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Jazz saxophonist James Moody passes away from pancreatic cancer.
Listening to:
One Quiet Night - Pat Metheny 2009
Pat plays a baritone guitar with a nashville tuning throughout this exceptionally well recorded Cd.
Pat is the only artist on this one, so it is an acoustic lovers dream album :)
Mark Evans
That Pat Metheny.
Do you have his and Charlie Haden's 'Under the Missouri Sky'?
Another acoustic delight.
That is one album I have not aquired as of yet. But, I can guarantee that I will have it soon. Thanks for the info RG :)
Freddie Hubbard.
James Moody.
Thought I would try to post a pic again. I recall Buddha figured out a way to do so under this new forum format.
Why won't the moderators address this issue? Are we ever going to be able to post pics again? And if so, when and how?
Seems that picture posting is DOA on this forum and, sadly, based on the extremely low level of activity I think this forum will also soon be DOA. Too bad, I'll miss many of my follow forum members who I've come to think of as friends.
In all seriousness this forum software/format is by far the least user friendly of any forum of ever seen. The old CompuServe forums from the early 1990s were much better and easier to use than this terrible software. Stereophile will come to rue the day they changed the forum format and software.
At this point, I believe trying to get the Mods to fix this forum so we can all post album art again is nothing more than an exercise in futility.
What post pictures? Don't you understand this an AUDIO forum.
when I visit the site. So in the absence of audio, some visuals related to audio might just enhance the experience and interaction amongst users!
Hey, thanks for the prophetic epiphany. I never would have guessed the forum was about audio. Brilliant observation of the obvious.
Hey, I have a novel idea, lets just do away with the Open Bar...after all, this is an AUDIO forum. right?
Wait now you tell me that this forum has an open bar! Does that include top shelf items as well?
(Might as well make a joke about things here on this forum since the moderators treat our requests and ideas on how to improve the forum as jokes.)
lol :-) exactly.
Why does this forum have to so accurately reflect the Luddite nature of high end audio? While I understand that change for the sake of change is not always a good thing there are changes which are definite improvements. Using this forum reminds me of the early days of computer bulletin boards and Compuserve.
Why the Stereophile forum does not have features available on most present day forums (picture posts, member info, email notifications, advanced editing, etc.) remains a puzzle but more importantly just about assures that this forum will soon die. So many former members, whose knowledge and insights into and about all things audio, have already abandoned this pitiful excuse for forum and more are sure to follow.
Great points. I have noticed from my short time being here that alot of the past posters have either left or quit posting which is a loss to me since I personally don't know the ins and outs of internal componentry. I do have marginal knowledge, but not the insight most have on this forum. I especially miss the colorful ones like Buddah, Teddy Ray, and Keld.
I guess all we can do is keep posting and keep hoping :-)
Oh! currently listening to: The Great Cannonball Adderley
miss all those knuckleheads!
Quite a bit actually.
Politics aside there appear to many things that we seem to agree on. The poor quality of the forum and liking jazz are two that I know of.
When the format of forum was first revised several months back (perhaps it was longer but I don't remember) many of the then active users complained but more importantly listed specific things that would like to see changed, specific features that they would like to see added, etc. Those complaints and ideas for way to improve the forum fell on deaf, rather that golden, ears. These members have since moved on.
many times over the past several years I have pleaded for Stereophile to expand their coverage of computer based stereo systems, whether in the form of more print coverage or more online coverage. Again Stereophile has chosen to ignore these suggestions.
I'm well past the point of saying it's time to move on and only my damn stubborn nature keeps me active in this increasingly inactive forum. I'm just venting here since Stereophile has proved over and over that they are not paying attention.
I hope your stubborn nature persists. Don't leave the forum. I have gotten many great Jazz recommendations from you.
Thanks Mark! I will do my best to persist and carry on on this quickly fading forum.
Speaking of jazz recommendations here's a new one that I picked that I think you might enjoy.
Nguyên Lê - Songs of Freedom (ACT Music 2011)
Nguyên Lê is a Vietnamese guitar who lives in Paris and is fairly well known on the French jazz scene but criminally overlooked here in the states. This new CD is one of his best. Check out this track listing:
Eleanor Rigby
I Wish
Ben Zeppelin
Black Dog
Pastime Paradise
Uncle Ho's Benz
Mercedes Benz
Over the Rainforest
Move Over
Whole Lotta Love
Redemption Song
Sunshine of Your Love
In A Gadda Da Vida
Come Together
And they are all good.
Here's a link to a review on All About Jazz:
A jazzfan pick of the month!
Wow! Zepp tunes! I will definitely check this one out. I never knew this link existed. Got it bookmarked!
Miles Davis - Bitches Brew - 1970
Bitches Brew has always been where jazz left me. I wonder if I have caught up? I need to listen again.
The history of jazz is filled with then new developments that have left many listeners confused and even angry.
Charlie Parker and bebop revolution left many listeners of swing jazz out in the cold. As did hard bop. Now bebop and hard bop are considered old hat.
Ornette Coleman's music had an even rougher reception but listening to it today one often wonders what all the fuss was about.
And Bitches Brew was and still is a masterpiece. So I strongly suggest you give it another listen. You may be very surprised.
Joni Mitchell - Hejira - 1976
This magnificent album can't be defined within a particular genre since Joni is so multi-faceted in her impeccable talent and style, but since I'm biased to Jazz, and with Larry Carlton on guitar, Jaco Pastorius on fretless bass... it sets well here with me.
Joni is really an amazing artist. The songs, her singing, the arrangements, her guitar playing, all really great stuff. Hejira is one of my favorites as well.
Dave Grusin, Lee Ritenour - Harlequin 1985
Another vote for Joni.
Windham Hill - Guitar Sampler Vol. 1 - 1997
A great recording, as all Windham Hill records are.
New album from the GREAT Pat Metheny.
Somehow I get the feeling that you REALLY LIKE this album
Hint: it could be because of the multiple posts.
Absolutely! Pat's music never ceases to amaze me. It seems that every release is never nothing like the prior release. He has the innate ability to find the perfect combination of musicians to convey whatever musical picture he wants to paint. His canvas is broad and ever-expanding imho. the fact that he is my favorite guitarist
Here is a sample:
I almost agree except I much prefer his more "straight" jazz releases, such as the new Unity Band release, which, by the way, is very reminiscent of of the "80/81" band and recording but yet also quite different - you're right - how does he do that?
You might also want to give a listen (if you haven't already) to some of the very fine recordings Metheny has made as a sideman. Here are two well worth checking out:
Kenny Garrett - Pursuance: The Music of John Coltrane (1996)
Michael Brecker - Pilgrimage (2007)
Both of the above recordings are excellent and Metheny is one of the main reasons for their excellence.
I haven't heard of the Pursuance album, will DEFINITELY check it out. Also, it is nice to know that Pat played with the late great Michael Brecker. Most of the stuff I have heard from Pat prior to his personal success, was when he was with Joni Mitchell. I LOVE the stuff he did with Joni. Last year, I was fortunate enough to see Pat in Atlanta at the Ferst Center for the performing arts located on the campus of Georgia Tech Univ. Tremendous venue and the acoustics were immaculate.
Michael Hedges - Aerial Boundaries - 1984
I like Hedges as well.
Danny Heines - Every Island (Silverwave records) - 1988
Beautiful fingerstyle guitar.
Great artist!
The new release by guitarist Kevin Eubanks is quite good - nice, no nonsense, straight ahead modern jazz with lots of very good playing by a solid group of musicians. Recommended.
cool. wondered where this guy went. i always loved his playing on Jay Leno. it was actually the only good thing about Jay Leno.
Based on the cover photo and some of the other photos in the CD booklet I would guess that Kevin has been spending at least some of his time at the gym.
dude is buff!
Neil Young & Crazy Horse!
Kazumi Watanabe - Mobo 1 (GRAMAVISION) - 1983 w/ Marcus Miller on Bass
p.s. Listen to song 4 first and it will go right into song 5. Trust me on this.
Happy New Year! Mark.
May much new music be headed your way in 2013.
Thanks Allen. The same for You and your family as well.
Santa was nice to me this year and left this gem under my tree:
I know that this is not to everyone's taste but for those who may enjoy some challenging music this one is a winner. Nicely recorded with some really clean and very clear bass. Jason Moran's piano playing is outstanding.
Many of you may know Revis from his ongoing work as the bassist in the Branford Marsalis Quartet, just be aware that "Parallax" is just a bit more free than Branford's recordings.
super solid player, and more talented than the dextrous but heavy-handed drummer rosenwinkel played with that night.
cool to see that he's making solo records.
John Coltrane - Coltrane.