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January 12, 2009 - 1:24pm
World's Finest Headphones?

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Anything wired with Nordost!
I gotta admit, I'm looking forward to hearing the HD800. The kids over at head-fi are going pretty nuts over there.
I've got the headphone jones pretty hard these days. JUST got special edition, Japan-only Audio Technica ESW10JPN delivered to my office today! (limited to 1000 units in Japan, 500 rest of the world) Will listen at home, but I swear, the prettiest damn headphones I've ever seen. Supposedly, they sound good, according to the head-fi veterans over at head-fi, many claiming that aside from the L3000 and maybe W11JPN, they're their favorite. Who can tell? I can only listen... I'll make sure to report.
Will be using this exclusively on the road or at office, with iMod set-up. I was actually planning to save up for a looong time while using my K701s, and go for the killer home-only headphones, like the Sony R10s or Audio Technica L3000s, but if the HD800 lives up to the hype, I would actually end up saving money, since I heard that R10s now routinely go for $6K or something like that!
Awww, c'mon. Don't tell me that.
Dude, you can totally do it... just don't tell your wife! My wife actually found out about the ESW10JPN purchase... not good, not good...
Enabler! She's already caught on to my tactic of describing some much more expensive equipment that I like, and then telling her what I actually plan to buy. I might be able to slip smaller stuff past her (tubes, records), but I think she'd notice the headphones.
There's some good info over at, but I hate wading through 50 pages of comments about plastic vs. metal. If the plastic is tougher than titanium, as Senn says, then it may be very positive. Kids, no doubt.
I would really like to listen to these at some point. I am lucky that there seems to be a lot of people in my area picking them up so I should be able to listen at some point soon. Get in on the second or third batch of orders, if I can come up with some money...
My only hesitation is that they are open. I went with the L3000's because they were closed and gave a bit more isolation (like the R10's). With the 800's being open like my 650's this may be an issue for me.
But man, I still want to hear them, and I think that they look pretty cool.
I know... I think Senn might have a winner on its hands, considering the reaction from phile's own Jason and the other reputable listeners... almost enough to make me want to put myself down for a pre-order. ALMOST.
Btw: what's so big about getting in on the 1st batch, aside from the 'I heard it first' factor? Are these numbered, and therefore, possible collector's items?
I don't know... serial numbers do have meaning for some headphone fans.... oh wait.. I am one of those....
Sometimes it is not a great deal because they have not worked out all the issues. But Senn works pretty darn hard to have their stuff right the first day. I got the HD650 on a pre-order, and never had an issue. I know that there was talk about different runs of the Edition 9 having different quality.
Since there does not seem to be a 'first in the door' discount on these.. I can wait. Hey maybe pick up a used pair for cheap later in the year...
As much as I like head-fi, they seem to have a herd mentality there. Something new comes out and they all sing its praises. Once the dust settles, someone may say something bad about a product that was the rage, and then all of a sudden, everyone claims that the product that they just raved about is the worst piece of crap ever devised.
That does happen. That's exactly what happened to Grado GS1000's reputation at head-fi. The herd mentality exists there, I think, because they just have a ton of members. Inevitably, where there's a mass, there will be group-think. Especially as a bulk of their members are like 15 y.o.
But at the same time, I don't know of any other forum where an enterprising DIY sensibility gets respect and passionate response. Back in the day, mags like Sound Practices and Listener encouraged DIY, but nowadays, most audio mags or forums focusing on 2-channel seem too geared toward what is marketable. At head-fi, there are DIY designs like B22 amp or Mini3 portable amp which get routinely discussed, as well as crazy headphone mods. They obsess about NOS tubes, too, with threads extending beyond 10-20 pp. They're also refreshingly more open-minded about companies from China and elsewhere that put out quality products at cheap prices, whereas in other 2-channel forums, I've seen frank xenophobic and snobbish comments which made me laugh and turned my stomach at the same time... I find all of this very interesting and stimulating at head-fi.
Obviously, most of that DIY-ism and tube-ism stem from the fact that the headphone industry is not as developed as the stereo industry... but I find that kind of exciting. People just trying new shit. It's a big part of the reason how I've gotten more into the headphone stuff...
And perplexingly rich 15 year olds at that...
Right?!? When I was that age, I used to skip some lunches to save up to buy CDs...
Bit the bullet and put in an order for the 1st batch of HD800!
Lord save me from my wife's wrath! (Judicata, help me come up with an excuse!
You didn't mean to hit the confirm order button? Cash in some credit card reward points? Calculate your tax refund and hope you get one?
I'm afraid "someone said these will be the best headphones ever" probably won't cut it.
And congrats, by the way. We will expect a full review comparing them with the K701s!
I got a perfect one for you:
"Sweetheart, it was either that or getting a mistress."
Smooth, AlexO, smooth...
As a great man once said "The great thing about cans is you don't have to choose one and marry them". That's a good job because I just dumped all my mistresses simultaneously. Advertized this morning and going fast.
Yup, Sennies, FOR SALE (along with my half-a-dozen-or-so aftermarket cables)
Yup, AKGs, FOR SALE (along with their fantastic Moon Audio Black Dragon cable - sorry Drew!)
Yup, Audio Technicas, FOR SALE (I can barely believe it myself)
They all just got made totally redundant overnight. Beaten out of the door by some new-chick-on-the-block who is just in a different league. Altogether.
And this, my dear audiophile siblings, has nothing to do with Sennheiser HD800s. In fact I have pre-ordered a pair just to be certain because what I have on my head sounds better than everything else I have heard by such a wide margin that I am wondering if someone has slipped something into my drink. I can't stop giggling. And listening to more music.
I know, you guys think I have lost it. Gone off the deep end. Done a Mikey.
You may be right.
I hope you won't regret your decision...
I think that antenna is a direct line to Bloomingdales.
Actually she was in Barney's last week. Maybe she 'goes both ways'?
...and if anybody says "I hope so" I'll ask Stephen to ban them!
Sometimes the only thing that keeps me sane is my invisible sausage friend!
Since your brief hiatus from this forum, Struts, your posts have gotten weirder.
I know. I've been hanging out with some weird folks!
I'm a bit confused here Struts, if the what's on your head are NOT the Senn HD800s then what, pray tell, are these amazing 'phones which have caused you to all Mikey (and Wes, Larry, Bob, Bob, etc) on us?
And just for the record, sliced bread IS STILL the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Lawton Audio LA2000s - and I still haven't taken them off!
Okay, thanks.
Of course you must realize that before too long there will be mods galore for the Sennheiser HD800s and ........
I can also vouch for Struts... I've heard the LA2000s, and even without being burned in, they sounded phenomenal. My K701s never looked so paltry after listening to the LA2000s for a few nights...
I hate you guys.
Don't worry, Res, I hate you too.
Sometimes I feel your advice takes on an almost paternal air. Which is funny because I am probably old enough to be your brother
Anyway, I am clutching my queue ticket for a pair of HD800s and will dutifully report my impressions to the group upon their arrival.
I hope we can meet one day and you can share some of your wisdom on all things jazz. In the meantime, live well my friend!
I ordered mine also, but the wife doesn't need to know.
Hiding $1400... wow you must be better at accounting than I....
good luck...
Eliot Spitzer tried to hide $5k from his wife. When he got caught, he had to lie and say that it was for hookers, rather than a set of headphones (something no one would understand
LOL!!! Best joke of the day.
Paternal air!?!?!? Is that Swedish for "bullshit"?
As for our ages, some things are better left unsaid. (Hint: I was at the Fillmore East when the Allman Brothers recorded their famous "Live at the Fillmore East" album back in 1971.)
I'm looking forward to reading your impressions of HD800's.
Hey, I saw Bach's last live concert in Potsdam in 1747!
It's going to be a really interesting comparison. Every report I have seen about them reads to me like it is describing what I am hearing with the LA2000s.
Whipped boy.
I doubt it. My wife is horrible at accounting; therefore, she notice very little. If the bank account is bone dry, then she reacts.
That is unbelievable, as I don't know any wife who isn't an uncanny accountant, especially at sniffing out discretionary man-hobby funds, but if so, God bless your wife!
Well, on the bright side, having to explain things to my wife helps keep my purchases in check. If I didn't have to answer to anyone, I'd buy tons more without really thinking about it.
God knows you guys wouldn't be of any help.
I respectfully disagree. Of course "us guys" would be plenty helping you decide say between the Sennheiser HD800's, the Grado 1000's and the Ultrasone Edition 9. I think that we'd prove to be tremendously helpful. Please don't sell us short.
I oddly stand simultaneously corrected and vindicated.
That was exactly my point. Glad you understand.
My local dealer and I were discussing these the other day. He got to hear them at CES, and wasnt bowled over with them. Told me not to bother, to stick with my Stax SR-007s. Funny thing is, I like the 701s better than the Stax, even.
no doubts there are some chuckleheads who will drop trou and checkbook, without even hearing the damn things, simply because they are new, with all the buzzwords, and have a "hifi" price tag. the 650s are great cans, hopefully they will be at least as good.
Thanks for calling a lot of us chuckleheads, mate. It's kind of funny when people get incensed over what other people do. And the ironic thing is, you believing your local dealer wholeheartedly, saying HD800 is not worth it is just as foolishly speculative as those who believe Jason from Stereophile or other venues who swear by it. Why not let others be, Mr. Omniscience? Other people might call you retarded for liking K701 over the Stax, but I know most of us won't make that kind of a judgment on you b/c we all have our subjective leanings, and that's just how things are. Okay, chucklehead?
First off, the whole american using british slang thing is a bit cheesy.
second of all, if you had bothered reading the post, you would note that I said some people would be buying them BASED SOLELY ON BUZZWORDS OR THE "HIFI PRICE TAG". , and anyone that does that *is* a chucklehead, to put it lightly.
3rd.. it does not bother me at all that you are buying the cans(though I do find it a bit strange that in spite of your green-ness at this whole thing, every other week you seem to be posting about buying something else.. that is just a symptom of inexperience, though, (cant really fault you for that,, we all go through periods, when , our tastes not being fully developed, we gearslut and look for the "magic bullet", or the next best thing, throwing money at some mystery ideal, in spite of having no clue what that ideal is because we dont spend enough time with any piece of gear to properly judge weaknesses or strengths(this is a huge problem in the recording industry, guys expecting to attain nirvana through the purchasing of many funny little boxes frequently, instead of focusing on the fundamental things, learning how to listen, observe, measure the pros and cons of the tools at hand(this takes a very, very long aint an overnight thing, cant be done in a month..more to the tune of years) and make informed decisions based on what theyve learned.. as a result, the recorded music these days is influenced way too much by gear decisions, instead of the other way around..)
so no, I am not bothered a bit by where , when, or how you spend your money. It is possible to make an observation without being emotionally involved, you know.
there is no doubt in my mind that many , many people dislike both the 701s and stax, but, hell, I dont buy blind. If I cannot hear a piece of gear, I dont shell out the dough for it., and that applies to my shopping for cars, food, books, damn near everything.
as to my dealer, he is a close personal friend of mine, having worked with me on several recording projects..there arent many ears that I trust more than my own(the gentleman that mentored me in Germany for tonmeister school is one), but his tastes and mine are pretty much one in the same. Between the stax, hd650s and 701s, I am set as far as cans go anyway, but as I was discussing this very product the other day, I thought I would give my input. I did not violate any terms of use, no? Discussion forums are to discuss, yes? It seems as though you are of the mind that everything should be sunshine and roses, that everyone should march in lockstep with the herd, happy all the time? Did you expect everyone to be all praises?
anyway, so sorry that you took the post personally. Id reckon that you need not do that. It is only the internet, Herr Mao.