Attention Screen Makes Its Canadian Debut

Attention Screen is the band that includes Stereophile's own Bob Reina on piano, Chris Jones on bass, Don Fiorino on various string instruments, and Mark Flynn on drums. (Their recent CD, Live at Merkin Hall, recorded by John Atkinson, is available from Stereophile.) They gave a concert at FSI, and although the attendance could have been better—publicity for the music events at the show was rather sparse—it was clear that those in the audience were enraptured with Attention Screen's intense, almost entirely improvisational brand of jazz.

Dale Smith's picture

I was at lunch performance of the John Atkinson Trio and enjoyed it very much. The poor directions were an embarrassing oversight. Although I've been to the show a number of times,the Sheraton is a difficult place to find your way around and I had to search for the room where they were playing.

John Atkinson's picture

Yes, it was a shame about the lack of signage for the fringe events. But performing at FSI was a blast, given the enthusiasm for music shown by l'audiophiles qu

Bob Matheson's picture

My wife and I attended the trio show at noon Saturday. I was a nice break, thanx. I agree with the comments on the signage. If I had not seen it on the web site, we would have missed it.

Stephen Mejias's picture

BTW, if anyone is thinking that Don Fiorino must be playing the tiniest Gibson Firebird guitar evah, it's actually an Epiphone electric mandolin.I've been eyeing these beauties. I want one!