
As discussed in an earlier blog posting by Art Dudley, one of the innovations of SSI 2013 was the Personal Audio Zone, staffed by SSI, where show attendees could listen to 150 different pairs of headphones, and was hoped to attract younger listeners to the show. I made two visits to the Personal Audio Zone: on the first visit, the place was nearly empty, so I recruited SSI staff member Catherine P. Lauzon to act as model for a photo. I returned on Saturday (see below), and this time the place was much busier, and there was at least some indication of the event appealing to a younger demographic.

dalethorn's picture

Checking the second photo, they might seem young compared to Mr. Dudley, but they look pretty old to me.

Robert Deutsch's picture

I don't know about Mr. Dudley, but I said there was "some indication" of the younger demographic being represented--and you had to look for it.  

Stephen Mejias's picture

As usual, you display an artist's eye, Bob: Lovely photographs of lovely people.