Has having children affected your audiophile life? Please explain . . .

Reader Paul W. Simoni noticed a big change in his audiophile habits after his child was born. He wonders how other audiophiles deal with the impact of "rugrats."

Has having children affected your audiophile life? Please explain . . .
Big effect
42% (59 votes)
Moderate effect
16% (22 votes)
Little effect
8% (11 votes)
No change
4% (5 votes)
Don't have kids
31% (43 votes)
Total votes: 140

Richard H.'s picture

Yes, having a child has affected my time for listening to music. I must say it has also made me appreciate how important and precious my child is. It adds a wonderful part of me that actually enhances the appreciation of things—including music. Especially music. I guess it is like to being in love. One often appreciates much that is good around you.

Paul Jensen's picture

Despite my best negotiating skills, the hi-fi now resides in the corner of our family room, making room for a toy chest and larger toys. I also have virtually no time for music, but I wouldn't change a thing for now. Kids are a true joy. Someday I'll get back to enjoying music at its best.

Steve's picture

I listen to more music. I want my kids exposed to all kinds of music rather than TV. I upgraded my system. Now that they are five (twins), I am considering buying them an entry-level system for their own room. Rather than get the typical boombox, I would rather spend around $1000 so that they have a decent system that will allow them to appreciate whatever music they like for a long time.

Todd R.'s picture

From the moment my twins (stereo babies?) were able to get around on their own, they were trained not to touch "Daddy's stereo." Once they got a little older, I taught them how to use it properly (with adult supervision). Now my kids have an interest in music, and serve as alternate ears when I need a second opinion, and often go with me to the stereo store.

lord_coz@webtv.net's picture

no kids if i did and they wercked my system I might sudinly find myself once again without kids.

Bart's picture

My disposable in come is mine to dispose of! Wives and kids don't come with on/off switches or volume pots.

Louis McFarlane's picture

After the birth of my second child, I (The Man) had the duties of feeding the child late into the night. This was my opportunity to go down to the basement and put on an LP of music that I did not generally listen to during regular times. This would be Baroque music or some new age (Philip Glass, etc.) which I could listen to only when no one else was around. My daughter was only about 1 month old so had no say in the matter. My system at that time was not great, but the time spent was special.

Raymond Catapang's picture

Good thing I had a son! Hoping that someday he could inherit my system. Effects? Financially, 'cause you'll be spending a lot for a child and you have to sacrifice your audiophile budget for the kid. So far, not really that big an effect. As a matter of fact, when I take pictures of my system, I try to include a little kid, especially on the sweet-spot listening chair.

Torsten Rehn's picture

Staying home from work to take care of my children for a year gave me so much more time to enjoy music. My children sit in my lap while we listen, and I occasionally read them a page or two in some favorite book.

Steve's picture

I don't have the time and, when I do, I can't play as loud as I'd like.

Adam's picture

Don't anticipate any wee-ones for awhile!

Jerry S.'s picture

Before: listened to music 3-5 times per week. After: listen to music 2-3 times per month.

Drew's picture

Since children, I have not had the time or the financial resources to "feed" my hobby. The best I can hope for at this time is a subscription to Stereophile.

UK addict's picture

Children delayed my getting into hi-fi for approximately 7 years—BUT their presence has broadened enormously my taste in music, performing (limited) and reproduced.

Matt's picture

I need to get my fill of stereophonic bliss before I have any!

lloyde Dees's picture

Hello, basement sound room . . .

Paul Cloud's picture

Get the BEST you can afford BEFORE the marriage or childen!!!

Martin Bruczkowski's picture

My 1-year-old son loves music and won't go to sleep if I don't play something rhythmical he can dance to. I also play much more classical music now. Having a baby has revitalized my audiophile life!

Hazim Sabanovic's picture

My kid destroyed my phono, I got angry, my wife then destroyed my speakers. I am in hell.

Jeff Littleton's picture

I rarely use my home stereo (Theta, Hafler, Apogee) in my family room. My daughter is usually there watching TV and movies. Fortunately, I have a killer car stereo with a Theta Basic IIIA and Dynaudio speakers.

Bard-Alan Finlan's picture

Most definitely: less time to listen, less funds to spend on equipment/CDs. No remorse, though.

Greg Roe's picture

It changed for the better. I now listen late at night at moderate levels and enjoy the relaxed "kids are in bed" state. During the day, though, I can still put something fun on so we can all dance!

Peter G.  Stavropoulos's picture

Less money for toys. Less tolerance for loud noise.

MARCO's picture

I wouldn't know cos I don't have any:)!!

Serge Cavasino's picture

Merely stoped listening my hifi system when n

Sandy Panton's picture

I listen to music at home, in my car and at work (we have a fairly good stereo system in our control room) Having two daughters (now 20 &24) didn't effect my wifes and my listening habits that much. We now have two daughters who also listen to music all the time because off the enviroment they were raised in.

Kurt Segur's picture

Affirmative-when you have dance school, Gap, Ltd 2 and the thought of private schools looming, a subwoofer just does not compute. ( at least a decent one that won't color and be able to keep up with planars ). It will take a concerted effort to make a case for anything over $1k. My approach will be careful subliminal suggestion, time and most important pity. Groveling should not be overlooked. One must never give up.Just change strategy and time expectations. Say 3-5 yrs instead of the usual 1-2.

Joe Plaziak's picture

That is one disturbing baby picture. Yikes!

Ren's picture

The kids want the tv;and when they listen to music it's usually not what I like to hear.That's why I have time to answer your surveys.I still hope to educate them to good music but so far their peers are winning.

Lonely Audio Guy's picture

Sound and progeny reproduction just don't seem to mix. Therefore, I have taken an oath of celibacy.
