Buddha's picture
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Update on the laser light room tweak.
RGibran's picture
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wherein laser light of a certain frequency was used to make the air in the listening room more 'coherent' and thereby more effectively couple the speaker/air interface and improve sound quality

So, this differs from products that work at the etheric level, charging airwaves to enable them to transport sound more effectively?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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wherein laser light of a certain frequency was used to make the air in the listening room more 'coherent' and thereby more effectively couple the speaker/air interface and improve sound quality

So, this differs from products that work at the etheric level, charging airwaves to enable them to transport sound more effectively?

Man, you read my mind!

Yes, the difference is our tweak actually works. The photos prove it!

Wait 'til you see what we invented last winter....top secret for about 15 minutes.

mjalazard's picture
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Is it this!?!?!?

Orb's picture
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Hey I see a potential flaw in the design!!!!
The lasers are moving, so surely this affects the results on the room acoustics
You can see that the angle of the laser points actually shifts between the two different photos.
Explain that one away

Also looks like he is squinting/closing his eyes, is that a side affect of being dazzled by a laser or a benefit tweak


Jim Tavegia
Jim Tavegia's picture
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I more worried about the fact that it made the drummer disappear as well.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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I more worried about the fact that it made the drummer disappear as well.

I told ya, improved transparency!

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Hey I see a potential flaw in the design!!!!
The lasers are moving, so surely this affects the results on the room acoustics

You can see that the angle of the laser points actually shifts between the two different photos.
Explain that one away

I am happy to answer that concern.

In order for the laser tweak to be fully effective, it must render as much of the air in the room as possible "coherent."

If the light did not roam, it would create a coherency effect similar to Ethan's beloved comb filtering...with some parts of the room having coherent air and some not.

By including roving beams, all the air in a room will be rendered coherent.

That may be the reason why more than one unit improves room sound more quickly.

I think the artist's squinting was an emotive cue - he was rendered rapturous by the great sound.

j_j's picture
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I more worried about the fact that it made the drummer disappear as well.


So, what do you call a drummer with no girlfriend?

Orb's picture
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I more worried about the fact that it made the drummer disappear as well.

Being vaporized is definitely a negative side affect and I hope Buddha includes the caveat in his product brochure

Buddha, nice response as well.


Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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I more worried about the fact that it made the drummer disappear as well.

Being vaporized is definitely a negative side affect and I hope Buddha includes the caveat in his product brochure

Buddha, nice response as well.


WARNING: This device uses a high powered laser. Staring directly into the beam may cause damage to eye tissue. Drummers may be at additional risk, and have been known to vaporize faster than when a dinner check arrrives.

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Elk's picture
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So, what do you call a drummer with no girlfriend?


Elk's picture
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If the light did not roam, it would create a coherency effect similar to Ethan's beloved comb filtering...with some parts of the room having coherent air and some not.


Kudos, Buddha!

j_j's picture
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So, what do you call a drummer with no girlfriend?


And how can you tell if the stage risers are level, left to right?

j_j's picture
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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If the light did not roam, it would create a coherency effect similar to Ethan's beloved comb filtering...with some parts of the room having coherent air and some not.


Kudos, Buddha!

Well, it's an interesting problem, you see, the coherence of the incoherent air creates an incoherence in the coherent light, which coheres the sound to the incoherent coherence, thereby showing that the vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, and the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

But, please, people, do not drop the chalice from the palice, or we'll have to drag out the flagon with the dragon.

geoffkait's picture
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If the light did not roam, it would create a coherency effect similar to Ethan's beloved comb filtering...with some parts of the room having coherent air and some not.


Kudos, Buddha!

Well, it's an interesting problem, you see, the coherence of the incoherent air creates an incoherence in the coherent light, which coheres the sound to the incoherent coherence, thereby showing that the vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, and the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

But, please, people, do not drop the chalice from the palice, or we'll have to drag out the flagon with the dragon.

Can these possibly work, or does science disallow it?
I am not trolling.

6 Moons review of Ultra Tweeters

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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If the light did not roam, it would create a coherency effect similar to Ethan's beloved comb filtering...with some parts of the room having coherent air and some not.


Kudos, Buddha!

Well, it's an interesting problem, you see, the coherence of the incoherent air creates an incoherence in the coherent light, which coheres the sound to the incoherent coherence, thereby showing that the vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, and the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

But, please, people, do not drop the chalice from the palice, or we'll have to drag out the flagon with the dragon.

Can these possibly work, or does science disallow it?
I am not trolling.

6 Moons review of Ultra Tweeters

Man, if you only had a Hi Fi, you could try them and see!

As a Six Moon-eyed person....has 6 Moons ever run into a tweak that wasn't amazing? Ever?

Now that would be interesting!

j_j's picture
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Hey, Buddha, have you seen the ads for the new "special zip cord" that's been kept in a jar on Funk and Wagnal's front porch overnight?

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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If the light did not roam, it would create a coherency effect similar to Ethan's beloved comb filtering...with some parts of the room having coherent air and some not.


Kudos, Buddha!

Well, it's an interesting problem, you see, the coherence of the incoherent air creates an incoherence in the coherent light, which coheres the sound to the incoherent coherence, thereby showing that the vessel with the pestle has the pellet with the poison, and the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true.

But, please, people, do not drop the chalice from the palice, or we'll have to drag out the flagon with the dragon.

Can these possibly work, or does science disallow it?
I am not trolling.

6 Moons review of Ultra Tweeters

Man, if you only had a Hi Fi, you could try them and see!

As a Six Moon-eyed person....has 6 Moons ever run into a tweak that wasn't amazing? Ever?

Now that would be interesting!

I did not see that coming. From jj's new sockpuppet, no less. Welcome aboard.

Buddha's picture
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So, your answer would be, no.

Hey, geoffie, can't you trade in all those barcodes for some change and buy a liitle Hi Fi?

I see you are back in "run away" mode.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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So, your answer would be, no.

Hey, geoffie, can't you trade in all those barcodes for some change and buy a liitle Hi Fi?

I see you are back in "run away" mode.

If you're asking if 6 Moons only publishes rave reviews of tweaks, I suspect that's probably not true but I haven't read all of their reviews.

Have you?

cyclebrain's picture
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Coherent light, coherent air, coherent sound? Coherence by definition means that multiple signals have a constant phase relationship. For this to happen all signal sources must have a common reference.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Coherent light, coherent air, coherent sound? Coherence by definition means that multiple signals have a constant phase relationship. For this to happen all signal sources must have a common reference.

Geez, it doth appear science has been disobeyed once again.

I suggest passing along your complaint to jj in the hope it will be brought up at the next Randi staff meeting. Or, you could have Elk check with his colleagues at the institute.

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Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Demo'd the laser light tweak (LLT) for some people over the weekend.

I am stealing the comment, but one of the ladies quipped, "It seems like the speakers energize the room better."

Interesting, and spontaneous, description.

I like that word - especially when thinking about tweeter/room interaction. I was surprised she brought it up.

She also has one of the Supersymmetric Superstring Tweaks (SST) we made this past winter and was wearing it for the listening session.

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Demo'd the laser light tweak (LLT) for some people over the weekend.

I am stealing the comment, but one of the ladies quipped, "It seems like the speakers energize the room better."

Interesting, and spontaneous, description.

I like that word - especially when thinking about tweeter/room interaction. I was surprised she brought it up.

She also has one of the Supersymmetric Superstring Tweaks (SST) we made this past winter and was wearing it for the listening session.

I don't doubt it one bit. Shinning ordinary light (lamp or high beam flashlight) on cables and interconnects for 15 minutes before listening works quite well. Or flooding the room with light. (IIRC that was a Bob Crump suggestion.) It's possible coherent light might be even better.

The expression "energizing the room" sounds awfully familiar -- oh, yeah, it sounds like "charging the air."

Pop Quiz -- Pt 1. If a red laser light show was used, wouldn't that more or less replicate the Intelligent Chip for the case of a CD player? Pt. 2. How can the laser light show in the room affect the disc inside the CD player?

Orb's picture
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Demo'd the laser light tweak (LLT) for some people over the weekend.

I am stealing the comment, but one of the ladies quipped, "It seems like the speakers energize the room better."

Interesting, and spontaneous, description.

I like that word - especially when thinking about tweeter/room interaction. I was surprised she brought it up.

She also has one of the Supersymmetric Superstring Tweaks (SST) we made this past winter and was wearing it for the listening session.

I don't doubt it one bit. Shinning ordinary light (lamp or high beam flashlight) on cables and interconnects for 15 minutes before listening works quite well. Or flooding the room with light. (IIRC that was a Bob Crump suggestion.) It's possible coherent light might be even better.

The expression "energizing the room" sounds awfully familiar -- oh, yeah, it sounds like "charging the air."

Aha so we do not need Buddha's expensive system, I get the same effect using torch lights!!!
Buddha your trying to con us here in the same way we get an Oppo inside 3k+ players!
Please confirm your system does not use multiple torch lights inside a snazzy box somehow simulating a laser light effect while costing 5x more
And did you do a DBT ABX between a torch and your uber laser system?
I appreciate its difficult to remove all tell signs as a disintegrating drummer sort of stands out

Oh and Geoff, probably the wittiest photo you used in awhile (Simple Jack), definitely a touche response.


j_j's picture
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Pop Quiz -- Pt 1. If a red laser light show was used, wouldn't that more or less replicate the Intelligent Chip for the case of a CD player? Pt. 2. How can the laser light show in the room affect the disc inside the CD player?

What system did you test the "Intellegent Chip" on?

What equipment? What room size. What T60 profile? What noise floor? What early reflections? Enquiring minds want to know.

geoffkait's picture
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Pop Quiz -- Pt 1. If a red laser light show was used, wouldn't that more or less replicate the Intelligent Chip for the case of a CD player? Pt. 2. How can the laser light show in the room affect the disc inside the CD player?

What system did you test the "Intellegent Chip" on?

What equipment? What room size. What T60 profile? What noise floor? What early reflections? Enquiring minds want to know.

How would you test the chip? What system and type of room would you use? I'd be interested to know. I hope I'm not being presumptuous here - skeptics do test things sometimes, don't they?

David_L's picture
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geoffkait's picture
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Hmmmm, that's strange, my gaydar just went off again...

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Hmmmm, that's strange, my gaydar just went off again...

Oh, geoffie, just quit it.

We know you don't own any actual gaydar....or equipment of any kind.

geoffkait's picture
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"Oh, geoffie, just quit it," he lisped. Yikes!

David_L's picture
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Not only do you not own any HiFi, you're a homophobe and sell questionable "tweaks" that do NOTHING other than scam people out of their money. Probably a closet case anyways.

j_j's picture
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How would you test the chip? What system and type of room would you use? I'd be interested to know. I hope I'm not being presumptuous here - skeptics do test things sometimes, don't they?

Well, you make claims to how it works. So, you have tested it, right?

I'm not making claims about it, I don't have to say anything to say about how I might test it.

YOU are making substantive claims about it. Please detail precisely and in documentary form how you test it.

Thank you in advance, Geoff.

geoffkait's picture
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Well, you make claims to how it works. So, you have tested it, right?

I'd have thought you'd insist any legitimate test must be performed by an independent third party. You must be slipping. If you don't believe a mfgr's claims, which is certainly your prerogative, it only stands to reason you wouldn't believe their test results, either, no?

I'm not making claims about it, I don't have to say anything to say about how I might test it.

Geez, I didn't see that coming. But you're the one who apparently thinks the claims are false. Are you saying you'd believe my test report? Or are you just trolling?

YOU are making substantive claims about it. Please detail precisely and in documentary form how you test it.

Thank you in advance, Geoff.

Haven't you been paying attention? If anyone does testing, it is audio reviewers or independent labs, but certainly not audio manufacturers. The only test I'm aware of that involved the Intelligent Chip - I mean other than many listening tests that were perfomed by senior audio press at CES 2005 and the HI Fi Show in UK the same year, as well as at the home of the Hi Fi News Editor and staff, was performed by a skeptical audiophile who took the Intelligent Chip to a metallurgy lab to have it examined under an electron microscope, presumably to determine the presence or absence of "quantum material" in the chip.

Now that I think about it, the 2 PhDs over at 6 Moons DID do some sort of testing of the chip and the Intelligent Box a couple years ago. I could dig up the review for you if you wish....

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Well, you make claims to how it works. So, you have tested it, right?

I'd have thought you'd insist any legitimate test must be performed by an independent third party. You must be slipping. If you don't believe a mfgr's claims, which is certainly your prerogative, it only stands to reason you wouldn't believe their test results, either, no?

I'm not making claims about it, I don't have to say anything to say about how I might test it.

Geez, I didn't see that coming. But you're the one who apparently thinks the claims are false. Are you saying you'd believe my test report? Or are you just trolling?

YOU are making substantive claims about it. Please detail precisely and in documentary form how you test it.

Thank you in advance, Geoff.

Haven't you been paying attention? If anyone does testing, it is audio reviewers or independent labs, but certainly not audio manufacturers. The only test I'm aware of that involved the Intelligent Chip - I mean other than many listening tests that were perfomed by senior audio press at CES 2005 and the HI Fi Show in UK the same year, as well as at the home of the Hi Fi News Editor and staff, was performed by a skeptical audiophile who took the Intelligent Chip to a metallurgy lab to have it examined under an electron microscope, presumably to determine the presence or absence of "quantum material" in the chip.

Now that I think about it, the 2 PhDs over at 6 Moons DID do some sort of testing of the chip and the Intelligent Box a couple years ago. I could dig up the review for you if you wish....

Whew, that's a long winded way of saying, "No, I did not test it."

j_j's picture
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Haven't you been paying attention? If anyone does testing, it is audio reviewers or independent labs, but certainly not audio manufacturers.

Really, then, how do you know it even works?

Surely you must have some kind of "product quality" assurance.

In order to have that, you must have a way to test something.

Your company, not somebody else.

What is it?

geoffkait's picture
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Haven't you been paying attention? If anyone does testing, it is audio reviewers or independent labs, but certainly not audio manufacturers.

Really, then, how do you know it even works?

Surely you must have some kind of "product quality" assurance.

In order to have that, you must have a way to test something.

Your company, not somebody else.

What is it?

How do I know it works? Well, if you must know, I have ways to determine if a product works, well, most of the time, anyway, including direct and indirect measurement, listening tests and the use of multiple systems and listeners. In the peculiar case of the Teleportation Tweak, which is performed long-distance, it's problemmatic since I obviously can't do a direct test; however, I obtain corroborating testimony, as it were, from customers. Surprisingly consistent, unambiguous testimony, if I can be so bold.

ncdrawl's picture
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the plural of anecdote is not data

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Don't be a nitpicker.

Off the subject, I picked up an autographed Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison LP yesterday at a thrift store. Any idea how much it's worth? I figure if you don't know, nobody does.

j_j's picture
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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Don't be a nitpicker.

Off the subject, I picked up an autographed Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison LP yesterday at a thrift store. Any idea how much it's worth? I figure if you don't know, nobody does.

As Teddy Ray said "data is not the plural of anecdote."

geoffkait's picture
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Don't be a nitpicker.

Off the subject, I picked up an autographed Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison LP yesterday at a thrift store. Any idea how much it's worth? I figure if you don't know, nobody does.

As Teddy Ray said "data is not the plural of anecdote."

I prefer the word evidence to the word anecdote. It is the accumulated evidence I am interested in and I have the methodology and network to deliver the goods.

"Nothing succeeds like success." - old audiophile expression

David_L's picture
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I prefer the word evidence to the word anecdote. It is the accumulated evidence I am interested in and I have the methodology and network to deliver the goods.

I bet you sell a LOT of these then

j_j's picture
Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
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I prefer the word evidence to the word anecdote.

The plural of "anecdote" remains something other than "data".

So, how did you test your curious devices? How do you assure they are manufactured and assembled properly, and working correctly? What is your QA?

geoffkait's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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I prefer the word evidence to the word anecdote.

The plural of "anecdote" remains something other than "data".

>>>>>>>>>>>Oh, piffle! You really need to learn to trust your ears.

So, how did you test your curious devices? How do you assure they are manufactured and assembled properly, and working correctly? What is your QA?

>>>>>>>>>Geez, you sure ask a lot of questions. This gets curiouser and curiouser.... Why would you even care? That's a rhetorical question, no need to reply.

geoffkait's picture
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I prefer the word evidence to the word anecdote. It is the accumulated evidence I am interested in and I have the methodology and network to deliver the goods.

I bet you sell a LOT of these then

Note to Moderators: Did someone forget to put out the roach traps?
You know, once they get a foothold in your house they're very difficult to get rid of.

ncdrawl's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Off the subject, I picked up an autographed Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison LP yesterday at a thrift store. Any idea how much it's worth? I figure if you don't know, nobody does.

Well, if the Autograph can be authenticated..if you have the papers from the expert, id say easily several hundred dollars.
I have several myself. they range about 6-700 bucks a piece.

had to get them authenticated though...and one that I bought was fake.

geoffkait's picture
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Off the subject, I picked up an autographed Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison LP yesterday at a thrift store. Any idea how much it's worth? I figure if you don't know, nobody does.

Well, if the Autograph can be authenticated..if you have the papers from the expert, id say easily several hundred dollars.
I have several myself. they range about 6-700 bucks a piece.

had to get them authenticated though...and one that I bought was fake.

Thanks for the info, the signature looks legit to me. The Lp's up for auction over on A-gon as we speak.


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