Lessloss & Kawero

I am a big fan of the hi-rez audio files made available by Lessloss, so one of the first rooms I visited at the NY Audio Show was theirs. The system featured a pair of Kaiser Kawero Vivace floorstanding speakers from Germany, which combine a custom-made Mundorf AMT tweeter with ScanSpeak Illuminator midrange unit and rear-facing woofers. With the source Lessloss's new Laminar Streamer, which plays audio files from SD cards, and Pass Labs amplifiers, the sound in this room was delicate and full-bodied, though perhaps too sweet overall.

Filtering the power was Lessloss's Firewall modular power conditioning unit, which features a chassis made from aluminum, carbon-fiber, and panzerholz (layers of beechwood fused together under high pressure). The Firewall uses Oyaide AC inlet and Furutech outlets, and features handmade filters. Completing the picture were Lessloss power cords and signal cables.

Louis Motek's picture

In fact, the Lamborghini Orange colored Kawero! Vivace loudspeakers were off to the side, and were not being used in our demonstration.

Actively used were the Kawero! Classic loudspeakers (the black ones shown here), which feature custom made adjustable RAAL ribbon tweeters as well as drivers from Audiotechnology Denmark. 

Also, pictured above is not the Firewall, but a distribution unit which was placed after a series of Firewalls (not seen). One sees Blackbody ambient field conditioners as well as the Tunnelbridge distortionless interconnect's PSU. One sees this equipment placed upon Panzerholz equipent stands which are manufactured by Kaiser and can be custom ordered from Louis Motek at www.LessLoss.com.

John Atkinson's picture


John Atkinson

Editor, Stereophile

Pro-Audio-Tech's picture

Heard them at THE Show in Vegas what a soundstage they were throwing!

Very sweet AMT tweeter, Oscar would be proud of what these guys have done with his design.