dbowker's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: May 8 2007 - 6:37am
When listening was fun and files were something you left at the office
jazzfan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 8:55am

Nice collection of photos.

At the moment the computer which acts as the server for all my Squeezeboxes is under repair (the hard drive crashed....not to worry my music is stored and backed up on several external hard drives) so I've been playing CDs and LPs rather than streaming my music. It all feels very retro to me.

RGibran's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Oct 11 2005 - 5:50pm

Nice collection of photos.

And another...

Chicks Dig Records

smejias's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2005 - 10:29am


Nice collection of photos.

And another...

Chicks Dig Records

Best link ever.

jazzfan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 8:55am

Thanks rgibran for that great link.

As much as I love the ease and convenience of digital audio files there is definitely something not quite right about carrying a USB flash drive full of music files versus carrying a nice stack of LPs. When one carried a pile of LPs one looked cool, now when one carries around a USB flash drive one just looks like a geek.

Way back in my college days when I was working on the university radio station several of the DJs had an on going LP cover of the month contest going. Here are a couple of the winners that I can remember:

And of course: Linda

RGibran's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Oct 11 2005 - 5:50pm

Nice covers Jazzfan.

All the Charlie album covers were suggestive, especially

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am



Is it just me, or have we seen women evolve to a state of smaller nipples in the last 5 decades?

jazzfan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 8:55am

Is it just me, or have we seen women evolve to a state of smaller nipples in the last 5 decades?


If the above quote isn't proof that computers and particularly computer forums aren't the biggest waste of time known to man then I don't know what is. That is almost as bad as all the time we (meaning me and my fellow forum members) fritter away reading and writing about comparative value of speaker cable as thick as a garden hose versus speaker cable as thick as fire hose.

Or two put it another way: I'll take two pickets to Tittsburg, please.

dbowker's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: May 8 2007 - 6:37am

Seeing Megan Fox digging records may have just made my entire week! She could lead married man to serious infidelity- and I think my wife would probably understand if the opportunity ever presented itself...

smejias's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2005 - 10:29am

Seeing Megan Fox digging records may have just made my entire week! She could lead married man to serious infidelity- and I think my wife would probably understand if the opportunity ever presented itself...

That image is from an interesting interview she did with Rolling Stone.

RGibran's picture
Last seen: 2 years 11 months ago
Joined: Oct 11 2005 - 5:50pm

Seeing Megan Fox digging records may have just made my entire week! She could lead married man to serious infidelity- and I think my wife would probably understand if the opportunity ever presented itself...

Doug, what are you smokin'?

jazzfan's picture
Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 8:55am


Seeing Megan Fox digging records may have just made my entire week! She could lead married man to serious infidelity- and I think my wife would probably understand if the opportunity ever presented itself...

Doug, what are you smokin'?

My guess is smoking some Colombian for the "I think my wife would probably understand" part of the statement but he's really got some truly fine weed for the "if the opportunity ever presented itself" part. In fact, for that last part I would say forget about smoking weed, he's completely tripped out on some LSD left over from his college days.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Hell, I know my wife would understand.

She'd kill me and take all my money, but at least I know she'd understand.

dbowker's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 week ago
Joined: May 8 2007 - 6:37am

Let's put it this way: my wife and I both have our "list" of the five people in the world we each think is God's gift to the opposite sex. If it's not painfully obvious that we'd have a better chance of winning a multi state than hooking up with anyone on our list, the deal is, if a miracle comes to pass and one of those people presents themselves as briefly available, all bets are off for that occasion. Am I worried she'll be having an evening of a lifetime with George Clooney or some rock star on her list? Not really but everyone can dream, right?

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 12 years 12 months ago
Joined: Sep 8 2005 - 10:24am

Let's put it this way: my wife and I both have our "list" of the five people in the world we each think is God's gift to the opposite sex. If it's not painfully obvious that we'd have a better chance of winning a multi state than hooking up with anyone on our list, the deal is, if a miracle comes to pass and one of those people presents themselves as briefly available, all bets are off for that occasion. Am I worried she'll be having an evening of a lifetime with George Clooney or some rock star on her list? Not really but everyone can dream, right?

My neighbor had the same arrangement with his wife, and he was fine with it until he saw her list:

Mailman, Gardner, Pool Boy, Paper Boy, and his brother.

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