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Michael wrote,

"I go off of the info I see and hear and experience. If May & geoff wish to put another spin on this that's up to them and the mods of this forum, has nothing to do with me or the tune.

I look at it this way readers, if someone is relevant they should be able to point to people that are "doing" what they say. If they made some great discovery 40 years ago the test of that is who can they point to every day as to the relevance of what they "are doing" as proof of what they "did do". When bringing up things like Mu-metal shielding gives credit to the folks who came up with this in commercial use for example and is a recommendation from those who have used it at some level or another, with all the variables of use. However if your not pointing to someone every day and how your advice applies both plus and minus, what have you done? You've said do, but have no continual use and results advice. In this particular case, I see someone pointing to do, and two guys who did a year ago and that's it. No one is talking about the variables of what they did or still may be doing. I see thousands of transformers out there with hundreds of uses and configurations. I also see there are interactions with many other "variations" concerning PCB's, other parts, chassis, grounds which are on going features to how one would use the materials. Where's the guidance, from those wanting to proclaim themselves as experienced? If people, me or anyone, claim on having vast experience let's see it. May says I down play poor geoffy, well may May geoffy has done his own down playing and it has nothing to do with me. From what I see I having been more than fair with both you and geoff, giving you thread after thread of showing us what you got. We're still waiting."

There's plenty to go around, no reason to hog it all, Mr. Greed. No need to puff yourself all up. Remember it's only a hobby. ;-)


Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
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geoff said

"There's plenty to go around, no reason to hog it all, Mr. Greed. No need to puff yourself all up. Remember it's only a hobby. ;-)"


I would venture to say geoff is right from his point of view "it's only a hobby" to him.

To us it's a lifestyle that speaks to the soul, and changes life. It's fueled by the excitement of the human experience. People all over the world impatiently waiting to get home after work, thinking about their play-list and what adventures their soundstage has for them this session.

I don't know where geoff has been hanging out, but it's certainly not on TuneLand where the listener hangs on every note, and share the music with a positive enthusiasm that comes from being a part of the music and artist.

Another thing I do agree with, I am indeed Mr Greed when it comes to listening. I want it all! "There's plenty to go around", yes there is, isn't it wonderful! We will never run out of music, and I will never run out of my excitement of taking it in, and watching others turn it on!

If I'm Mr. Greed when it comes to listening, I would think geoff would be Mr. Grump. Poor guy has tried every internet trolling trick in the book, and still listeners are tuning and having a great time enjoying the music.

Come on geoff, crack a smile and join the celebration of life.

michael green

Allen Fant
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Welcome! Chuckles.

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Allen Fant wrote:

Welcome! Chuckles.

That, unless I'm missing something, is the best non sequitur of the week.

Addendum. Oh, now I see, he was responding to a post by Chuckles last week which itself was a non sequitur. ;-)


Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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OK, getting back to the subject at hand for a moment, which is to see if anyone out there has noticed a boost in sound quality for no apparent reason of late, say in the period starting a week ago, June 16. As I mentioned before, most audiophiles are constantly busy upgrading, modding, tweaking or breaking in new speakers, players, amps, cables, adding room treatments, etc. Breathes there an audiophile with soul dead who never to himself has said this is good but it could be better? Lol. Thus, most audiophiles don't make good test subjects for evaluations like this since their systems are in constant turmoil or even down due to remodeling. For that reason I'm asking the question to those who haven't been slaving away modding, tweaking, burning in their system. So for those of you out there who aren't currently engaged in all sorts of audiophile tomfoolery and have been cruising along on a plateau of performance for a while - Have you noticed your system sounds more dynamic, louder, more intricate, more detailed, smoother, and warmer for no apparent reason? I've been working with some new powerful message labels so it wouldn't surprise me if someone heard something yesterday or today that made them think, wow, what is that? Did the house AC power suddenly get a whole lot better? Did those new capacitors finally break in? I wonder if my wife can hear that in the kitchen?

People would be better off if they believed in too much rather than too little. - PT Barnum

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Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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I am in the process of doing a serious mod/set of mods to the CD my system is in flux at the moment. I had to laugh when you wrote what you did... so true about systems in various states a lot of times!



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michael green wrote:

geoff said

"There's plenty to go around, no reason to hog it all, Mr. Greed. No need to puff yourself all up. Remember it's only a hobby. ;-)"


I would venture to say geoff is right from his point of view "it's only a hobby" to him.

To us it's a lifestyle that speaks to the soul, and changes life. It's fueled by the excitement of the human experience. People all over the world impatiently waiting to get home after work, thinking about their play-list and what adventures their soundstage has for them this session.

I don't know where geoff has been hanging out, but it's certainly not on TuneLand where the listener hangs on every note, and share the music with a positive enthusiasm that comes from being a part of the music and artist.

Another thing I do agree with, I am indeed Mr Greed when it comes to listening. I want it all! "There's plenty to go around", yes there is, isn't it wonderful! We will never run out of music, and I will never run out of my excitement of taking it in, and watching others turn it on!

If I'm Mr. Greed when it comes to listening, I would think geoff would be Mr. Grump. Poor guy has tried every internet trolling trick in the book, and still listeners are tuning and having a great time enjoying the music.

Come on geoff, crack a smile and join the celebration of life.

michael green

I haven't had the pleasure of visiting TunnelLand so I can't comment as to whether you Joyboys are high on something over there or not, but I can offer an opinion as to who the real Troll is here on this forum. It's ....drum roll....YOU! It's you who is using this forum as your own personal trolling stream, drumming up business for TunnelLand. Duh! Not too obvious. And as far as your limp attempts to disparage me with oh so clever links to Rip Off Report and The Amazing Randi and other similar garbage sites you can get your mitts on, well, let me be the first to clue you in - that's Trolling, Joyboy. Hel-loo! Furthermore it's your whole tweak hating and audiophile hating attitude that gives you away, if it ain't invented by TunnelLand it doesn't exist. You're on the same wavelength as the other Troll, Ethan Winer. I never wanted to be Best Hair at the Show.

Michael wrote,

"I would venture to say geoff is right from his point of view "it's only a hobby" to him. To us it's a lifestyle that speaks to the soul, and changes life. It's fueled by the excitement of the human experience. People all over the world impatiently waiting to get home after work, thinking about their play-list and what adventures their soundstage has for them this session."

You sure can talk some shit, mask man.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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I just received this email as I'm on the distribution list from Rupert Sheldrake org. What a coincidence, no? Mental Action at a Distance, indeed? WTF? Lol

"The second phase of my 3-month dialogue with Michael Shermer is now complete, and our exchanges on the subject of "Mental Action at a Distance" are now online here: Shermer Dialogue In the course of this dialogue, Shermer echoed the often- repeated claim of the skeptic Richard Wiseman to have debunked the ability of a dog to know when his owner was coming home. Wiseman's tests with the terrier Jaytee, carried out at my invitation, actually replicated my own positive findings, so his claims are extremely misleading. Fortunately a short film that sets the record straight has just been released, and can be seen here: Wiseman's Failed Attempt"

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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rrstesiak wrote:


I am in the process of doing a serious mod/set of mods to the CD my system is in flux at the moment. I had to laugh when you wrote what you did... so true about systems in various states a lot of times!



One wonders whether reviewers are disciplined enough - or have the time, frankly - to wait until everything they are reviewing has broken in, burned in, whatever. That would mean, what, about one review every two or three years? Especially expensive components that often have those bleeding edge capacitors that need 500 hours to sound like they're supposed to. The new generation cables like High Fidelity Cables require some ungodly number of hours to break in. And that assumes you don't use a Cable Cooker.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
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Thanks for the TuneLand plug again geoffy. Now your saying "I haven't had the pleasure of visiting". LOL

You also mention some other names in your post, so I took the liberty to do a search on you

Maybe this will clear up what geoff was refering to. Yes we do see a few links on you and your practices, however it's not clear to me that you would be upset at me for your involvement with these links. I don't know those people or you as far as that goes.

You also talk about me promoting music and listening, guilty as charged. It's an extremely fun ride on the music train.

here's some of my stops

You should come join the fun!

michael green

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You know, playing this silly game of cross forum stalking and trolling as you do doesn't exactly make you look either honest or very bright. Maybe you have someone back at TunnelLand you can send over here to debate the issues. Something for whatever reason you have a lot of difficulty with. Must be that time you spent in Dayton. You can take the boy out of adaption but you can't take the briar hopper out of the boy. In hindsight don't you think it probably would have been a good idea if you had taken the advice of the audio dealers in Dayton who cautioned you that nobody wants to get up every damn time the record's over to tighter or loosen the damn screws in your screwball tunable speakers?

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
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I don't see people crying when they tune their guitars, nore do I see them crying as they take their music to levels they never thought they could before.

it's like this geoff

You notice my avatar geoff, it's the cover of an issue of Positive Feedback Magazine where I am holding a tuning bolt. I believe in that issue I was in some 40 plus pages. Do you see your avatar geoff, it's a picture of a VooDoo Doll you copied from a bing image search.

I think we get the picture, and when not, your happy to supply one :)

If you and Stereophile forum want to make an A** out of yourselves by allowing you to be here, that's up to them and you. On the flip side I enjoy the folks here who take the hobby serious and hold it to a higher standard than some old retire fart who has nothing better to do than internet trolling while listening to his Sony Sport Portable Cassette Player + earphones and entering it into the mix as a high end audio product.

I have currently 5 in-room systems playing, and you haven't had one for over 8 years according to you. Are you getting the picture a little here geoff. You flame me saying all these lies, and I flame you by doing nothing more than repeating what you say about yourself. You promote your audio wars as your badge of honor, and I promote other listeners systems and their walk to and of good listening. You threw away your last high end audio headphone system less than a year ago and replaced it proudly with 10 30year old store bought cassette tapes, I get fantastic results with all the sources, and have for over 40 years now. You finished your education in the 70's, and I started mine in the 70's and continue even today. Your experience was you being a dealer for the intelligent chip, mine is knowing personally the designers at Qualcomm. You refuse to give a list of your training and profession references, and mine have been in the news and featured in publications since I got started. You say I name throw, and I have been backing off of name throwing as to not embarrass people who would never want to be in the same circles as you.

So the OP is innocent question. I haven't seen a day of innocence from you or May since I have been here. Sorry May but you placed yourself in geoff's camp not me.

You know geoff, you and May post and paint pictures about others for the world to see, but don't be fooled the world has also painted your portaits. The both of you have had every kind invitation to join in the one thing this hobby is all about, listening to music. I have a forum with hundreds of photos and descriptions of the event of me and those I talk to everyday listening, while geoff has to make up client quotes to post.

innocent? I think we would settle for real

michael green

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Apparently I got under your skin. Now you have become just like every other knucklehead who spews their bike on the Internet, just like the ones you have been linking to for the past year. I am giving serious consideration to promoting you to Senior Machina Dynamica Troll. Everything is topsy turvy. Me topsy, you turvy. Have you ever thought about taking a nice vacation from posting here. It's getting to you.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
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Nope, I'm good geoff. It was important to me and the readers to see where you & May Belt stood, and now that we have an understanding of your practices, schooling and experience level, listeners can have a point of reference come good or bad about the both of you. No harm in that, it is what it is.

Everyone here has the right to know who they are talking to, and in your case the reputation you have built again is what it is, and you have demonstrated nothing to the contrary here.

For myself, if anything, it has raised the respect for the ones who take the time to call you out. As internet trolls main purpose is to get under others skin, I don't see this either as anything odd. It's expected that your going to use all the tools of a troll to disrupt the Stereophile Forum including you calling others trolls. I look at it this way. Your here as an internet troll, we're here as music lovers in high end audio, and if it means living with someone who proudly calls themselves a tick, flea or bed bug as you do, it's a matter of living with it or spray a little raid on.

Those of us who take internet discussions serious look at internet trolls as an infestation. Will we survive you? Sure, the hobby is our home. Do you get under our skin? Only as much as we allow ignorance and disrespect enter. Hey if JA doesn't mind you here, I'm cool. Those are his rules and I will follow if I want to post.

In other words, if you don't mind being a tick geoff, we don't mind dealing with you as such and moving on.

michael green

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I read your last post. It's a whole lot of nothin'. If I upset you don't read my posts. You are the poster boy for belly aching and whining as far as I can tell. My credentials are plastered all over the Internet, as someone recently observed. Was it Ron? You need look no further than my last article on how the Teleportation Tweak works. A lot of knuckleheads call me out on the Internet. I don't think you know how the Internet works. Besides, I don't recall ever being challenged for my credentials by someone with a GED from some Dayton high school.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
We got your artificial atoms right here

michael green
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geoff said

"My credentials are plastered all over the Internet"

so we type in geoff kait credentials to see what is plastered

michael green

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michael green wrote:

geoff said

"My credentials are plastered all over the Internet"

so we type in geoff kait credentials to see what is plastered

michael green

See, they are a lot of knuckleheads like yourself on the Internet. It must be like looking in the mirror.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
We got your artificial atoms right here

ChrisS's picture
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and you get heaps of scorn and ridicule.

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You're absolutely right. I get scorn and ridicule from pinheads like yourself.

Have a nice pinhead day.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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For your products, which turn out to be made by someone else, are few.

For you, none.

michael green
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like geoff goes up on audio forums without any credentials and starts internet trolling according to the search engines and what is seen here.

Now his education is in question along with work references. The only thing that has been confirmed on geoff is after 1998 when he became a salesman for tweak products for Peter Belt and a tweak company in China. His other contributions to designing seems to be old tweaks copied that he has claimed as his own or as him being an authority for, which is in question as well based on geoff's own words.

The more we learn about Geoff Kait the more sense it makes that he won't even share his date of birth and claims "audio is just a mystery". "Innocent questions" from Geoff Kait lol, hardly, but the little feller is great entertainment.

michael green

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ChrisS wrote:

For your products, which turn out to be made by someone else, are few.

For you, none.

Nope, you are wrong, again, pinhead. I can't help it if a reviewer thinks I am the manufacturer of product X. And that's why I wrote the note explaining the thing wasn't my product. That's the difference between the ToonLand crew and me. I'm honest. If you don't know the meaning of the word honest just Google it.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
We got your artificial atoms right here

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michael green wrote:

like geoff goes up on audio forums without any credentials and starts internet trolling according to the search engines and what is seen here.

Now his education is in question along with work references. The only thing that has been confirmed on geoff is after 1998 when he became a salesman for tweak products for Peter Belt and a tweak company in China. His other contributions to designing seems to be old tweaks copied that he has claimed as his own or as him being an authority for, which is in question as well based on geoff's own words.

The more we learn about Geoff Kait the more sense it makes that he won't even share his date of birth and claims "audio is just a mystery". "Innocent questions" from Geoff Kait lol, hardly, but the little feller is great entertainment.

michael green

I see through you like you were made of glass. There's nothing in there. You have a big Made in Dayton on your forehead. You two knuckleheads couldn't find your ass if it was stapled to your head. My birth date is there for all to see. You don't even have to Google it - I've already told you many times but you're too dumb to figure it out. I was never a dealer for Peter Belt products. You're lying again. Your anger and frustration is showing, Fluffy. Take some Ambien. Feel better. Any luck with Rehab Locator?

Geoff Kait
Machina Dramatica

michael green
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we get the picture.

Don't think your going to beat the trolling rap there little feller.

michael green

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Just as I suspected - nothing much going on in there.

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Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
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Hi Geoff

As I have needed to say on the other threads, I appreciate that you have an interest in me, but I'm straight (strickly women) and have to say no to your advances. I'm attracted to females only, and see that you talk about hardons with guys alot on these forums but, I really think you should do this in the social part of this site or maybe other forums.

Hey, nothing wrong at all with your choices, but maybe you should keep them a little more private or at least know that I for one am not of that swing.

This being an audio site and such, do you think we could at least keep it close to that topic? I know the saying goes Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll and you talk about your sex wants and drugs alot, but I think it cooler perhaps for you to spend more time in the music with us.

Like I've had to say to you "no problem with your choices of sex and drugs" but I'm here for the music not geoff kaits personal infatuations.

michael green

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michael green wrote:

Hi Geoff

As I have needed to say on the other threads, I appreciate that you have an interest in me, but I'm straight (strickly women) and have to say no to your advances. I'm attracted to females only, and see that you talk about hardons with guys alot on these forums but, I really think you should do this in the social part of this site or maybe other forums.

Hey, nothing wrong at all with your choices, but maybe you should keep them a little more private or at least know that I for one am not of that swing.

This being an audio site and such, do you think we could at least keep it close to that topic? I know the saying goes Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll and you talk about your sex wants and drugs alot, but I think it cooler perhaps for you to spend more time in the music with us.

Like I've had to say to you "no problem with your choices of sex and drugs" but I'm here for the music not geoff kaits personal infatuations.

michael green

So now you're using my lines? If you can't think up something original to say please stay off the thread. Besides, you obviously have some sort of problem. I suggest you ask Dr. Ruth or Dr. Phil. I'm not a psychologist.

Have a nice day and don't forget that nice long shower.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

ChrisS's picture
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Take note of Geoffy's pattern... Read carefully all of Geoffy's exchanges with posters here and other forums around the internet. Whenever posters ask about or take issue with Geoffy, he turns those questions and issues around and accuses the poster of the same. Geoffy often refers to alcohol/ medication use, sexual dysfunction, intellectual deficiencies, inconsistencies with facts and truth, etc.
Whenever he is questioned about his posts, he constantly replies with insults, cartoons, and often refers those issues (as above) noted in his posts back to others. As illustrated above, Geoffy bats 100%.

geoffkait's picture
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ChrisS wrote:

Take note of Geoffy's pattern... Read carefully all of Geoffy's exchanges with posters here and other forums around the internet. Whenever posters ask about or take issue with Geoffy, he turns those questions and issues around and accuses the poster of the same. Geoffy often refers to alcohol/ medication use, sexual dysfunction, intellectual deficiencies, inconsistencies with facts and truth, etc.
Whenever he is questioned about his posts, he constantly replies with insults, cartoons, and often refers those issues (as above) noted in his posts back to others. As illustrated above, Geoffy bats 100%.

100%? Really?

I hope this doesn't ruin my average.

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Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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In other words, whatever one says to or about Geoffy, Geoffy turns it around, often using the exact same phrases, to say about others.

Geoffy has defined himself with other peoples' products and appropriated ideas and images.

He has no original thoughts.

iosiP's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
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You write about geoffy-boy "He has no original thoughts."
Well no, the truth is he has no thoughts at all... just take a glimpse at his "advanced" inventions like half-full (or half-empty, depending on your mood) fishbowls, blue dots (only valid when listening to "A Kind of Blue"), the super-intelligent chip (help me, HAL) or the instant & distant alteration of multiple structures and materials through "beep-bam-beep-tok" (ET phone home).

Now please excuse me, I understand geoffy's whatever homework has been misplaced so let me retire and deplore the major loss for Humanity.

geoffkait's picture
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iosiP wrote:

You write about geoffy-boy "He has no original thoughts."
Well no, the truth is he has no thoughts at all... just take a glimpse at his "advanced" inventions like half-full (or half-empty, depending on your mood) fishbowls, blue dots (only valid when listening to "A Kind of Blue"), the super-intelligent chip (help me, HAL) or the instant & distant alteration of multiple structures and materials through "beep-bam-beep-tok" (ET phone home).

Now please excuse me, I understand geoffy's whatever homework has been misplaced so let me retire and deplore the major loss for Humanity.

That's one for the books. I've gotten the good cop bad cop routine before. This is the first time I've gotten the stupid cop stupid cop routine, though. Costin, as always, give my condolences to your liver.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Better Living through Chemistry

michael green
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The good news is as geoff is being exposed, the listeners are emerging. What it took was a few good men to stand up to this audio troll (should continue BTW) and other threads start that get the forum back on tract. Geoff can't attack every thread after all or the heat will come down on him bigtime.

I'm glad that others here care enough about this forum to put geoff squarely in his place. It's enough effort to work toward commonalities with all the varied taste in music listening out there, but to have someone here for the sole purpose of BS and discord is over the top and should be stomped out.

For the newcommers my advice before ever engaging Geoff Kait is to look up his reputation first.

It will save you lots of time, and allow you to make friends and peers without the prespinning of Geoff, who is clearly here to do not much more than internet trolling.

michael green

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I have seen no evidence of any heat. I have only see a lot of angst, lying, misstatements, mischaracterizations, misunderstanding, arguments from a tenth grade debate club, plain stupidity. All of which leaves me cold. Brrrrrrrrr! Lol. My suggestion to the PhD, the Pro Audio guy and the Pinhead (hey, an illiteration!, I'm a poet and don't know it) for how to start a fire: rub two Girl Scouts together.

I don't want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame in a few hearts.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
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It's nice to see geoff and may finally focus on their trolling so we can at least be clear even if they aren't.

may said

"Geoff using mockery and I use the method of challenging their replies"


There's a long history of both may & geoff's trolling audio forums including this one. I think for those interested in stopping this we should expose these trolls for what they are, as even they admit to what they are doing. Feel free to read the threads from the beginning and see how they bait and spin. I'm not exactly sure how to get rid of these types on forums that allow this practice to take place but I think we start by calling it what it is and who it is.

I know some want to cut May some slack, but I encourage you to take a look at her own words and judge for yourselves if she is along with geoff trolling these forums. My view is that she absolutely is being an internet troll, creating lying spin after spin to bait the response.

I hope you the reader will understand if and when I am tough on these trolls as I see they have no place but to disrupt and discourage.

michael green

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Yeah, you're tough on these trolls. It would appear from Michael's continuing to be obsessed with your humble scribe that his entire focus is on me. Hey, whatever turns you on. One assumes Mr. Greed has located a rehab in Las Vegas yet. Maybe rehabs don't allow Internet access, who knows.

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Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Better things through chemistry

michael green
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What have you been listening to lately Geoff? This whole last weekend up through today I've been doing the FM thing. We have a great rock station here, lots of 70's classics.

How often do you listen to your portable cassette players? Do you miss not having music in the room? It would drive me nuts if I didn't have an in-room system.

As far as you and May trolling these forums, it is what it is, a new experience for me. I'll either tire of it or you'll scram, no biggie to me. Like I've said it's just you and May begging for relevance anyway and doesn't really make an impact on peoples listening one way or the other.

But as my mom said "see that dirt on the floor, sweep it up before you drag it to the rest of the house". That's how I view you guys. Your going to be there, till your removed. I'm just happy you have been proved to not have the credibility you claimed on a wider community scale. Talk about a backfire effect. You guys have pretty much trashed your own rep here without anyone else doing it for you.

This "Geoff using mockery and I use the method of challenging their replies" is on the money, and I'm glad that May came right out and said it.

michael green

May Belt
May Belt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 8 2006 - 1:51am

>>> “May said :-

"Geoff using mockery and I use the method of challenging their replies"

There's a long history of both may & geoff's trolling audio forums including this one.” <<<

I have participated in SOME general audio discussion groups on the Internet. And, I have explained why. You, Michael seem to want to call anyone’s participation in a discussion as “trolling”.

I have explained why I participated in specific areas because the people I responded to were far too rigid and narrow in their claims !! Therefore I challenged them !!!!!!!!!!! On their narrow outlook !!!!! I have never participated with the only purpose of participating – which is what you are claiming I do. Please don’t claim such !!!

Mg :-

>>> “My view is that she absolutely is being an internet troll, creating lying spin after spin to bait the response.” <<<

“Lying spin after spin”. Really, Michael, you can’t get much lower, can you !!!!!!!!!!!!

Mg :-

>>> “Well here we are on stereophile being trolled by a 90 year old” <<<

And you accuse ME of lying ?????????????? And you tell ME to know my subject before participating. Why are you so obsessed with what my age might or might not be ??? Because you don’t know but have just presented things as FACT !!!! Yet again !!!!!

>>> “Your nothing more than two old people stuck in their ways
>>> “You and geoff are somewhat retired being that you are in your late 80's or so, right?” <<<
>>> “Converting an internet troll at their ages is probably a lost cause.” <<<

You really are obsessed by age, aren’t you, Michael.

Mg :-
>>> “I hope you the reader will understand if and when I am tough on these trolls as I see they have no place but to disrupt and discourage.” <<<

Actually Michael, my purpose of posting is the opposite of disrupting and discouraging. I just don’t want what must be half of what is going on in audio ignoring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>>> “May admits to her’s and geoff's trolling methods, and that they get involved as a team when doing so.” <<<

Again with the misinformation. Michael. I didn’t say we get involved as a team. I explained what I do and I suggested what I think Geoff does. I mentioned (or admitted) NOTHING about “a team” !!! Will you please STOP with the misinformation.

>>> “This "Geoff using mockery and I use the method of challenging their replies" is on the money, and I'm glad that May came right out and said it.” <<<

What do you mean, I came right out and said it ??? I have been TELLING YOU, since the beginning, why I challenge you !!!! And which area I challenge you on !!!

And, regarding the subject of mockery, if you knew the history of the publishing of cartoons in the 1700s and 1800s, you would be aware of mockery by cartoons – and would have recognised it immediately !! There was no Internet then, so published cartoons was a way of being able to challenge people. Used particularly when the legislators of the day (or even Royalty) wanted to pass laws to restrict the freedom of some people – whilst allowing others to do exactly as they wished - so, such as drawing certain people in shackles and drawing others in debauchery was the best way of mocking !!!

I don’t know if Geoff actually uses the cartoons (or amusing pictures) as a form of mockery – I was merely suggesting what I thought he was doing. I see cartoons (or amusing pictures) as the more gentle form of a challenge !! I apologise to Geoff if I have misrepresented him or misunderstood him.

May Belt,
PWB Electronics.

iosiP's picture
Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago
Joined: Jan 12 2014 - 4:41pm

Well because refusing to answer pertinent questions while attacking his opponents proves he has no answers (it's called trolling). Because referring to my liver while I have no drinking habit proves he has no arguments (it's called trolling). Because not having a system on which to test his "innovative tweaks" shows he sells unproven things that he refuses to explain but just keep talking about them (it's called trolling).

Now you want and approve mockery instead of proof? Nice, I can make all the fun in the world of your far-fetched theories... just get me started!

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
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iosiP wrote:

Well because refusing to answer pertinent questions while attacking his opponents proves he has no answers (it's called trolling). Because referring to my liver while I have no drinking habit proves he has no arguments (it's called trolling). Because not having a system on which to test his "innovative tweaks" shows he sells unproven things that he refuses to explain but just keep talking about them (it's called trolling).

Now you want and approve mockery instead of proof? Nice, I can make all the fun in the world of your far-fetched theories... just get me started!

I'm only going to ask you once. When did I not answer a question? I'm talking about a real question, not some loaded stupid question from an Internet coward.

Have a nice day.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

michael green
michael green's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 10 2011 - 6:11pm

Sorry May, but it's internet trolling. I realize (so does the rest of the world) that this is how you, geoff and other trolls deal with people on the internet, but this doesn't mean that we have to appreciate or accept it. Both you and geoff are always attempting to bait others into these spins and then attacking them in any way you can, hoping they/we will respond inkind. That's internet trolling.

I don't care how you wish to try to portray it, it is what it is. Just stop a minute and think, how many of these threads, and threads from the other forums you & geoff have been a part of have crashed and burned? Now look at why? It's because your (the both of you) are internet trolling these threads.

May, it's not a matter of disagreeing, everyone has their own way, and disagreements happen. Big difference though between a discussion and internet trolling. Maybe this is just your nature, but when I and others read your sparring, you might as well say nothing and put in the definition internet troll: entering an online discussion forum, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion, someone who posts controversial, inflammatory statements. You may not think so May cause your doing the writing, but "trolling" is all over your writing style and your content.

From your use of shouting to your long !!!!!!!!!!!! at others, to the spins on what others say and even the omission of what should be said. Your simply here to argue.

old age

The reason I bring up old age is because I know many older people who are very wise, and others who have become so use to their arguementive approach to life, they have turned their every discussion into a pattern of provoke, inflame, controversy and other negatives. They basically live in a world where their relevance is based on the arguements instead of actual involved content. Again I'm sorry but this has you and geoff writen all over it.

You don't talk to and with people May, you "challenge" them. What you do is position yourself as the teacher and they are the student in your mind, way before you open your mouth.

And geoff as you said "mocks" others. He doesn't talk with them he attacks them.

Both your behaivors is why you have gained the reputations you have and continue to boast. Honestly I don't know if you are aware of it, or again you have become too set in your ways to care to fit into real conversations, but we're telling the both of you, your trolling us.

For myself, I doubt if I can even consider what you have to say as being anything original. It all sounds like a script that you have used so many times you believe it. I'm just speaking for myself here, but any credibility I wanted to give you, peter and geoff as experts is gone. At first I was hopeful and even excited to learn but you yourselves have eroded your positions.

What I would like to do is get back to why I am here. Not the spins and trolling, but to be a part of and push what I believe, experienced, proven and have many enjoying with me. The both of you in my view have no credentials, wisdom or credibility to disrupt any of these discusions the way you have. I don't know if you were always this way, but now your simply internet trolls.

michael green

May Belt
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Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 8 2006 - 1:51am

>>> “Sorry May, but it's internet trolling.” <<<

Michael. Challenging is challenging is challenging is challenging – meaning “take exception to”. It does NOT mean “trolling” - it means challenging.

If I was ‘trolling’ I would be interrupting any and every posting on any and every internet site. I am NOT !! I have explained why and named the major two people I have “challenged” in the past. One of them who stated that every adverse thing happening to audio (to sound) was caused by RF interference and the other who said only HIS room treatment was the answer to better sound and ‘rubbished’ every other suggestion or technique – even going to the extent of implying fraud by Furutech (the producer of the particular demangetiser under discussion). I was challenging those people (taking exception to what they were claiming) – NOT “trolling” !!

Now, I know that you, Michael, do not like being challenged. So I am not surprised by your intense reaction to being challenged. I have also explained, fully, and on more than one occasion, which part of what you have written I “take exception to” (i.e. challenge).

>>> “You don’t talk to and with people May, you "challenge" them.” <<<

I talk to and with many people quite easily and with good results !!

And on the subject of age. It gives me a great deal of wisdom and a wealth of experiences !!

May Belt,
PWB Electronics.

michael green
michael green's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 10 2011 - 6:11pm

May, you just trolled me again, but I think your so use to doing it, you don't even know you are anymore.

May said a lie, right here right now, on a public forum. May said "Now, I know that you, Michael, do not like being challenged. So I am not surprised by your intense reaction to being challenged."

That's nothing more than (1) a lie (2) a troll.

I'm sorry May, but that post was a total troll. If you have good results talking to people, then go do it. I'm not interested in being trolled by you.

michael green

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
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This is hilarious. The stalker and lair is calling people names. How low can you go? I guess we'll find out. One suspects he's being coached. I wonder who that coach could be. Or roach. Lol. Hmmmmm.....

Elvis Cockroach says, Don't you step on my blue suede shoes.

 photo photo_36_zpsd799mlei.jpg

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

ChrisS's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 10 min ago
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So, Geoffy, is this what you do instead of having a real social life?

You certainly aren't making any friends here, nor influencing people to do business with you (see Dale...)

So if you can't make friends, make enemies...?

You've chosen an interesting, and lonely, path to follow.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 3 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 29 2008 - 5:10am

I didn't realize this was supposed to be a popularity contest. I know when I'm not wanted. Good luck in your quest for mediocrity, pinhead.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

ChrisS's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 10 min ago
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Then you've already won the "Despicable Me" contest!

rrstesiak's picture
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Joined: Mar 22 2015 - 5:38am

suggestions anyone?

michael green
michael green's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 10 2011 - 6:11pm

One is, Pete Townshend "All The Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes"

and, Def Leppard "Hysteria"

Might do year of the cat later. Got some tubes commin in tomorrow so just doing general listening for the next few days.

have a fun weekend

michael green


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