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Not as cheesy as a grown-up who uses the term "chucklehead."
Relax... sheesh. Where the hell did 'terms of use' come from?!? And I never implied that everyone should adopt a herd mentality. I just pointed out that your opinion of HD800 is based on hearsay as all others, and you seem to believe that the others are chuckleheads and you're the voice of reason. And also your usual self-righteous, rantish tone & stance, of course.
Funny how you keep calling me Herr Mao. Crazy how you have so much time on your hands that you'd google whatever info about me! It's not my name, but I like it.
you do your fair share of bitching when the tone of a thread is not all "sunshine and roses" would seem that your ideal forum is one in which everyone is "atta boy" .. one sided, all positive, all the time.
anyone that buys an item sight unseen, (or heard in this case) is not being a very smart shopper.."chuckleheaded".. I dont care if opinions differ from mine. you missed the point, again.
I assure you that not one moment of my time has been spent digging up things about you.
LOL, are you a bit slow or are you just kidding me? Can't believe you actually linked 'terms of use' from google.
Well, you're so blind as to disregard the posts when I brought up qualms about what I felt lacking in a review, etc., i.e. WP's Ayre review format. So I do my fair share of bitching. As opposed to you, who's all bitching all the time.
On that, I can only say praise the Lord.
I also prefer the 701s to the Stax SR-007. I'll let you know how the Senn HD800s sound to me when they arrive.
Hey Dave, id love to hear how they compare. Currently my 701s reign supreme(probably going to sell my stax and hd650s), but always looking for the potential of improvement..
Same here, the 701s are tops overall. I prefer my Ultimate Ears 10 Pro's bass, but only a little. I'll give the Senns a spin and then let you know how they fit into the strata.
Yes, I`ve heard the excitement over the HD800`s. In fact, the guys over at Headroom - Right Between Your Ears, are taking orders now. But can someone tell me, who is Lawton Audio? - They mod the Denon headphones.
Yes, thank you very much. Before I saw your post, I went to the website myself. Looks like they do a heck of a job. Now, It would be nice if somewhere here in New York or Westchester County, would carry these phones, so I could finally hear them. Especially the 5000`s and 7000`s.
This is good stuff here. Since you are blessed already to have some of these high end phones now, I would be grateful also, if you can let me know what you think? I`ve never heard the 701`s or the Staxes. I just found out there is one dealer, one??! American Audiophile that carries Stax, in Lynbrook, Long Island. And hours drive for me.I think none of us would buy speakers, w/o hearing them first, right? But with headphones, it seems you do.
There are some reviewers that I trust and based on knowing their prior references I trust in buying unheard. Versus speakers, the loss potential on headphones is small. Also, I ordered through Amazon in case the Senns are a POS, so I can return. (I'll know real quick whether they suck or not and I'd only return them if they suck).
So, I'm still waiting on my Senns. Amazon gave me a chance to cancel last week, but I left the order on. BTW, the ultimate vendor IS Headroom.
I got a new medium compliance The Voice ebony cartridge from Soundsmith last weekend, so I've had plenty to keep me happy while waiting on the new cans.
thats real good dave. so i`ll await your arrival of the sennheisers. yes, headroom w/o question seems to be the best by far. that is route i`ll probably take once i make a decision.
Headroom seems overpriced to me and I never liked their headphone amps. They tend to be shrill and unmusical. Tyll is a nice guy though.
Using Amazon gives you an extra level of assurance if they're lost or damaged in transit, or just sound like crap and you need to return them. I'm sure Amazon picked Headroom partly because of how the treat their direct customers. I forget what the other choices were, but I picked Headroom because I knew them.
Interesting, I have not heard that from anyone, and I`m sure your aware of the very good review Stereophile gave their desktop amp with usb. Pricing seems to be okay give or take 10.00. For instance, their selling the AKG 701`s for 309.99, and I`ve been quoted 299.99. Not a big deal. And I`m sure that when I`m ready to deal, they will not lose a customer over $10.00!!
The bastards just cancelled my preorder. I guess that I prefer MusicDirect anyway, so I'll take my business there. So much for being near the front of the preorder line.
There's a big thread over at about HeadRoom cancelling other orders and making up lame excuses. I see no reason to do any business with them, so I'll start over elsewhere.
What was their rationale? At least you are US-based.
Headroom cancelled my pre-order back on 4/2 and I started this thread at head-fi. Unfortunately it quickly veered off into discussions about international pricing policies and grey importing which I just didn't feel was particularly relevant. I did not order from the US to get them cheaper (with import duty as well as 25% sales tax to pay nothing could be further from the truth), just to get hold of them as soon after release as possible. In my case at least the guilty party appears to be Sennheiser, not Headroom.
Were you referring to another thread?
Finally picked up my HD 800s today (pair # 00775), nearly six months after placing my pre-order. I plan to leave them breaking in while we're on holiday and start serious listening (including comparing them with the Lawtons) when I get back.
First impressions? Hmmmmm, pretty good!
VERY curious about what you think of HD800 vs. LA2000.
Me too SD, me too!
Right now, at my office: listening to LA7000 powered by ALO Amphora, iMod feeding the bits.
I'm patiently waiting. Have a great holiday.
Well, I heard the Senn HD800s, and they're a bit disappointing. Maybe I could warm up to them if I lived with them, but in an extended listening, they sounded kind of hi-fi-y and all over the place. And they look CHEAP! It's weird. They look like they're about $200, sitting next to the LA7000s.
On the subject of the contender for THE best headphones ever? Sennheiser HE90 Orpheus, which I am listening to right now, as I speak. H-o-l-y crap. Never heard such detail & clarity melded into smoothness, liquid coherency... more later. But struts, you lucky S.O.B.
The ultimate headphone battle might be HE90 vs. R10s, which I might get to do. Senn HD800s are not even close. Gotta go watch some baseball now, peace.
a good friend of mine has the hd800s, and so I have spent a good deal of time with them.
I dont like them. at all.
Strident, etched, "hifi" sounding, unmusical, and annoying.
I prefer the laid back sound of my 701s by a vast margin, and of course my Stax. Sennheiser missed the mark in my opinion.
(I do like the hd600s though as far as that goes)
the only cans I even care to hear are the Law(s)or(t)on model... I am very satisfied with what I have.
So am I hearing this correctly. After all the raves about the HD 800s, you guys are saying, they don`t have the goods?! I`ve heard great things about the Denons. In fact I purchased the AD 1001ks from Headroom to use at my church. I do the sound there, and so far theyare clean, crisp, natural, and quite durable.
no other guys have said it but me..
it is my opinion. Don't like them..only way id own them is if they were given to me.

AKG 702's for $263 now on-line. Seems like a no-brainer compared to the Senns at $1400. IMHO, anyway. So, I just received my 702's a few days ago. Need break-in I reckon but yeh, they're sounding pretty good.
I listened to the HD800s at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest and was not overwhelmed vs. my rewired AKG 701s. I'd really need some extended listening in my own system to conclude that they're better or worse, but I understand ndcrawl's position. I heard a little more extension of the highs, but I'm not sure that it was more musical.
If and when I buy a set of Senns, I'll hang onto the 701s until the Senns are well burned and I can listen to them in A-B comparison.
Given the price of the Senns, I'm waiting for a bonus or other financial positive before risking the money. I might consider a used pair at a significant discount, so I good recover my investment if they don't float my boat.
No way do these "blow away" the 701s.
The previous holder (and maybe still the current holder) of the title "World's Finest Headphones" was the Sennheiser Orpheus. A good friend of mine just posted his Orpheus on Ebay - I've listened to these briefly in the past but only to CD content. Tomorrow night I'm headed to his place armed with DAC, hard drive and laptop to queue up some hi-rez content for a final listen. If you know of anyone looking for that special gift to someone deserving (e.g. yourself), this is a rare opportunity.
Looks like a well cared-for set, CharlyD, I hope it finds a good home.
For my money these really are the "world's finest". They may lack a bit of 'grunt' in the bass but from about 150 Hz up they are quite magical.
Enjoy your time with them, a very rare treat!
If he doesn't have any luck on eBay, maybe you could suggest Audiogon to him.
I would suggest Head-fi is probably the best place to sell an Orpheus, however the folks there seem to scan ebay and 'gon constantly so I am sure someone will flag this up.
I stand corrected!! $20,700 is an absolutely unbelievable price. Congratulations to your friend the seller, CharlyD. I'm almost tempted to sell mine!
My friend called this morning to relay the news. Took me over an hour to close my gaping mouth. I asked when the celebration would take place, and he reminded me that there are several more milestones in this process (it was the buyer's first Ebay purchase!). There was a twinge of regret that it's very unlikely I'll get a chance to spend time with these wonderful cans on my head again. I wonder if their price will continue to ramp up as the time of their manufacture becomes more distant.
As my father always says, I have a hard enough time predicting the past, let alone the future! That said, I do expect the Orpheus to continue to appreciate. Consider the following factors:
The first point is a prerequisite, the others just magnify the effect.
In the converstaion about the worlds best headphones the Jerry Harvey Pro13 in ear monitors deserved to be discussed.
Yes they are custom made and seem very expensive but the resolution is incredible, ive heard a lot of the supposed best sounding headphones and its not even close. Ive used Senn HD600's for years and also owned Beyer and others so im very familiar with headphones.
Technics rp-f880, The finest, I have heard, I paid about
Just thought I would report that I just added a pair of Ultrasone Ed 9s to my burgeoning collection (I am sad, I know). This was admittedly a bit of an impulse buy; I saw a second-hand pair that had been advertized for a while on a local forum with no signs of interest so I made an offer. They are 1.5 years old and in absolutely pristine condition.
Well, my immediate response is WOW, JM was really onto something when he recommended these beauties! Listening to the Classic Records 200g pressing of Kind of Blue via the Rudistor RPX-33 gave me goosebumps, without a shadow of a doubt the best sound I have ever heard from this much-played disc.
The sound balance is on the warm side (more HD650 than K701) but the Ultrasones are far more resolving than either. Detail all through the frequency range is presented in abundance but seemingly without any spotlighting. The soundstaging is, as JM points out, quite unlike that of most other cans, I haven't quite decided if I like it yet. However these should give my Lawton woodies a run for their money. More impressions when I've spent some more time with them.
I am also dying to hear the new Beyerdynamic T1s and a local dealer has just received his demonstrator so I'll be heading over for a listen. So many cans so little time, sigh!
Update. Swung by for a brief audition of the Beyerdynamic T1s today. Although the demo pair are not yet properly broken in I thought they sounded very nice indeed. Compared to the Ed 9s I took along for comparison the soundstaging/headstaging of the T1s was in a different league, just about the best I have heard from dynamic headphones. Although tonally they seemed more even-handed than the Ed 9s, lacking the latter's very juicy bass (or overripe, depending on your perspective), they also seemed to lack some definition in that department. On a couple of tracks I thought the Ed 9s did a better job of reproducing the texture of bass instruments, particularly drum.
My take-out was that these are great cans for listening to music, whereas the more immediate sound of the Ed 9s suits them better for monitoring type applications. Well worth a listen if you're looking for dynamic cans in that price range.
On a slightly different theme, I cannot wear headphones for long, they all (the score or so I have used) give me a headache, but earbuds do not, so..In the opinion of readers, what are the best earbuds on the market today?? I am currently using V-moda earbuds now and generally like them.
As mentioned by Alan a few posts up, the Jerry Harvey JH13 PROs take a lot of beating.
Very expensive right now but something to keep an eye on...thanks
What sort of price level did you have in mind?
Like everyone, the least I can pay for the best I can afford...I have found pretty expensive stuff can be found, eventually, online for less so knowing what is out there is valuable.
etymotics ER_4 are my reference.
Thanks...I have a set of Ultimate Ear triple fi 10 pro's on order..(got them at a deep discount as they seem to have been replaced by a newer model)...Reviews seem good though I have never heard them or any by the manufacturer. Anyone have any experience with the brand??
dcstep has the UE TripleFi 10 pros and seems very happy with them as he reported in a previous thread. I have a pair of UE 10 pros I use for iPod duty and am more than happy with the sound quality. Unfortunately one of the cables has come loose at the drive unit end (they're not modular like on the newer UEs and the Jerry Harveys) and I haven't gotten round to fixing it. But all-in-all UE seems to be a solid brand that makes good sounding products, I doubt you'll be disappointed.
Thanks. The only thing bad I had read is that the devices are a bit large...I'll see in maybe a week.
The Ultimate Ears 10 Pro Earphones arrived today. They are larger than any in ear phones I have tried BUT, they are the first that have rivaled my normal system speakers for sound. The smallest rubber seems to work for me, far I am happy. Of course, I got them for $175 new when the list is $399 so that helps as well.
A man should be happy with his rubber.