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DUP's picture

Would putting the mics in row 3, give you what you hear in row 3?, rather than doing it with processing etc? This seems so contrary to what is preahed in Sterophile, about the playback should be so natural, not this or that, yet, here the first stage of the home playback is already contrived, false reality? No? Would minimal micing, give teh most lifelike, un altered based recording...didn't they push that back when DD recordings where supposed to be the end all. It's nice to see that you do record in DIGITAL, not playing up nonsense about analog blah blah blah.....21st century cool. But no DSD?

John_Atkinson's picture

>Would putting the mics in row 3, give you what you hear in row 3?, rather than doing it with processing etc?<

Microphones do not behave like the ear/brain, Carl, which will suppress ambient information in favor of what is seen. The art of recordings is to place the mikes so that what they capture creates the correct illusion. What is most important to to place the mikes within the "critical distance," which is where the direct and ambient soundfields from the live source are equal.

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