And That Was the End of the 2013 CES

And then there were five. At the end of the show on Friday evening, the remaining members of the Stereophile crew met for dinner at the same BLT Burger restaurant at the Mirage where they had eaten the night before the Show opened. Larry Greenhill, Michael Fremer, Kal Rubinson, Jon Iverson, Tyll Hertsens, and Jason Victor Serinus had already departed, so remaining were (left to right) myself, John Atkinson, Michael Lavorgna (, Stephen Mejias, and Tom Norton (Home Theater, erstwhile Technical Editor for Stereophile). We don’t even look too tired!

Stephen Mejias's picture

A little older, a little grayer, a little darker round the eyes and wider round the belly. Speaking only of myself, of course.

volvic's picture

Good coverage again this year for those of us who couldn't go.  
