Should Stereophile charge for online access to all of its magazine content? Why or why not? How would you handle supporting a more complete website?

Reader "Bob" says that he'd be very happy to pay for access to a complete Web-based version of <I>Stereophile</I>, and suspects other readers would too. Do you agree that this is a good idea?

Should <I>Stereophile</I> charge for online access to all of its magazine content? Why or why not? How would you handle supporting a more complete website?
I agree with Bob; here's why:
20% (53 votes)
I have a better idea:
42% (110 votes)
The paper magazine is all I need.
32% (84 votes)
Don't care.
5% (12 votes)
Total votes: 259

Ward Bakke's picture

Whatever Stereophile reviewed that has already been reviewed by "Absolute Sound" should be free and the ones that Stereophile reviewed but not by A.S. should have a reasonable fee. The ones that A.S. does but not 'Phile can be classified as "in progress." Otherwise, no. I'll go the library and rip it out.

Tze-Ho Tan's picture

I'd pay for access to all reviews.

WALTER E.  HART's picture


Florin Penciu, Cleveland, OH's picture

Yes, Stereophile should be available online free for those who already subscribe to the paper magazine. This way, what has happened to me several times in the past—to see the magazine on the newsstand several days before it reaches my mailbox—won't be an issue anymore.

Tiger Woods's picture

Your web site should havbe everything on it for free. No Charges!

Al Marcy's picture

I would pay to stop the blinking ad links :)

Martin Bruczkowski's picture

Access to website should definitely be free to all subscribers. Non-subscribers could be charged for accessing certain areas, like new equipment reviews.

Graeme N.'s picture

I can't read web pages in the bath yet :-) Keep it in paper form just as you're doing now and put up on the Web older stuff. I suppose it all depends whether you want to be a webzine that has a paper version for the people who don't want it on the Web, or primarily a paper magazine which has online content as well.

J.  Salisbury's picture

I don't have time/interest to read the whole magazine every month and it's difficult to find on the newsstand here in Spain. So yes, I probably would pay for the occasional article!

Chris's picture

You just can't flip a monitor!

Michael J.  Rodriguez's picture

Leave things the way they are! I get in-depth information from the print magazine, breaking news and archival information from the website. The redundancy would have me choosing one over the other, and for sure the website would lose.

Gene Towne's picture

I pay enough for the hard copy without paying again.

ted betley's picture

Put regular mag contents in online website & charge (less than subscription)

Jorge Liguori's picture

I prefer paper than read it on the web, period.

Peter Westhorp's picture

I really READ the magazine, I don't just browse it.

G.White,'s picture

Free content will generate the traffic and paid advertising will pay the bills. That simple.

Joe Hartmann's picture

I visit the web site once a week to vote and read the rant. Since I can not complete my review of these two pages without AOL knocking me off line several times there is not way I would use the site at a cost. The mag will always be my main concern

Pearson's picture

I enjoy the teaser articles placed free in the archives. If I had to begin paying for the website, I wouldn't return.

Charles Purvis Kelly, Jr.'s picture

No, I don't... I already have a subscription to Stereophile that runs for the next two to three years. I don't render it necessary to pay for on-line content at Stereophile's magazine content. If I start doing that, then what's the point in taking out a subcription for the magazine in print form. My .02 cents worth. Go Figure.... DUH!!!!

Alex Fundock, Edison, NJ's picture

I enjoy the present formula of a paid print subscription and the free website. Stereophile and SGHT are my favorite online magazine sites. Keep up the good work.

Dan Rubin's picture

I'd like a searchable, on-line version of the magazine, which I will pay to get. But I will continue to subscribe to the hard copy.

John Valvano's picture

I know there are flaws with this plan but as a subscriber it would sometimes be easier to access an archived review on-line than go shuffling through my back issues. If paper mag. subscribers had an access code to view on-line issues and non-subscribers had to pay I think that would be appropriate. I would not pay extra to view an on-line issue. I prefer to carry to magazine around with me and read at my leisure.

Mike Sullivan's picture

Let me start by saying that I am not a current subscriber. I let my subscription lapse when my first child was born: no time/$/space for old issues/etc. left for audio pursuits. Now that my oldest has started school and my youngest is closing in quickly, I have the "better sound" bug again. I'm tired of bothering my brother-in-law (a subscriber) to dig out old issues. I want to re-subscribe . . . but then I will feel like archiving back issues again. If you provide access to all (or at least a few years) of back issues, I would be delighted to subscribe to both paper and online versions. I'm sorry to be so long-winded, but I think "Bob's" desire is a desire of many enthusiasts.

Ray Garrison's picture

I would like to a three-tiered subscription price. One price for people who want only printed magazines and don't want to pay for a subscription to the website, one for people who only want the web-based content, and the third for people who want to receive a printed copy of the magazine but also want full access to its contents via the Web. I would be in the third category. I enjoy being kept abreast of late breaking news on the website, and I would really like access to a complete archive of all published material. But I also enjoy the magazine, and would not want to forego having the printed material in hand when I feel like sitting down and spending some time reading.

Scott Miller's picture

I don't think subscribers to your magazine should have to pay extra to access whatever content you decide to put on your website. I don't particularly like the idea of an online magazine anyway. Do I lose access to back issues when my subscription runs out?

Andre Clark's picture

Hi—I've subscribed to Stereophile for about 10 years. I love the website tho, especially the equipment review archives and breaking news! My suggestion is to only allow magazine subscribers full access to the website. Charge $1 or $2 (or however much you need) extra per magazine subscription to cover the website costs. Print each subscriber's password on the mailing label of their magazine.

Scott's picture

I have no aversion to you offering this as an option, as long as you maintain the existing site, as a complement to your print magazine. I do not want to give up the advantages of a hard copy issue. I see the web site as an enhancement. As an intermediate step you could have additional info available to suscribers via password access.

Phil's picture

How about being able to pay a nominal fee, say $1-$3, to download any previous review instead of having to buy the entire issue, if it's even still available.

James's picture

I enjoy the tangible reference of my old Stereophiles in the library area of my listening room. I refer to them often and enjoy browsing through them in the same way I enjoy looking through my albums.

Brad - Atlanta's picture

I can't read your website while lounging in front of my system. And, I won't pay for access.
