am74's picture
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Joined: May 3 2009 - 11:58am
How can I remove the radio from my Kenwood receiver?
arnyk's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 1 2005 - 9:36am

I'm a complete rookie when it comes to altering stereo equipment.

When my Kenwood VR-407 receiver is in AV Auxiliary mode it picks up a radio station; thus, when I'm playing music with my iTunes airport (which is hooked up to as the Auxiliary) I also hear the annoying radio station going simultaneously.

I took off the cover and removed the board that has the atennae, but that didn't do the trick. Is there a single wire I can snip? I have plenty of other devices to listen to the radio.

Sounds like you have a really bad problem with EMI. That radio station is apparently so strong that it is being picked up by the other audio circuitry in the receiver, even though the tuner section is history.

Does the radio station come in on *every* input or just some other input that you are also using?

If the former, the most practical solution may be to do a total replace on the receiver.

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