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August 20, 2010 - 3:54pm
Found: A 'controversial tweak' that does have an effect!

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Well, that's a mouthful, so to speak!
Do you yourself believe that?
I'd say the explanation on that website is sort of on the right track, but about one paradigm away. At least they know it's a problem.
Ether. That word again. like.
Me thinks Dr. Quintan is a nut.
We might be able to find out if the good doctor has all his marbles. I am thinking of an experiment. Do you have an open block of time over the weekend?
I have nothing but time...
The experiment is to see if barcodes affect the sound. The experiment doesn't provide an answer to the question why do they, we can get to that later.
The Experiment
Before starting the experiment, listen to a couple of reference tracks to familiarize yourself with how the system is sounding. You can listen to these tracks after the experiment to see if the sound has changed.
1. Materials: All you need is a fine or medium-fine point red pen, any brand will do.
In some cases when not too much trouble, say for a box or package, the offending barcode can be removed with a razor blade or scissors, being sure to place all barcodes thus removed in a location *outside the house* - in the trash can for example.
1. Find as many barcodes in the listening room as you can. For each barcode you find, draw a line entirely through it with the red pen; draw the red line perpendicular to the lines of the barcode. Try to find and mark a minimum of 50 to 100 barcodes in the listening room.
You will find barcodes on the back of CD cases, record albums, Books, and Videos. All types of media with barcodes are quite important as we shall see later. For CDs, you can draw the red line on the plastic case directly over the barcode rather than taking the CD case apart to access the actual barcode; that's actually preferrable but a lot of trouble.
Any Pepsi, beer, water or wine bottles, ordinary things have barcodes. commercial products like candy wrappers, packages of pens, sometimes the pens themselves, packages of batteries, empty boxes, etc. Electronics like CD players, computers, computer keyboards and TVs usually have at least one barcode somewhere them, on the keyboard it's located on the bottom.
2. If you have more time, or feel inspired, continue out into other rooms of the house as barcodes in other rooms also affect the sound in the listening room. The more barcodes you mark with the red pen the better your results should be. Since there are so many barcodes
it might be a good idea to wait for some rainy days for a full scale attack on all barcodes. There is an enormous number of barcodes in the kitchen alone.
3. After marking 50-100 barcodes listen to the tracks again. You can also listen to some other tracks you might not have heard in a while to see if they sound any different. What you should notice is that the sound has become more musical in a new, though perhaps somewhat subtle way. There should be noticeably less distortion; the sound should have a certain, uh, engaging quality, with less electronic/mechanical sounding. Voices should sound more, uh, human.
Dude, you can't be serious
Uh, not sure what you mean.
Believe it or not, I am not going through 600+ cd's with a red pen for this
I wasn't suggesting you go through all 600 CDs. You should only have to go through about 50 CDs to get some audible results. But, if you do get some results with 50, who knows, you might be inclined to do more, maybe yes, maybe no. This is just supposed to be a short experiment. I suspect you can do 50 CDs in 10 minutes. You can even multitask, you know, while sipping a beer and listening to music.
Thank you, but I think I will skip this one. Call me close-minded, but I don't really believe barcodes make any difference whatsoever.
Wow, you are a real buzz kill!
Quite coincidentally, my listening room is bar code free, and I like how it sounds.
Let's make a deal....
I will carry 50-100 CD's into the listening room and listen for a degredation of sound, and you can get a red Sharpee and draw a line over 50 bar codes and we'll compare notes!
No harm!
Question for Geoff:
What if Keld just concentrates really hard on the idea of removing bar codes while he's in his listening room? Or, could he 'shield' them with tin foil, or something?
One other issue:
Time for a pic of your bar code free listening room, Geoff.
I'll take a pic of my room before and after to show I am willing to try this, but you have to play, too.
Picture time.
Hey, I don't blame you one bit. Besides, there's always an issue, it seems, who knows why, of the reporting of results in these sorts of things. It can be such an uncomfortable thing when the results come out positive, if you know what I mean. A bit of a sticky wicket, as they say.
But you did try the cream and foils and you were pretty sure they wouldn't work, eh? Or have you disavowed them?
50+ barcodes striked through with a red permanent marker. There may be a difference and there may not. I can't say for sure. Now you're going to suggest I continue, right?
I do understand
I did actually believe I might have heard a greater calmness with the cream and the foil, but again, if there was an improvement it was very subtle.
If the striking the barcodes with a red marker helps, I will accept it, but perhaps I'm a little close-minded? Just a little bit?
I wish I was more prepared to turn my "world view" upside down. It couldn't hurt me, I know, but you gotta admit that it sounds ridiculous! It's beyond believing in aliens, far beyond.
Nope, no bar codes, Geoff.
I'll post a pic to prove it after you post your pic.
We can wait while you straighten up the apartment.
I have agreed to your experiment, Geoff, now time for you to participate, as well.
Besides, I claim with "100% certainty" you do not own a Hi Fi, so now you can put that rumor to rest.
I don't usually do this, but here's a photo of my room, against my better judgement. Trust me the speakers, etc. are in there somewhere. Never let it be said I don't keep my end of a bargain.
Well, if you can't be honest about this small thing....why should anybody trust you at all? Why not participate for a change?
I hope you can one day own a Hi Fi, Geoff. Then, you won't have to steal pics and obfuscate.
Why bring up your crazy talk if you aren't really a fellow hobbiest to begin with?
Until then, you should keep an appropriate profile.
Tsk, tsk, Geoff. A Hi Fi "expert" who doesn't even Hi Fi. You're worse than that fake "reviewer" who hangs out here sometimes.
Hey, lighten up, big fella. Not enough alcohol today, or have you been sitting on your face?
Ah, Geoff's way of running away.
Scurry off, geoffie.
No more pretending. We now know you don't actually Hi Fi.
What say I cryogenically freeze my bar codes. Will that help?
Now, when I get to school tomorrow and the kids stop with the "my dog ate my homework", but now pull "it was ionic, biospheric, aberation of all the barcodes in my room that had me believe that I DID my homework". "Mr. T., really!"
I can't doubt them after reading it in a respected audio magazine! It is clear that the only thing out of phase is ME!
Tell them you sent a fairy to eliminate the malignant side effects of any barcodes
Music and humor...the unbeatable combination.
DIDN'T I SEE THIS ON AN EPISODE OF "CLEAN-HOUSE"? That show makes my wife feel so much better about herself!
Now I feel so much better about MY room.
Radionics is complete and utter fraud. It preys upon seriously ill individuals who will grasp anything in hopes of a cure. Absolutely despicable.
Astounding that this guy also refers to "light ether," proven not to exist over 100 years ago.
Geoff, you like to rely on Wikipedia and have quoted its entries in the past as dispositive (without attribution, such as on the number 26). Thus I offer for your edification the Wikipedia entry: Radionics
For further reading, here is a description of the experiment that demonstrated that luminescent ether does not exist: Michelson-Morley experiment (1887)
I never said I thought much one way t'other about radionics or light ether. I wish you'd refrain from putting words in my mouth. In the case of "light ether" it appears to be another case of your not being sure what the heck it's supposed to mean, so therefore it doesn't exist. How convenient!
Geoof, there you, are Hi Fi-less rascal.
We are still waiting to conclude the bar code experiment. Where are those pics of your bar code-less room?
I merely quoted your post. If you do not mean to stand behind your posts' content don't submit them.
Then, once again, tell us what it is.
Radionics is cruel, heartless, medical fraud. Light ether is a long discredited hypothesis. If you do not intend to rely upon them, don't cite them.
Do you reject both radionics as it appliers to bar codes and otherwise, as well as light ether?