geoffkait's picture
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Wikipedia Section on Audiophiles written by a Troll?
Freako's picture
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A dedicated super-troll!

Jim Tavegia
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We all know Mr. Fremer's take on the great charletan. That is why we tell students not to believe what you read on Wikipedia. Do much more research.

David_L's picture
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We all know Mr. Fremer's take on the great charletan. That is why we tell students not to believe what you read on Wikipedia. Do much more research.

Yeah he's such a great "charletan" that NO ONE to date has been able to claim the $1 million dollar prize Perhaps it's because NO ONE has been able to pass a DBT? Go figure, crazy science and all
I was doing some research on Geoff's website and thought I was on the SyFy Channel website by mistake

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Water, fire, air and dirt
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
And I don

Jim Tavegia
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We all know Mr. Fremer's take on the great charletan. That is why we tell students not to believe what you read on Wikipedia. Do much more research.

Yeah he's such a great "charletan" that NO ONE to date has been able to claim the $1 million dollar prize Perhaps it's because NO ONE has been able to pass a DBT? Go figure, crazy science and all
I was doing some research on Geoff's website and thought I was on the SyFy Channel website by mistake

Feb 2008 Issue Analogue Corner should fill you in.

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From Wikipedia: Skeptic James Randi, through his foundation, has offered a prize of $1 million to anyone who can demonstrate that $7,250 audio cables "are any better than ordinary audio cables".[21] To date, no one has claimed the prize."

Having been involved in discussions with The Amazing Randi, I noted that he says that he is only obliged to pay out the $1,000,000 if the differences between the cables are detected with paranormal means. The dice are heavily loaded in his favor, therefore, because if there is any measurable difference between cables, he is relieved of having to pay out.

In other words, it's a shell game.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

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We all know Mr. Fremer's take on the great [charlatan]. That is why we tell students not to believe what you read on Wikipedia. Do much more research.

Yeah he's such a great [charlatan] that NO ONE to date has been able to claim the $1 million dollar prize...

See my posting above. The reason none has won the money is because the dice are loaded in Randi's favor. In fact, Randi is the one who has subsequently backed out of the Challenge.

And points deducted from your permanent record for mocking Jim's spelling.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

Steve Eddy
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Having been involved in discussions with The Amazing Randi, I noted that he says that he is only obliged to pay out the $1,000,000 if the differences between the cables are detected with paranormal means.

Actually, when Michael accepted the challenge, he objected to the "paranormal" qualification and a challenge separate from the regular challenge was set up between Michael and Randi that excluded the paranormal qualification and was based on simple audibility.

In fact, Randi is the one who has subsequently backed out of the Challenge.

Yes. And then tried to make it appear that it was Michael who had run away from the challenge. Absolutely despicable. I used to enjoy reading Randi, but the job he pulled on Michael made it perfectly clear to me that he's nothing but a fucking weasel.


geoffkait's picture
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Randi's not an audiophile, nor does he have audiophiles in his organization. If you don't count Kramer,the ex Butthole Surfer dude. So, why does he care a whit about cables and controversial tweaks? Shouldn't he stick to what he's good at -- targeting spoon-benders, faith healers, dowsers and ghost whisperers? My guess is that he knows a good thing when he see it.

JIMV's picture
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From Wikipedia: Skeptic James Randi, through his foundation, has offered a prize of $1 million to anyone who can demonstrate that $7,250 audio cables "are any better than ordinary audio cables".[21] To date, no one has claimed the prize."

Having been involved in discussions with The Amazing Randi, I noted that he says that he is only obliged to pay out the $1,000,000 if the differences between the cables are detected with paranormal means. The dice are heavily loaded in his favor, therefore, because if there is any measurable difference between cables, he is relieved of having to pay out.

In other words, it's a shell game.

John Atkinson
Editor, Stereophile

The fellow using a phrase like 'any better' is a giveaway that the prize is a bigger scam than any snake oil in cables.

Benonymous's picture
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Joined: Dec 12 2006 - 7:22pm

So Kait, the Wikipedia enntry on audiophiles is what? biased? inaccurate? untruthful? Or does it just run counter to your business model?


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