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Joined: Apr 29 2008 - 5:10am
The degaussing project
Allen Fant
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I have often wondered if the Walker Talisman really worked?

May Belt
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Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
Joined: May 8 2006 - 1:51am

>>> “I have often wondered if the Walker Talisman really worked?” <<<

Following Michael Fremer’s article on improving the sound by demagnetising LPs in Stereophile October 2006, there was a long and “extremely heated” discussion on the Stereophile Chat Forum, extending over many, many pages.

That discussion was very similar to a later and “extremely heated” discussion, extending over 39 pages on Ted Denney’s Synergistic devices.

It will be interesting to see if a similar lengthy discussion takes place now, following John Atkinson’s comments on Ted Denney’s new device – to quote John:-

Comments by John Atkinson from the RMAF 2014:-

>>> "RF pollution affects how we perceive sound," Ted said," explaining that that is why our systems unpredictably sound good or bad. The Atmosphere, he said, creates a binaural RF field that swamps external RF pollution, allowing our perception to operate correctly. It affects the listener, not the system. Synergistic offers modules for $495 each that, with an iPad app, allow the Atmosphere's effect to be adjusted to the listener's taste; I think Ted said there were 4096 possible combinations available, with each module offering four. "Yeah, right," I was thinking.
Ted played music on the Mola Mola/Eclipse/Luxman system with the Atmosphere turned on, to get listeners used to the sound, which was indeed excellent. He then turned off the Atmosphere and to my shock, given my skepticism about Ted's claims, the sound did indeed get worse, the soundstage shrinking and a hard edge appearing to midrange sounds. WTF!?!?! My world tilted a little.
Still in a state of shock—I knew what I had heard—I asked Ted for more detail. The Atmosphere is said to generate very-low-frequency radio wave at the Schumann Resonance Frequency and its harmonics. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide and the fundamental frequency is around 7Hz. This did nothing to dispel my skepticism: an antenna that could efficiently propagate radio waves with such a low frequency would have to be small country-sized, not a slim tower. But something was going on here. “ <<<

Yes. I KNOW we are back again at the subject of a Schumann Resonance device. But it is one of those anomalies which can point people in a different direction !!!!!

Later, when John was asked if he would ‘do a review of the device in Stereophile’, John replied “I don't believe there was any change in the "soundwaves reaching my ears. What changed, I am convinced, was my perception of those soundwaves. In that light, what would I test?”

May Belt,
PWB Electronics.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 4 weeks ago
Joined: Apr 29 2008 - 5:10am

If you get a hold of the Schumann frequency CDs that are available on myriad Health and Wellness web sites you can generate the Schumann frequency albeit acoustically through any speakers including computer speakers. Or even through your iPad or iPhone. I just spotted a Schumann Frequency App. What next? Yes, I'm aware that even the most humongous speakers do not extend down anywhere approaching 7.83 Hz. Perhaps the Synergistic Research device copies the way the Schumann frequency CD generates the signal in the room. Taking into consideration, of course, that the acoustic wave length is much much shorter than the electromagnetic wave of the same frequency. The mystery exists for the Acoustic Revive RR-77, the later RR-777 and their recent RR-888 Schumann Frequency devices, with their rather puny looking antenna (on the green square in the photo below). Given that the length of the Schumann wave is 26,000 miles give or take. Furthermore, how does the Schumann wave fit into the average size listening room? That's what I'd like to know about. The Extremely Low Frequency program (ELF) - by comparison - utilizes a Million watt amplifier with capacitors in the power supply the size of Volkswagens and 14 miles (count 'em) of buried antenna to generate a 75 Hz wave, an electromagnetic wave.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Please note the shocking similarity of the Schumann Frequency generator antenna to the maze on the inside cover of the Stones' album Their Satanic Majesties Request, shown below.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos


Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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