Should Stereophile charge for online access to all of its magazine content? Why or why not? How would you handle supporting a more complete website?

Reader "Bob" says that he'd be very happy to pay for access to a complete Web-based version of <I>Stereophile</I>, and suspects other readers would too. Do you agree that this is a good idea?

Should <I>Stereophile</I> charge for online access to all of its magazine content? Why or why not? How would you handle supporting a more complete website?
I agree with Bob; here's why:
20% (53 votes)
I have a better idea:
42% (110 votes)
The paper magazine is all I need.
32% (84 votes)
Don't care.
5% (12 votes)
Total votes: 259

Ric Maniquis's picture

I'll get to read what I want when I want and pay only for what I've read. I guess that's fair.

Edo Reumerman (nl)'s picture

But pay by the amont of articles want to read. Subscribers shout have a free accesscode.

T.  Frazier's picture

If I can have access to a more complete Archives!!

Ali Fatmei's picture

Because, for example, someone like me, in Iran, as a hi-fi and pro audio distributer, needs to have access to all of your magazine, which would be very easy and cheaper from your website. Besides, fewer trees would be cut and we would all have a greener environment. But please don't make it expensive!

Kevin's picture

I enjoy both the magazine and the online content. I would not read the entire magazine online. I enjoy my Sunday mornings with a cigar, a cup of coffee, the stereo with some quiet background music, and a variety of my favorite magazines, of which list Stereophile is always at the top. Others include Cigar Aficionado and the MIT Technology Review. Change is good, but change for change's sake . . . well, you know the rest.

Larry Buzzy's picture

I think if you are a current subscriber, access should be provided free of charge, to a point—let's say 10 article retrievals a month. I think non-subscribers should pay a fee. This allows both mediums to coexist profitably.

Eliezer Keren's picture

I do not want to pay the high overseas delivery charges.

Otto's picture

Not living in the US, I would get to pay the same as my North American friends and get the next issue on time (!) and at the same time as they do. Also, a Web subscription could easily make both back issues and new issues available online. This makes an online subscription a much better deal than the paper magazine (and it takes much less space in my bookshelves). I pay the same, I get more, and it takes less space. The other benefits from having it available online include easier processing of the information using a computer, and local companies in ALL parts of the world can advertise with a better hit in the local market.

Anonymous's picture


Anonymous's picture

All archived content should be free.

Hans Stark's picture

Living in Europe, where the access to your magazine is quite difficult, I'm definitely in favor of "Bob's" idea.

Jim's picture

Use both and give subscribers to your magazine a benefit. Don't charge for online content. Put more on.

Stephen Miller's picture

I subscribe to Stereophile, but would not be willing to pay for info on the web for a couple of reasons. Primarally, I use the web to research manufacturers & their products...Also, it is so unfriendly to the eyes to read stuff off the screen...I print it out & savor the info later.'s picture


T.  Jap's picture

May be Stereophile should also consider the review of audio equipments as an advertisement of the equipment manufacturer and reach much more customer.

Nico's picture

I use the paper mag as a reference, online magazine will is limited to a read at home only. I travel and enjoy a good read on a plane/train. Online content has just enough detail.

Virgil Glew's picture

I doubt that I would pay extra for web access. There are times I would like back info but to pay a fee for those few occassions, I doubt it. My subscription to the monthly magazine gives me 99% of the info I need.

Sean Sapone's picture

Pay for a HTML or PDF version of each issue is fine, but still offer a public free site. Although web publishing is the future, don't trash the slick paper version just yet. I would make your semi-annual ratings available publically. You would attract more audiophiles and would lose nothing by doing so (publish it a month after the issue that contains the listing).

Sean's picture

If the Stereophile magazine is sealed in plastic in newsagents, you could have a code inside the magazine which lets readers also view the content on the web.

rbm's picture

Subscription to the paper version should give one access to such a web site. That way when issues go missing and one is told by subscription services that no more copies are available, we could get what we're paying for.

Garth Daniels's picture

I am a subscriber. I like the paper magazine. What I want and don't want to pay for is access to complete archives. Keyword cross referenced too if you please. I know I'm not going to get it but you asked.

David A.'s picture

Let free enterprise rule. Charge 'em!

Drake Stimson's picture

Don't charge. I buy your magazine regularly, but I like to be able to access your web site for information. I'm unwilling to pay for both, and I prefer the reading paper than a screen. Besides, I think most internet viewers understand that you site should pay for itself (many times over) with click throughs and banners. So, don't get greedy. It's ugly.

david schweighoefer's picture

I just had to pay to get a copy of an article from TAS...I did not much care for that. I would not be willing to pay for web-based content. It would be another "nail in the coffin", to coin a phrase.

Jack's picture

Aren't you gouging us enough charging us the price of a professional journal for an overrated consumer electronics rag?
