How often do you visit a high-end audio dealer?

It's no surprise that high-end audio dealers are getting thinner on the ground. Even so, how often do you visit a high-end audio dealer?

How often do you visit a high-end audio dealer?
Several times a week
1% (5 votes)
About once a week
3% (11 votes)
One or two times a month
11% (44 votes)
Every few months
28% (117 votes)
About once a year
25% (102 votes)
Almost never
31% (130 votes)
I am a dealer
2% (7 votes)
Total votes: 416

ty sproul's picture

I live in an metro area of over 2.4 million and here brick-and-mortar dealers have all but vanished. One that I regularly bought from sold out and morphed into a HT systems integrator. Two others went out of business entirely. All that's left is one excellent high-end dealer and a couple of mid-fi shops. Two of my last three purchases have been online. Sad. I worry about the survival of our hobby!

Ken Buell - Cincinnati Oh.'s picture

Audible Elegance in Cincinnati has provided me with excellent equipment & showroom demos for the last 20+ yrs. Also, their accessory/tweeking knowledge has greatly helped in achieving truly excellent sound from my purchases! Yes ... a good knowledgable dealer can make a HUGE difference in the betterment and enjoyment of our great hobby!

Dealerless in Toronto's picture

Wish I could go more - they're harder to find these days. We used to have a 7 or 8 in our downtown area - now there are just a few.

Garrett Hongo's picture

I go mostly to talk shop with the owner at my local stereo store, since I'm involved with audio myself.

greg's picture

When ever there is a need. No more no less.
