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Note to Moderators: Did someone forget to put out the roach traps?
You know, once they get a foothold in your house they're very difficult to get rid of.
You are the best example by far Geoff, you got a toehold and never let go did you?

Geoff, you coulda made more money with paperwork!
People arent very trusting these days, me included since I was burned.
Oh, I see, people trust paperwork.
You have to have a nose for this sort of thing.
Oh, I see, people trust paperwork.
You have to have a nose for this sort of thing.
Oh, I see, people trust paperwork.
You have to have a nose for this sort of thing.
Thus sprach the Troll. Begone, Troll!
Geoff the original troll being asked about his "products".....
I have been experimenting with various laser frequencies with inconclusive results. But I think that I am on to something big. Or maybe I should say I am on to a couple of things big. First I started experimenting with positive room pressure and found that the increased density of the atmosphere had a positive effect on the speed of the sound. This is backed up by physics, the speed of sound increases with the density of the tranfer medium. Much faster bass. Second I found that using a noble gas provided a much purer sound do to the fact that any of the noble gasses did not react with the sound leaving it in a pure state.
Thats very interesting.
I like reading stuff like this, for my knowledge in these realms are very limited.
On the other hand, the speed of sound in the room should be irrelevant since all of the sound, from millisecond to millisecond, will have the same speed in the room. Thus, the listener should not hear a "faster bass" -- at least not due to a change in speed of sound.
It's a bummer, but changes in barometric pressure do not alter the speed of sound.
The speed of sound in gases increases roughly as the square root of temperature, but is nearly independent of pressure or density for a given gas.
Maybe you are warming the room up.
So pressure has no effect? Lets take pressure to one extreme. Zero pressure. A vacuum. How does that affect sound? So if zero pressure prevents sound transfer, then the converse must be true. Infinite pressure produces infinite speed. And yes increasing pressure also increases temperature. Something about PVT relationship.
Where are these rational arguments when it comes to everyother stupid idea?
Nearly independent? So I am right? It is dependent.
Now that I think about it, a reduction in room pressure should produce faster bass. The reduction in pressure will reduce the resistence against the driver allowing it to start and stop quicker thus producing faster bass.
If you don't mind too much, can I point out you just contradicted your initial statement that increasing the pressure in the room produced faster bass?
Also, not sure I go along with your detective work since a reduction of pressure in the room should allow greater woofer extension - i.e., the woofer stops less quickly during outward motion. Less quickly during inward motion as well if one assumes the internal speaker pressure equalizes with the external pressure in the room.
Any change of the pressure may decide how far the sound waves travel, but never how fast (or slow)
Good news travels slowly, bad news travels at the speed of light.
So, you propose that the most significant load on the loudspeaker cone is the radiation impedence into the room?
I do not propose that the sky is orange, either.
The speed of sound in air is temperature dependent, not pressure dependent.
Please explain to me what you think happens to woofer loading when air pressure changes.
If you can not answer constructively, you make your status as malingerer even more clearly...
Well, strictly speaking, pressure has MINOR effects, but very minor compared to temperature. Then again, change the temperature and K T bar the door, eh? Lock them Boltz, Man!
No need for name-calling, my phoney little friend.
David_L, you seem to talk less Hi Fi than Geoff.
That's a pretty amazing feat.
That's pretty weird, are you jealous of me or David_L?
No, not jealous.
Your mutual love affair with David_L is something more deserving of...
That kind of feeling you get walking around in a big city when you see one of those crazy street people drop a turd out the bottom of their pants leg.
People used to wonder if David_L was Ethan, but his M.O. is much more like yours.
Maybe Stephen should check IP addresses to make sure you aren't arguing with yourself.
Is your ass itchy? David_L can probably fix that but you'll have to stop being so sweet to him first. Always siding with the lowest common denominator suits you, if you don't mind my saying so.
Hey, on your reading skills.
I was equating the two of you, not siding with either one. Although, both of you seem to fit the LCD factor.
Let's see if David_L owns a hi fi and is capable of telling us what interconnects and gear he uses. Then, he'd move "log" factors ahead of you!
My gear consists of a 10 year old Kenwood receiver driving a pair of DIY two way speakers,20 year old Technics CD player,a DIY active crossover at 80 Hz feeding a NAD amp that drives a 12 inch woofer in a DIY ported box. The interconects are whatever were available from different sources and not more than $5 per cable prob.
There my HiFi already beats Geoffs non existant one
OK, you left geoffie in the dust!
That seems somehow appropriately entry level. Thanks for sharing.
See, geoff? You have something to aspire to!
Join the fun, man.
Fun for the feeble minded. No thanks. If you ever tire of being a griefer and a sap, let me know, I'll see what I can do about getting you into the Audio Insiders.
"Audio Insiders," eh?
Is that your club for hi fi poseurs who don't actually have hi fis?
Are you in a similar club that meets and talks about hypothetical relationships with actual people?
Poor geoffie, outdone by "entry level" hi fi.
Typical critic.
You are the Jeff Albertson of hi fi.
Barcodes, phone books, placebo plants...I guess when you don't actually participate in a hobby, it matters not what bullshit you spew. Try and see if you can at least get a pretend hi fi.
That boner just won't go away, eh? There might have to be an entire chapter for you in my book. I'll call it A Griefer and a Sap.
Actually my Kenwood is probably 15 years old. All my power cords and innterconnects are original so just image all the hours of "burn-in" they have!
With so many hours they must surpass just about ANY new pricey cord hmmmmm? 
Too much HiFi for your tastes no doubt
Funny how the person that has no HiFi thinks mine is "entry level". I found what I like and it works for me. Sorry I'm not one of your typical customers that thinks he has to buy "tweaks" every other month "just because"
yes your business thrives on the gullible hmmmmmm? 
I would wager Macina Dynamica's idea of business "thriving" remains woefully short of getting geoffie a hi fi or out of his mom's apartment.
Hence, geoffie's aggrieved nature.
Everything you say screams entry level. Come back after you grow up.
You're exhibiting more diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. If not asking too much, try to be a little more entertaining and original, I get bored easily.
Hmph. I am neither pot nor kettle here.
So those that build their own speakers are entry level? Lets see your efforts and results Mr I Sell Rocks In A Bag. How would you know who's grown up when you are still in diapers?
Uh, you really need to work on your comebacks as they tend to be rather tame. Is English is a second language or have you recently been in a serious motorcycle accident?
Actually, you're just a person with a science background who let emotions cloud his thinking. Happens all the time.
Perhaps you would like to formalize that professional accusation?
If not, then that constitutes an admission that you knowingly defamed me.
You are a Vulcan, you say?
J_J, just tell geoffie to grow up and get a hi fi, then move on.
geoffie is to hi fi as a fish is to a bicycle, as the saying goes.
The problem with moving on is that Jeffy insists on wandering around audio boards, deliberately interfering with more or less anyone's discussion, and constantly providing references to his "chips" and his little bags of rocks, clocks, whatever.
If he would simply stop interfering, which is obviously half for lulz and half for sales purposes, then he wouldn't be so objectionable, but rather, he insists on polluting the entire landscape with a whole host of fantasy reasonings like his "how the intellegent chip works", or the "teleport tweak" routine.
Well, I'd say his stuff is more SciFi, but ...
Interstingly, Ethan was banned after always coming at hi fi from one direction ad nauseum, yet geoffie abides...never straying off his sales message.
I prefer to think of my stuff as SciFri - science friction. This friction probably explains why you're hot under the collar. Almost all great scientific discoveries are initially considered preposterous by the scientific community.