Anonymous (not verified)
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Energy Reference Connoisseur line
Jim Tavegia
Jim Tavegia's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 1 2005 - 4:27pm

I might also be looking at the B&W 303's @ about $300 and the 603 at $1K that "Phile" really liked, as well as the Triangle Heliade at about the same price point. Check Underwood HIFI for pricing and delivery. He also does Quad and Monitor Audio.

ohfourohnine's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 1 2005 - 7:41pm

The rest of your system is, you say, up to where you want it to be. Where is that? What do you want from the system - two channel sound?, home theater? Hard to deal with your question without knowing that. You're talking about two grand for a pair of speakers. You can get some pretty decent stuff for that, but where you go with your money depends on your goals. Sounds like you face the problem we all do these days - very few brick and mortar dealers. What you have in that regard amounts to someone who, for his own reasons, wants to sell you a particular speaker. Despite the apparant appeal that speaker would have to your wife's decorating aspirations (we all deal with that problem) you seem to be looking for a reason to avoid going with the Energy References. Give us some more info about what you're matching new speakers to, where you are located and what your goals are and it will be easier for us to provide some help.

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