


They were just trying to get you to leave.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am


. . . sometimes Japanese kids would throw stones at me thinking I was American


They were just trying to get you to leave.

Yeah, they are known for their politeness, so telling him it was because he was an American was a way to spare his feelings....while they threw rocks at him.

Also, perhaps they were trying to make a foreign land seem more familiar to him.

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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Yeah right
It was after Hiroshima
See you are all so plain

KBK's picture
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CODCO: Pleasant Irish Priests in conversation

Some of the funniest shit to ever hit the airwaves.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Yeah right
It was after Hiroshima
See you are all so plain

Of course it after, the French made a special effort to surrender after the war ended.

I bet that flag was comforting and familiar - except for being ruined by the red spot.

Lamont Sanford
Lamont Sanford's picture
Last seen: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Joined: Mar 31 2006 - 8:32pm

See you are all so plain

Incorrect. I don't think there is a single French Canadian on this forum.

Freako's picture
Last seen: 1 month 1 week ago
Joined: Jan 17 2010 - 8:29am

CODCO: Pleasant Irish Priests in conversation

Some of the funniest shit to ever hit the airwaves.

Are you telling us that GF is a priest?

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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He is at his best when he sniffs a girl's panties, like a bottle of cabernet and declares
-17, maybe 16
Crisp and fresh still earthy, intense and heady at times

KBK's picture
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Joined: Sep 30 2007 - 12:30pm


CODCO: Pleasant Irish Priests in conversation

Some of the funniest shit to ever hit the airwaves.

Are you telling us that GF is a priest?

Not really. I just thought of it a few hours back, the line were he says, "Oh well, I guess, for me, it's just a bottle of Vodka and me' own moist hand". I started laughing, remembering it. Now, finally, it is on youtube.

It reminded me of some the people on this forum, for some reason. heh heh.

It wasn't good enough to have it's own thread, but it's close! I just HAD to share this gut-bustingly funny skit, so I posted it somewhere..and somewhere ended up being here, where everyone is hanging out, right now. It's not anti-gay, the two actors portraying the two homosexual priests ARE gay. They created the skit.

'Hotte' is French Canadian. Came from France in the 1750's, from Orl

KBK's picture
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Yeah right
It was after Hiroshima
See you are all so plain

Of course it after, the French made a special effort to surrender after the war ended.

I bet that flag was comforting and familiar - except for being ruined by the red spot.

You have to be careful, there Buddha. I know you are a fairly aware guy, but I have heard, from more than one source, that many to most school basic history books in the US had (in the past and maybe to this day, has anyone checked as of late?) the second world war starting in 1941, with the attack on Pearl, when it actually started in Europe, in Sept 1939. This is a frighteningly bad bit of egocentric propaganda. So the ethical and implied nature of the rest might be suspect, don't you think? If you have read further by others, this can be moderated, of course. I'm sure you know more about the Indochina situation than I, as I barely know it existed.

I tend to get my news about North America and it's issues..from sites outside of North America so as to bypass the controlled US and controlled Canadian media 'spin'. it tends to be one hell of a lot more truthful that way. There are even, at times, entire sets of news and stories that would be humongous scandals in the US, if they were actually reported, when they are not. All one has to do to see this, is take two steps outside of the US.

I have to be careful speaking (talking shit) about History around Taras, It's like walking in a field of landmines that end in my own shameful spanking, as one of his formal trainings is as a Historian. I take awful drubbings there, as you might imagine. I whine about unfair fights.

Glotz's picture
Last seen: 2 days 2 hours ago
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Oh my gad, it's not the Michigan J Frog, it's Peppy Le Peu!!! Dont leave us, please!!! Please!!! You've been the most hilarious post in weeks!

Long goodbyes indeed.

mjalazard's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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So far: 11 of the 44 post here have been from Grosse (25%).
Overall, Grosse has invested 3.3% of his Stereophile Forum writing effort declaring that he is done with this forum. Maybe Stephen should erase this thread so that Grosse can start over and abbreviate his final testimonial!
AMF, Grosse

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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This thread has more than 400 views, 5 stars, and growing
It would be a big mistake to delete it
It will run five years before people get tired of it

I am a polical animal
I should be runnung for the senate

Don't pay attention to ncdrawl
He is just big southern bully
He doesn't like when someone has more views than him

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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You like the girl panties story eh?

Editor's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 1 2005 - 8:56am

This thread has more than 400 views, 5 stars, and growing
It would be a big mistake to delete it
It will run five years before people get tired of it

Everyone slows down at the scene of a traffic accident :-)

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

Grosse Fatigue
Grosse Fatigue's picture
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It will be off the charts if you don't kill it

It will have more views than " moving your head around"
It is already troncing "if you like ass kicking rock", but that is understandable

What more do you want?

dbowker's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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"This thread has ... 5 stars ..."

Heh. I thought a highly nuance Frenchman like yourself would know irony when he saw it. The ego is indeed a powerful narcotic. I believe it is the only reason you keep coming back here in the first place.

Grosse Fatigue
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I saw the irony but the real irony is that it is attracting more viewers

As far as ego please
One can write on this forum

- I don't like classical music
- I don't like jazz
- I don't like the Pink Floyd
- I don't like Bob Dylan
- I don't like Gainsbourg
- I don't like world music

- I just like myself my music in the neck in the woods and Charlie Wood

and no one sees the irony
no comment
some are buying Charlie Wood
what kind of new audiophiles is this?

dave_b's picture
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"What were you talkin about?"
-Chicken Little, The Movie

"When one thinks to hard, one becomes all nose or all forehead!"

- Oscar Wilde

"What a long strange trip it's been."

-The Greatful Dead

"Why don't you take a stress pill and lay down."

-HAL9000 computer, 2001: A Space Odyssey

These are a few lines that come to mind upon reading this disjointed psychadelic verbal masterbation.

"No one here get's out alive!"

- J. Morrison


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