Graham Model 1.5 tonearm Specifications

Sidebar 1: Specifications

Description: 9" pivoted arm with unipivot bearing design. Cartridge compatibility: Cartridge masses from 3.5 to 20 grams. Available adjustments: micrometer adjustments for overhang, azimuth, VTA, and tracking force; up to 3.0 grams of antiskating force, in 0.5 gram increments. Arm mount: SME-type cutout, compatible with existing SME arm boards. Special features: interchangeable arm wands which facilitate cartridge mounting and changeover. Arm wiring: van den Hul silver wire with silver solder connections.
Price: $2240. Approximate number of dealers: 15.
Manufacturer: Graham Engineering, Inc., 6 Kimball Ct., Woburn, MA 01801. Tel: (617) 932-8777. Fax: (627) 932- 8782. Distributed by Musical Surroundings, Inc., 5856 College Ave., Suite 146, Oakland, CA 94618. Tel: (510) 420-0379. Fax: (510) 420-0392. Web: .