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You probably didn't get the memo but they found out a few years ago that there will be no Big Crunch, that the universe will simply keep expanding - and that the expansion is actually accelerating!
But let's hope for the best anyway, that we don't blow ourselves up.
Your interest seems to concentrate on the microphone part of the system. Peter's interest was at the other end of the system - the loudspeaker and headphone end !! I.e Moving Coil, Orthodynamic and Electrostatic loudspeakers and headphones !!! That does not mean that he did not fully understand electronics (we eventually designed and made our own amplifier to actively drive the speakers) but more that he concentrated on the loudspeaker and headphone end of the audio system.
So, when I tell you that you can improve your sound by attaching a beneficial message to your loudspeakers (naming the brand name) and that would apply also to any loudspeakers WE had made in the past, you will understand when I have described Peter as 'being devastated' when he discovered this technique !! AND other techniques such as 'treating' headphones and improving the sound - even headphones WE had made !!!
I don't make that statement lightly !!!
The techniques are not altering the audio signal, they are altering the way we (human beings) are resolving that (musical) information which has already been presented into the room !! In other words, there is already a wealth of information, presented into the listening room, which we (human beings) are not resolving correctly.
The technique of writing beneficial messages, using such as the standard plain white address labels and a fine tip, permanent ink, Red pen is FREE - given for anyone to try as many as they want for themselves, as many times as they choose !! For the ones who 'hear' improvements in their sound from trying this technique will, I am sure, find it as fascinating ??, as 'mind blowing' ??, as 'intriguing' ??, as 'challenging' ?? as we (and others) have done.
May Belt,
P.W.B. Electronics.
Certainly no harm in trying.
I have been thinking microphones as I have been doing a lot of location recording lately. No matter what one does, the recording is a shadow of the actual event, Plato's allegory of the cave.
I recently put a 17" x 22" x 1" slab of granite, on blue sticky stuff, under my VPI Scout. I did not expect to hear such a significant difference: wider soundstage, smoother lows and clearer sibilants.
Vibration control can make an amazing difference.
I was astounded when I tried a borrowed a decent Target stereo rack years ago. Instant large improvement.
How would you aim your thinking at how your lsitening chair is 'connected' to the floor or how it interacts with the room or your body?
Sound reflection aside. I was thinking about your vibration control comment. Any role for thinking about that in terms of your chair?
I can't really think of anybody marketing audiophile listening chairs - with proper coupling to the floor, and various height adjustments based on your speakers, etc!
Maybe we should get rich!
A Target rack, yeah, there's something we can all hang our hats on.
Do you employ any vibration control device now or did you learn to live without it?
Well, Target WAS one of the originators when it comes to decent racks.
And if one knows how to isolate the gear on the given shelf then the solid support of the target rack itself should not be tossed for some very interesting looking racks that may be out there. So one has a solid stand to start from and then learn how to vibrationally isolate the gear on the given shelves.
One plug, one time:
We've been TRYING to sell this very interesting set of small pads that is not just some sort of 'cheap foam' (this stuff is expensive, it's 100,000 sq ft minimums at about, now..about $20 a sq foot.) It is a 'first cycle absorber', and it damps the gear on it (pulls energy from it) and isolates the gear from further damage and works as a fundamental 2Hz damped spring, if properly set up and loaded. We've used them to isolate gear that would normally require a full blown isolation box and safe table. Ie, HIGHLY effective in the correct way.
As someone who has slowly become a very decently knowledgeable person on the issues of human hearing, and how damaging vibration in electrical circuits is essentially a motor that creates in-harmonic noise or injection of unwanted signal, I can tell you it works quite effectively.
BUT....people don't recognize it. Many and heck, most people don't listen into the noise floor, they try to find detail off the peak transients in any situation that has much noise, like your average untreated gear. This is the natural stance and way the ear brain works and turning that around in one's finding tails and plosives as the missing detail (the truth part) by getting a better noise floor is rather difficult.
Cables have noise. Depending on what cable of ours one has, it will pass clean square waves up into the 100's and more MHz. This eliminates noise in harmonic structure and/or tails and 'plosives. Ie, it dramatically lowers the noise floor. And due to this lack of noise, the cable can sound darker, as there is no false emphasis through the temporal addition of noise! Which everyone who's used any cable before is so used to, it's become part of the audiophile lexicon, the very ground and knowledge they are built on. Too bad it is wrong and backward. Sigh. But some people 'get it', thankfully.
This is how we end up with some people in pro and similar industries stating that their very noisy and noise reproducing pro gear, at high levels, is somehow, 'revealing'. The real detail is obscured and they are fictionalizing (in the mind-ear interface) the detail into existence, which is actually part of the ear's design to do that exact thing. (it's a speech recognition or 'word set pre-loading' issue where the design is to have all the specific components to be recognized by the ear-brain as a set, waiting to be used as the note shape starts, to speed up recognition in the mind***) The totally incorrect in-harmonic and harmonic noise structure added to transients and peaks can be and is 'found' to equal 'newly found detail in the recording'. This is actually quite common to tube amps. They can and do bring more clean actual detail on the tail of the given note and bring out 'plosives but they also sin via additive harmonic noise, which can be and is sometimes mistaken as newly found detail. One has to be very careful.
So we've given about 200 sets of these things to the audio press and even they don't get it!.
People are so used to attempting to get their increased detail in a totally bass-ackwards way that they can't see their way to doing it correctly.
Mot importantly, adding mass in the way of a big rubbery blob of mud of some sort works for A and C weighting measurement but that has absolutely DICK to do with making for a real increase in the quality of the noise floor with regard to how the ear works. You'll experience a difference, but it is a totally incorrect one. To state it clearly, very, very, very few companies or people 'do it right'.
Some of us get it, but that is a very small subset of audiophiles.
One question we might get, is if we only hear to 20khz, why do we need clean response and shaping of square waves well into the MHz? Well, we can and do also understand the temporal spacing and placing of harmonics. And when a system cannot reproduce harmonic structures cleanly, in time and over time, the mix of those harmonics is smeared and we get totally different kind of physical recognition of the constitution of the harmonic and thus a totally different understanding of the wave shape and frequency. this point is well known in the world of acoustics where the first reflection can and does change the mind and brain's understanding of the overall sonic frequency 'tilt' of the presentation. And that is in the Millisecond range, but the ear works and mixing those micro structures in the notes heard as well, so MHz issues can and do arise. this also explains why we can hear the effect of badly applied negative feedback and a multitude of other things, like the smearing signature of capacitors of differing designs.
*** This point is interesting. For example, one can be hypnotized and consciously, as a grown individual, remember and recall what it is like to be a 6 month old child and have only rudimentary visual skills as one learns how to recognize and understand objects and begin filling the pre-load characteristic of visual and aural experience. to build the library, so to speak.
Here, we come/move to the adult phase and the divide begins.
The divide between the mental states of openness vs the closed mind. The closed mind uses the pre-load of images to drive their existence into things that exist only and nothing else. Modifications to that set can be limited and as they reach old age these people are known as the 'nasty old narrow minded fuckers', or whatever rude name one might correctly apply.
In some people, they never stop adding to or modifying their pre-load recognition set in their visual, intellectual and aural library. Thus they learn even in old age and continue to see man and the world, anew. Just like a child, which is where that axiom about not growing old has to do with being like a child, always. These people are open, truly accepting of differences, look to the new and can understand that they may not know everything but they insist on learning all the time, even if it is painful.
In audiophiles, this is the group who has the capacity to turn their hearing around and start shutting that auto-pre-load design off..and start listening to things, seeing things, and knowing things as they really are, instead of letting the ego dictate (combined with the rest of the mind's structure and design), in it's emotional way -- what the world is.
And that's a big-ass difference.
Which would you rather be?
Couldn't agree with you more, Ken. Good post
Height adjustment would actually be nice - both for comfort and listening.
There is a difference if you have leather or another hard surface v. something soft and sound absorbent. It's a small difference but noticeable.
As Ken points out Target made some of the original audiophile racks and speaker stands. They are still around (at least until recently).
I am currently using a Poly Crystal stand. Works great, nice looking. There are others that I would like, even just on appearance, but I can't justify the cost (e.g., Grand Prix).
Well, you can only hope that Geoff approves.
As to KBK's vibration absorber...
We got to play with them recently and I admit to not having enough time to comment fully, but will be continuing to play. We used them under a digital disc player on a rigid rack system.
I will add a description later, but it could one of those tweaks that many of us could get together and audition and compare notes!
I'll try organize a good description later.
If you have spiked preamps of CD players(in the 20 or less pound range), you can do things like drop the center of the tiptoe or cone into the center of the foam and it will self adjust the load and and control motion in the XYZ axis and still absorb noise. That particular application will actually act like a 2hz damped spring. It's kinda neat to see what happens when you give the gear a gentle push. Using them flat helps absorb more noise out of the gear itself, but gives less of the damped spring effect, with regards to dealing with shelf borne noise.
2 Hz is pretty cool. 0.3 Hz is cooler. Placing a quarter on the top surface of this device forces the entire structure to undulate and sway in all 6 (count 'em!) directions like a big bowla jelly.
This reminds me of Aurios Isolation Bearings. These are one of the few vibration control tweaks (other than a good stand) that I have found really make a difference. A pain to set up, but great.
I gotta spell check and drink less coffee.
that reminds me of that greek audiophile's stand.. check it out.
very weird.
i havent found vibration control to make one iota of a difference, well, other than in turntable land (and CD transport)
Speaking of vibration control, pls see my new tweaks:
>>> "I think the problem with most Sheldrakers is not that they ask questions, but alight so quickly and easily at the first 'answer' someone pops up with.
Sheldrakers tend to hit the brakes the minute they come up with whatever morphic resonance answer of the day and cease thinking from that point forward.
Watch out for them, May, they are an intellectually lazy and shiftless crowd" <<<
WOW !!!
You have one of the most "limited, restricted" attitudes to Rupert Sheldrake's concept of "morphic resonance" I have come across.
If you REALLY think that (as you seem to be inferring) Peter and I seem to get an answer quickly and easily from 'whoever comes along' and cease thinking from that point forward, you could not be more wrong. But, if it makes you feel "warm and cosy and satisfied", thinking you are amongst the thinkers, then whatever makes you happy ..............
As you would know if you had taken the trouble to try to understand Sheldrake's concept, he is OBVIOUSLY NOT claiming - what you imply from :-
"(Did the Plague travel from the continent to England via rats on ships, or did morphic resonance create the same plague de novo across the Channel?)."
Sheldrake would no doubt be able to defend himself quite adequately - far better than I can.
Sheldrake is a scientist, a biologist. As such he should be given the respect that OBVIOUSLY, as a scientist, he would NOT believe (or suggest) that the plague which swept Europe and England was spread by "morphic resonance" and not by being carried by rats !!!! What Sheldrake has been trying to do is to attempt to find some explanation for "anomalies" - or don't you think there ARE any anomalies to explain, Buddha ? Do YOU think that everything can be understand - even anomalies - from within existing knowledge ?
Not only are you doing a disservice to Sheldrake but you are also doing a disservice (by disrespect) by thinking you can 'talk down' such a subject, in such a manner. Intelligent people CAN 'handle' a concept quite well, and discuss the pros and cons, they don't need 'talking down' to, nor having it misrepresented to them !!
>>> "If people around the world started using medication X upon its release date, then it would come as no surprise that multiple areas would exhibit the emergence of similar resistances at similar times." <<<
I was not referring to viruses which have had multiple exposure, in multiple areas, to medication X, repeatedly over a long time - again my thinking on the subject is being misrepresented !! I was referring to SOME scientists, working in isolated laboratories with isolated viruses, testing the effect on the viruses of different drugs, asking the worrying questions "Do identical viruses know the existence of each other ? Can identical viruses communicate with each other ?"
NO serious scientist 'lightly' asks those questions !!!!!
As scientists are aware of the general knowledge in their area of expertise, and would KNOW of multiple exposure of viruses to certain drugs could, eventually, lead to those viruses 'working out' a survival strategy, i.e a resistance, they would not be asking the questions "Do identical viruses know the existence of each other ? Can identical viruses communicate with each other ?" WITHOUT they were experiencing ANOMALIES which they could not explain without considering those questions !!!!!!
Two 'anomalies' comes to mind, something which is puzzling SOME immunologists !!!
>>> "European report: Norway most affected
The resistant virus has a mutation called H274Y, which confers approximately a 400-fold reduction in susceptibility to oseltamivir,
From the tests so far, resistance is most common in Norway, where 26 of 37 H1N1 isolates (72%) were resistant,
None of the patients in Norway were reported either to have taken oseltamivir beforehand or have been exposed to people who had taken oseltamivir.
The resistant viruses have come from both adults and children, and there is no indication that any of the patients had been treated with oseltamivir or been in contact with others so treated, the report says. "<<<
So, anomaly No.1 :-
Norway had the highest incidence of H1N1 resistance - even though Norway (as a country) did not prescribe Tamiflu and NONE of the patients were reported to have taken oseltamivir!!
Anomaly No.2 :-
On the other hand, in Japan, where the antiviral drug is used much more, NO resistant viruses have been reported !!!!
To quote :-
>>> "In Japan, where the antiviral is used much more than in most other countries, no resistant viruses have been reported." <<<
>>> "WHO report: Increased resistance unexpected.
The WHO, in a statement, said the increased drug resistance is unexpected and so far unexplained, especially since few of the patients are known to have taken oseltamivir. "Influenza viruses are continuously changing, and it is possible that a resistant strain has emerged spontaneously," said the statement, released in a question-and-answer format." <<<
Note the words "unexpected" and "unexplained" and "spontaneously" - from scientists !!!!!
To quote :-
>>> "While noting that the resistance problem is not limited to Europe, the WHO said NO, (repeat NO - May) H1N1 isolates from Japan, where oseltamivir is used far more commonly than in most other countries, have shown the resistance mutation so far this season." <<<
With 'anomaly No 1', logic would say that the incidence of the virus acquiring resistance would be very low (because the patients had NOT been taking the anti-virus drug so exposing the virus repeatedly to that particular drug) but it was the opposite situation !!!
With 'anomaly No. 2, logic would say that the incidence of the virus acquiring resistance would be high (because the patients HAD been taking the anti-virus drug) but it was the opposite situation. !!!
You say that "2) No, immunologists are not on the Sheldrake Train."
Are you REALLY telling people that there are NO immunologists, faced with the observation that some viruses are becoming resistant to some drugs with a speed far FASTER than they would have expected from even being exposed to certain drugs over a long period, that they are NOT thinking along the lines of - "Wait a minute. Could the speed at which some viruses are becoming resistant be because those viruses 'know the existence of each other and can communicate with each other'?" The immunologists may not be referring to that concept as "morphic resonance" (a la Sheldrake), they may be referring to it as possible "communication fields" but some of them are still thinking (shock horror as far as you are concerned) along those lines !!
I understand it as follows :-
Not that as soon as one virus 'learns' how to resist a particular drug, therefore ALL identical viruses AUTOMATICALLY 'know' and 'do' !!!! But, that, when one virus (or a few viruses) 'learn' that resistance knowledge, then that 'knowledge' is 'available' (via a communication field) to other identical viruses who may, or may not 'tap into' that knowledge !! In other words, it is there, available, as 'knowledge', within a 'communication field', whether the viruses 'tap into it' or not !!. Some viruses may, some viruses may not.
Sheldrake is not saying it WILL happen, he is suggesting that 'morphic resonance' (communication fields) - whatever term people want to use - could be a relevant explanation and certainly one to consider.
Your Blanket condemnation of Sheldrake also implies somewhat of a blanket dismissal of the other scientists who are 'thinking the effect of fields'.
The more I read your mockery and misrepresentation of Sheldrake's concept, the more dismayed I am. As I have said, intelligent people CAN handle someone's concept !!
I will just give some quotes from a conversation between Sheldrake and the late David Bohm (an eminent quantum physicist).
>>> "Sheldrake. "So this re-injection into the whole from the past would mean there is a causal relationship between what happens in one moment and what subsequently happens ?"
Bohm. "Yes, that is the causal relation. When abstracted from the implicate order, there seems to be at least a tendency, not necessarily an exact causal relationship, for a certain content in the past to be followed by a related content in the future."
Sheldrake. "Yes, so if something happens in one place at one time what happens is then re-injected into the whole".
Bohm. "But it has been somewhat changed; it is not re-injected exactly, because it was previously projected".
Sheldrake. " Yes, it is somewhat changed, but it is fed back into the whole. That can have an influence which, since it is mediated by the whole, can be felt somewhere else. It doesn't have to be local."
Bohm. "Right, it could be anywhere. Now if we were to use the analogy of the radio wave receiver. As you say, we can regard the radio wave as a morphogenic field...........
So there would be a wholeness about the system such that the formative field could not be attributed to that particle alone; it can be attributed only to the whole, and something happening to faraway particles can affect the formative field of other particles. There could thus be a non-local transformation of the formative field of a certain group to another group. So I think that if you attempt to understand what quantum mechanics means by such a model, you get quite a strong analogy to a formative field." <<<
Would you prefer the Bohm's words "a formative field" Buddha, to Sheldrake's "morphic resonance energy patterns "???????????
KBK touched on something along these lines some time back.
To quote KBK.:-
>>> "DNA has been found to have a bizarre ability to put itself together, even at a distance, when according to known science it shouldn't be able to. Explanation: None, at least not yet.
Scientists are reporting evidence that contrary to our current beliefs about what is possible, intact double-stranded DNA has the "amazing" ability to recognize similarities in other DNA strands from a distance. Somehow they are able to identify one another, and the tiny bits of genetic material tend to congregate with similar DNA. The recognition of similar sequences in DNA's chemical subunits, occurs in a way unrecognized by science. There is no known reason why the DNA is able to combine the way it does, and from a current theoretical standpoint this feat should be chemically impossible.
Even so, the research published in ACS' Journal of Physical Chemistry B, shows very clearly that homology recognition between sequences of several hundred nucleotides occurs without physical contact or presence of proteins. Double helixes of DNA can recognize matching molecules from a distance and then gather together, all seemingly without help from any other molecules or chemical signals." <<<
I don't regard scientists as "minor gods" nor do I hang on to their every word. But I do have respect for them if they are prepared to, publicly, show a non blinkered 'prepared to think out of the box' attitude. Ditto, audio journalists !! I repeat - respect - not absolute 'gaga gaga' acceptance of everything they do or everything they say !!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't want to consider Sheldrake's concept, then don't. No one is forcing you to. But someone asked me why or how WE got to 'using specific words' as a technique, and I have answered them.
As I have replied previously. Communication is millions of years old. Words are just the latest, more sophisticated version of millions and millions of years of communication. A communication form of "Danger, run like hell" has existed for millions of years, so too has "It's OK, you can relax, the danger has gone away."
May Belt,
P.W.B. Electronics.
I just tried a anti-static wipe on one of my own cables and the body of the mid-range and the depth of field and subtlety of imaging ... all improved in a noticeable way.
Dammit! those cables are supposed to be perfect! Like me! But alas, nothing is perfect in spinny-spinny land.
Caveat: It is dry here, the humidity here is about 25% in house, right now, so we get electrostatic build up, and the anti-static wipes are like an ionic emitter.
Next stop: The Demagnetization Zone.
Why do you suppose eliminating static on the cables has any effect? After all, the signal doesn't run on the outer portion of the jacket?
He got the cause/effect backward.
It was his handling the wipes that made the difference.
Perhaps he tweaked himself, not the cable!
Au contraire, my tweaky friend. This is precisely where those little quantum pushes are taking place, in a magnetic field outside, but very close to the wire.
Electricity is weird, magical stuff.
Uh, you forgot the smiley face.
Johnny Carson. My hero.
Me Too.
I have a separated Rib, A damaged collarbone anchor/cartilage, a torn rotator cuff and a damaged wrist, all from trying to get home on time to catch Johnny.
I hit the back of car a while riding a bike at full tilt. Went right over the car. Whacked my head again, too IIRC. But not too bad, as that's why I have the other damage, I protected my head.
I dragged my twisted bike home the last two blocks, made a sling out of a pillowcase, and then sat down and watched Johnny anyway. No Hospitals! No Doctors! ('The Baron Munchhausen')
Nope. No smiley intended nor needed. This is actually how electricity "flows."
BTW, I don't get the Johnny Carson reference having watched very little of him. He made comments about electricity?
>>> "I just tried a anti-static wipe on one of my own cables and the body of the mid-range and the depth of field and subtlety of imaging ... all improved in a noticeable way.
Dammit! those cables are supposed to be perfect! Like me! But alas, nothing is perfect in spinny-spinny land." <<<
Kudos for your interest in experimenting !!
KBK. Could I ask you to keep the experimentation momentum going ? That is if you really would like to hear just what wealth of information your cables are actually producing !! You see, KBK, your cables are already presenting a wealth of information into the room, all you have to do is to be able to resolve more and more of that wealth of information correctly !! If you continue, you are going to enter what Michio Kaku (the well known scientist) likes to call 'another whole new world'. He uses the hypothetical example of people going from the Flat Land (the two dimensional world) to the Land of Three Dimensions and seeing all the wonders of that Three Dimensional World.
Could I ask you to now try the experiments of writing beneficial messages (described a few posts back) with a Red pen and attaching those messages to items of equipment ?
Using a fine tip, Permanent ink Red pen - an extremely good one is the Staedtler Lumocolor Fine Tip. You can write the messages directly onto pieces of equipment but doing it that way means that you can't do before, after and back to before listening experiments. The best method to use for experimentation purposes is to write the message on the small plain white address labels. You can attach the completed labels only very lightly onto pieces of equipment, listen for a period of time to get used to that sound, then remove the labels and listen again - and see if you can listen to the same music with the same pleasure !!
May Belt,
P.W.B. Electronics.
I knew it would do that May, It's just been awhile since I tried anti-static wipes. I did it for the benefit of the forum, and the people here. I know the exact mechanism by which it works, and it's pretty clear cut science. I know how Franck Tchang's bells work and how Ted Denney's bowls work. However, the information is valuable in this particular business -and outside of it- so I don't speak on it and it is also valuable to the two respective manufacturers, so I don't venture into explanation for that reason, as well. I'm also an Astrologer,and I investigated it for 5 years straight to find the underlying mechanism, ie, Kozyrev's superluminal wave is tied to it. I'm not as capable as Ingo, but capable enough. Which means I'm fully aware of what you speak of and on. I spend most of my time trying to pick people up by the scruff of the neck and help them move forward, and, of course - each case and situation is different, and always changing, so tactics must always be altered.
As an example, my current signature, is all about a situation in the river world series of novels, by Farmer.
In this particular situation, the main protagonist, Sir Richard Burton, has killed himself approximately..uh..724 times, IIRC. He's trying to get close to the headwaters of the river on the Riverworld (he is reborn in different places each time he dies), as he knows the control center for the inhabitants and the Riverworld itself is there. But, to get into it, one must be a 'perfected' being. Ie, no negative emotions left to color the psyche and activate the ego. None but the pure shall pass, kinda thing. The old Buddhist mantra of purification through multiple lives and the learning accumulated through them all.
Near the end of this run of constant suicide and rebirth, and between one of the rebirths, he ends up finding himself as being aware of being tied to a chair or similar, ie bound and cannot move. He cannot see as if there is some mist in his mind or eyes. He hears a voice, and it says to him (due to all of his constant rebirths), as he is abusing the mechanism that was built to help 'humans' learn through the use of these physical avatars, "Not so owe..for the flesh."
Like all good science fiction writers, the given writer, Philip Jose Farmer, is knowledgeable of the truth of what man is and tries to infect the ego driven man with the understanding of such. By writing the truth into a parable.
I have now read all of them, and found many good tweaks there. Thx for pointing it out.
It will certainly seem like weird, magical stuff if a static electric charge is confused with a magnetic field.
Jeez, Freako, you made quick work of that. I've been reading those columns for ten years. Do you have a favorite of J-10's tweaks?
You're very welcome. Glad you enjoyed them. Kudos to Stereophile for keeping them online.
No, but I have described on this forum every tweak I have done. Those are my favourites.
I don't think anyone has this confused. Do you?
You were the one who stated:
There was no smiley face accompanying your statement but it's possible you were pimping me...
My statement is correct. This is how electricity works.
This does not confuse a static and magnetic field. Two different animals.
However, unrelated electrical fields outside of a cable can have audible effects. This is why we separate AC lines from signal carrying interconnects (or at least cross them only at 90 degrees.)
I have always used the 'rats nest' approach to signal bearing clarity. I'm not anal enough to arrange my wires.
Taras, on the other hand, supports them with all kids of stuff and arranges them 'just so'. I look at that and and I nearly have to bolt outside to barf, my countrified form of sympathy toward sanity and reason.
My line in the sand: "thou shall not arrange wires with overt anality. Amen."
Ok, Ok.. a little less bad humour and a bit more honesty. I'm always taking and changing and modifying or making new gear, and I have to test and make cables so often that I'd never manage to get close to that, not in this lifetime. Not even for 3-4 days. Not a chance.
Such a pity. Arranging cables makes for quite a big improvement in clarity
When one builds the gear and builds the cable there are far larger improvements to be found there, which is why arranging them is less of a priority than it is with most people.
this is why one will find that the DIY people frown down on and ridicule those who arrange cables and such.
The two groups really are in two completely different camps but many people do not realize this basic point.
You may be right, but I still go as far as I can when I see a path to follow. Even though having top notch equipment and cables, I bet there's an improvement waiting here for those of you who have. But who am I to tell you what to do?
The magnetic field in a cable is the result of - and is perpendicular to the direction of - current flow. Thus, the 90 deg. angle thing. Now, we're getting somewhere.
You seem to be looking for an argument. If you knew how electricity works - as you now claim - you would not have questioned my first statement.
Let it go.
I get everything nice and tidy periodically, such as when I move my rack or make a number of major changes.
Then, like you, it's play with this, swap this out, add this and cables and interconnects everywhere.
I think good cable dressing makes a difference but I have no reasonable way to A/B the possible change. By the time I got done rearranging the cables I would forget what I was listening to.
That's strange, why would someone who knows how electricity works be afraid of a little argument? Hmmmm.
That's OK, I'll let you off the hook.
I only know one thing about electricity. It hurts like hell...
The trick is understanding the exact origin of the so-called 90 degree differential.
It's more of a Newtonian misnomer than anything else. It largely fails at the quantum level.
Geoff has asked the question "Why do you suppose eliminating static on the cables has any effect?"
I am asking also "Why do you, KBK, suppose eliminating static on the cables has any effect on the 'sound'?"
May Belt,
P.W.B. Electronics.
When you say fails at the quantum level could you be a little more specific? What are we talking about here:
1. Quantum tunneling
2. Quantum superposition
3. Quantum purification
4. Quantum entanglement
5. Quantum mechanics of the mind
6. Quantum gravity
7. Quantum teleportation
8. Quantum fluctuation
9. "Quantum pushes" that Elk refers to
10. Quantum push-ups
11. Quantum jumping jacks