Goodsound's picture
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The Clever Little Clocks WON an Award...When are you all going to review this product too?
Kal Rubinson
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Apparently, there's no need.


Goodsound's picture
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Apparently, there's no need.


Kal, Can you please ask John Atkinson if he would like to do a review on two of these clocks. THANK YOU

Kal Rubinson
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Apparently, there's no need.


Kal, Can you please ask John Atkinson if he would like to do a review on two of these clocks. THANK YOU

No need to do that. He reads this forum at least as often as I do.


Elk's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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The Tice clock returns...

My favorite part: "The Clever Little Clock should not be re-set or adjusted in any way. Machina Dynamica reserves the right to use more than one brand/model to produce Clever Little Clocks, so don't be alarmed if the Clock you receive is not the exact one in the photo. All versions of the Clever Little Clock are sonically equivalent."

If you seriously are interested, why not just buy one and try it out? They offer a money back guarantee.

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Kal, Can you please ask John Atkinson if he would like to do a review on two of these clocks. THANK YOU

No need to do that. He reads this forum at least as often as I do.

Life is too short. See

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

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Kal, Can you please ask John Atkinson if he would like to do a review on two of these clocks. THANK YOU

No need to do that. He reads this forum at least as often as I do.

Life is too short. See

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

John, I have two of these clocks and I think they are a major breakthough! Can you please do a review on two of these clocks, more people should know how good this product really is. THANK YOU

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Wow, JFK has a 100% Clever Clock posting pattern.

He makes DUP's four-subject array look voluminous by comparison.


As an experiment, a Hi Fi friend of mine carried one in his pocket while touring CES and the T.H.E. Show and not one listener in any room commented on any differences when the clock entered the room.

Then he tried it with two clocks - no change.

I know people don't like to think it, but the placebo effect in Hi Fi is maybe the biggest of any group of humans. Well, except, perhaps, religion, but I don't wanna go down that path.

JFK, welcome. Tell us about the rest of your gear and other tweaks you've found effective or not!

Goodsound's picture
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Here's a Professional Review on the clever little clocks!.....

Goodsound's picture
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Wow, JFK has a 100% Clever Clock posting pattern.

He makes DUP's four-subject array look voluminous by comparison.


As an experiment, a Hi Fi friend of mine carried one in his pocket while touring CES and the T.H.E. Show and not one listener in any room commented on any differences when the clock entered the room.

Then he tried it with two clocks - no change.

I know people don't like to think it, but the placebo effect in Hi Fi is maybe the biggest of any group of humans. Well, except, perhaps, religion, but I don't wanna go down that path.

JFK, welcome. Tell us about the rest of your gear and other tweaks you've found effective or not!

With all fun aside...that funny professional review here...people everywhere just love to make fun of these clever little clocks and most of them have never even try them! Stop the madness!......

Scooter123's picture
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Oh please, a glass of a good red wine will undoubtably have a very similar effect and it also has other distinct advantages. As in reducing the effect of heart disease caused by arterial inflammation and aiding in the bodies resistance to several different cancers. Something which has been proven with hard science that has been widely peer reviewed and backed up by duplicate studies. The simple truth is that a glass of red wine will help you relax and it's also good for you.

Now, think about that 200 dollar travel clock. The promotional material states specifically that it won't do anything to the sound itself, it will only assist you in enjoying the sound that your audio system produces. Basically, It will let you see what time it is and and help you relax, provided you believe this stuff. As for those "professional" reviews, think about this. The web page that you originally linked to contained nothing but rave reviews about the Cary Audio products and those reviews were done with no mention of this clock. While I was there, I hit the link for hte review of this clock and guess what, it made a horrible sounding system suddenly sound magical. So, how come all of the sudden this great sounding gear suddenly sounded so bad that the music was unlistenable? Frankly, if the reviewer had stated that this clock made a good sounding system sound better it would have been more believable. Since that is specifically NOT what was stated, I can only conclude that the reviewer wrote his review the way that he did because that is what he was payed to do.

Elk's picture
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...I can only conclude that the reviewer wrote his review the way that he did because that is what he was payed to do.

Or heard what he wanted to hear.

Buddha's picture
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...I can only conclude that the reviewer wrote his review the way that he did because that is what he was payed to do.

Or heard what he wanted to hear.

All lies and jest.
Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

Monty's picture
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I gotta be honest, if I were a reviewer and wanted to commit professional suicide, I can't think of a better way than to review one of those clocks and state publicly that they worked in the manner that the mom and pop review team did.

I can just picture this conversation:

JA: Hey Wes...
WP: No! No way, no how!
JA: Oh, come on Wes...
WP: John, not in a million years. End of story.
JA: I sure do miss J10...

chadnliz's picture
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Maybe I will get one so I can see in real time how this hobby can rip you off.

Elk's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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Maybe I will get one so I can see in real time how this hobby can rip you off.

Great idea, but doesn't the magic leak out if you look at the clock to see what time it is?

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