Are you still interested in CD players?

Discs may be getting passé, but the technology keeps maturing and most music is still released on CD. Besides, deals on used discs also abound. Are you still interested in CD players?

Are you still interested in CD players?
Yes I plan to keep buying them
48% (240 votes)
Yes, I will buy one last player
12% (60 votes)
Maybe, I'm not sure yet
10% (51 votes)
No, unless my current player dies prematurely
15% (73 votes)
No, I'll never buy another disc player
15% (75 votes)
Total votes: 499

Sebas's picture

There's just this thing about owning a physical disc compared to a digital copy. Call it old fashioned, but that's the way I like it.

Jim G.'s picture

My entire music collection that I listen to is CD. I have about 1000 CDs. I will want to be able to listen to them for at least 20 more years. By then ,life expectancy should catch up with me!

Dave's picture

I spent over $10,000 on a CD/SACD player last year. I also have three, lesser priced, back-up universal players around the house.

Paul Rogers Page's picture

Wish SACD wouldn't die out, as seems inevitable. At least I can still get a fair selection of classical, but not rock and jazz. I do like the quality of most remastered CDs and of course vinyl, but until people start liking their music in high-definition like their video, we're not going to make much headway.

Noah Bickart's picture

All I need is a way to rip the data to my hard drive. Although everything I buy (almost) is downloaded.

TOGA's picture

I'm not good at computer things like ripping CD into HDD or something.

bob Citkowski's picture

Unless I find that I cannot suck the music into my computer to put on my iPod and have to buy a disc rw, but that probably doesn't count....

Mike Lepp's picture

Depends upon available resolution. I tend to think that high-resolution files will be a "niche" and can only be supported as an internet download. But we need a better server—DAC for 24-bit/192khz files.

Dan Cremeans's picture

Why? Computer audio is good enough for me. I compared my "computer to a DAC" against my Ayre CD Player and I could detect nil difference. I immediately sold the CD player & have been happy every since.'s picture

I have one that is very good for me yet.

David L.  Wyatt jr.'s picture

They're established, there's a lot of software, and I doubt they're going away anytime soon.

Woody Battle's picture

I have about 3000 CDs. It would take me 20 years or more to replace them. I will always need a good CD player.

j.e.n.'s picture

My present CD source is a Reimyo DAP-777 proccessor and a Reimyo CDT-777 transport. I don't anticipate ever replacing them with something supposedly better!

Bill's picture

I just bought a new high-end CD player.

FS's picture

I will continue to purchase CDs until online music stores allow end users to re-download their previously purchased music at no charge should the end user lose their downloaded copy. Of course, it would also have to be lossless.

soren's picture

The problem with CD playback is not the player, but the way CDs are compressed, killing the music. Fortunately there is still good music and good sound to be found on small labels. Many Chinese CDs are absolutely fantastic, although the music may not be for everyone.

Dimitris Gogas's picture

I'm just about to upgrade (again) my CD player. I don't think it's going to be the last time. By the way, I'm looking for a new cartridge also. How old fashioned I am!

Wes Katzir's picture

I am much, much more interested in D/A converters. With downloadable / streaming music readily available and in increasingly higher definition, CD players and physical media will soon be a thing of the past. D/A converters geared towards being the bridge between your stored or accessible library and your amplification section will become one of the most crucial pieces in a digitally based audiophile system. I am sad to say, but the time of the CD player has already passed.

Rasmus Horn's picture

One day we will look back at the great collection of CD-covers and be nostalgic like we are today when thinking of the long gone vinyl collection. I have learned from that—and I won't get rid of my CD-collection.

jmsent's picture

Music servers are where it's at. Your computer can import a disc with perfect accuracy, and a Transporter or other high quality networked DAC will play them as well as any separate CD player. Add the convenience of having all your music right there, and its a no brainer. CD players are dead. My Theta CD transport will probably last forever, given how little use it now gets.

tom collins's picture

If the economy improves, i will probably upgrade. My current unit is about four years old, so i have a long way that I can upgrade. I could get a very noticable improvement with the state of the technology today.

I saw the future's picture

CDs no. BDs, absolutely. Not only do uncompressed CD's take up infinitely less space (than BDs), many (myself included) simply can no longer live without an "iTunes" type interface to interact with their music library. Blu-Rays on the other hand are massive files (even if you just want to rip the movie (no extras) there's a good chance it'll be 25GB) and it's simply not yet practical (financially or logistically) to rip and store a large movie library...not to mention back it up (just 200 BDs uncompressed would require 10+TB with back-up). And, of course, the quick, juke-box like feature is less essential when we're talking about 2-3 hour films. That's why I think there is definitiely still a market for a massive BD changer that includes internet connectivity and a slick GUI. anybody listening? Rant over.

Bill's picture

A well-mastered CD sounds pretty good in my system. Other formats suffer from restricted selection, inconsistent audio quality despite higher resolutions, and in the case of 5.1 reissues of older titles, sometimes bizarre remixes. Plus, CDs often come with interesting and informative notation. I tried downloads but I find them bothersome and of limited interest. So CDs are here to stay for a good while longer, in my opinion. However, I don't understand why there aren't simple two-channel 24/96 releases which could be played on any DVD player.

Nodaker's picture

I'm happy with my Bel Canto CD1 and unless it goes haywire I probably won't purchase another CD player, although a new DAC for playback off computer is in the near future. Can't wait!

richard's picture

I just got a new one, so it should be a while before I need one. I suspect that classical music lovers will continue to collect CDs.

pkf2's picture

Just a few months ago I purchased a $5000 player. Sounds great

Pawel Woo's picture

With an SACD option.

Mario's picture

I will never buy a new basic Red Book CD player. The minimum would be SACD.

Carbonman's picture

It's the easy way for me to decide what music I want to listen to—open a drawer, peruse the CD cases, read a few song lists and make my choices. I know you can do similar searches with a music server, but it's more expensive, the equipment is more complicated, and the experience is not as tactile.

Mike Eschman's picture

I don't want to move forward with the digital age.
