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January 18, 2007 - 1:30am
Cables for Sonus Faber Guaneri Memento
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Loudspeakers Amplification Digital Sources | Analog Sources Accessories Featured | Music Columns Retired Columns | Show Reports | Features Latest News Community | Resources Subscriptions | 100 ft of 12ga or 10 ga...
You could try these - at least they are from the same designer as the Guarneris:
Anti Cables by Paul Speltz.......10.00 per foot pair.
Sold my 3,000.00 cables when I got the Anti's .
Compared to the best Nordhost....liked the Anti's better into my watt/Puppies.
Try these on free trial 1st and save yourself BIG bucks.
There is a brand i found and purchase some cables from although not as cheap as the anti-cables but still in the less-than-$200 category.It is called MAC which stands for MyAudioCables. Check their web adress at
If you eventually decide on them,go for the plain "sound pipes" the copper ones not the silvers.Smooth,warm yet dynamic.
Hello andrewtan!
After connecting the Memento's with identical Kimber Cu & Ag Select Cables, I suggest to look for silver cables in the first round. Of course it depends on the amplification, but the KS-3038 really did open up the soundstage compared to the KS-3033 with a pair of Accuphase A-50V:s in bridged mode.
andrewtan, what's your impression of the traditional Guarneri Homage...?
Thank you Timbre for your suggestions! I have been test driving some Crystal Micro and Siltech 110s and much prefer the Crystal cables. The Siltech are a little too 'thick' at the low end and sound a little harsh at the upper end. The added advantage with the crystal cables is the fact they are nigh on invisible! My Guaneris only arrived on Saturday so they have not had time to settle down and my Mac gear is by no means run-in yet either. Only time will tell. Meanwhile I am using 10$ chicken wire (or freebie type interconnects)to connect all my gear, not to mention the power cord from my rice-cooker to power the amps! I certainly got some strong comments from the Guaneri dealer when he cam to set them up!
I never got to hear the Homage but almost bought the original Guaneris in 1993 but had no budget for that at the time! If the originals were anything to go by I am sure the Homage were the dog's bollocks as well...
I am considering the Guarneri Mementos to partner my McIntosh MVP 691 and 6900. Question: did your speakers work well with your McIntosh equipment? What cables did you finally settle for?