bobedaone's picture
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Hospital Grade
Buddha's picture
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Be careful.

You know how many people die in hopsitals each year?

I think those outlets must mess with cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological integrity, or something.

bobedaone's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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I knew it had to be something simple like that.

I'll tell you one thing, though; It's certainly not the delicious cherry cobbler! Mmmmm.

Mono's picture
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Here's a little info on what makes it "Hospital Grade".

The hospital-grade plug pattern conforms to the NEMA 5-15 standard; however, (1) the blades are usually solid instead of folded brass, (2) the blades are normally nickel-plated, and (3) the plug includes a cable retention device or strain relief to prevent any stress to the plug's internal connections. It is imperative that the ground connection be reliably maintained to protect the patient and medical staff. Although many hospitals prefer that the plug be clear so that internal connections can be inspected visually, the UL and CSA standards do not mandate clear plugs nor do they provide any restrictions on color. Gray is another common color for hospital-grade plugs and cords.

Here's the link:

Elk's picture
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There are also many circuits with an isolated ground in hospitals.

A similarly dedicated circuit for audio makes a huge difference.

CECE's picture
Last seen: 5 years 8 months ago
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Hospital grade has nothing to do with audio sound quality. Read why they have hospital grade, spec grade, residential grade etc. Different requirments, in different enviorments. In a residence you ain't subjecting the wiring devices, to the harsh conditions like in a hospital, or like in commercial issues. There is no sound qualitys in any of teh different regs and requirments. Nylong faces for hospital grade is for the potent cleaning they are subject too, high pull out resistance is also a medical insturment life or death issue, not a sound audio issue.. Audio marketeers, prey on the audiophile mantra, of what won't they beleive?
Using balanced power systems in a residence is certainly NOT a safe idea, when the rest of the system is not, is certainly looking for some real issues. Balanced power is used in commercial, enviorments, where other issues are taken care of. When you plug a balanced power supply into a grounded line(nuetral is current carrying grounded conductor, you are surely gonna have some kind of wiring delema, when otehr items are also using the same ckt? Just like using another ground rod, other than the one's required at teh service panel, now create anaother path for fault currents, not going where it should. Wire for fire, when you think audio is exempt from reality.
Why not twist lock wiring devices for you amps and pre amps? It's as absurd as using hospital grade or spec grade, cus you think it sounds better.

vladoslav's picture
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Fully agree with DUP. He's right!

KBK's picture
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Be careful.

You know how many people die in hospitals each year?

I think those outlets must mess with cardiac, pulmonary, and neurological integrity, or something.

Yes I saw a poster the other day that said: Stop Medical Genocide.

The statistics clearly show that every time there is a long and drawn out strike that shuts down hospitals..the death rate in that area drops by anywhere from 20% to over 45%. These surveys also take into considerations the methods of the surveys..that might come into question. Yes. the death rate drops when hospitals are closed.

Makes me re-think that standard movie line of, "Just hang on, we're nearly at the hospital!' And what..hang on and die there, instead?

And I do agree with dup, the average person can have 'balanced AC' in their house, but is safest if the room itself is wired solely for balanced AC, and the room is clearly marked as being so, at each outlet.

And twist lock connectors for AC are inherently a better contact point. Considerably more expensive to implement (one ac wall socket per individual location), but it disallows for people cross connecting balanced AC gear with that of regular AC gear. The number of issues that can come up with modern gear are low, but it is safest to isolate the system from potential error.

rvance's picture
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Hey Dupster, What's the standard for mental hospitals based on your experience?

Welshsox's picture
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There sure is a lot of crap talked about power in the hifi world.

In the world of delicate electronics, full online pure sine wave UPS systems rule. You talk about hospital grade but if you check into those multi million dollar cat scan type thingys they are all run from a high end UPS system that provides an almost infinite source of pure sine wave power. Im not talking about the crap UPS system's that are called computer grade, these are offline or interactive and offer no line conditioning whatsoever.

Anything plugged into a wall outlet in a house is subject to all forms of electrical noise and interference, the only way to ensure pure power is via a very large CVT ( constant voltage transformer ) rectified to DC, smoothed to no voltage deviation then inverted to a pure sine wave, that would be the best sound ever !!


KBK's picture
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One would think so. But, for various reasons..that very much tends to not be the case.

It comes down to transient macro and micro current limiting creating a sonic characteristic that is all that amenable to sound systems-at the highest end.

Such systems ahve to ber specifically designed with High end audio in mind. Designed from the ground up specifically as a high end audio device. Just my experience in such.

I had a $8-10k line regulator rated at 25kva, 50kva for an hour and over 100kva+ transient load (and rated the same as a balanced AC transformer, so you know it's under rated)..but I took it apart, ripped the guts out and use it as a balanced AC transformer ONLY. It's a 500lb transformer. The only way it sounds good at all, is as a simple balanced AC transformer.

CECE's picture
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Post deleted by Stephen Mejias

Pjay's picture
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Hospital grade does not mean much to me. I totally agree there are very cheap outlets around that may or may not impact audio. My complaint is much more rudimentary, that outlets become week and fail. I have been replacing my outlets with a construction grade unit, better than the hospital grade I was looking at. The advantage was that the prongs were solid and really gripped the plug tight as not to get pulled out on the job site. The ground was also tight and solid. Cost was around $4. Beyond $4-$5, I think we are kidding ourselves.


Welshsox's picture
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Of all the hifi tweaks I struggle most with power tweaks.

Surely the best power is a clean noise free pure sine wave ?

It seems as if there is an opinion that the power hasto be specifically designed for sound, this just seems like nonsense.

What am I missing ?


Elk's picture
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Surely the best power is a clean noise free pure sine wave ?

It is.

However, such a pure wave is not easily attainable. A pure sine wave with adequate current delivering capability is even more rare.

Thus the equipment which cleans and/or regenerates incoming power.

mrlowry's picture
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Better contact equals better current delivery. You don't have to start with an expensive outlet to hear the benefits. Hospital grade outlets can be had for less than $15, at that price if they make any improvement whatsoever they are worth it. I can't speak for the higher priced audiophile approved ones but I use an Eagle that I got for about $12. The outlets that most builders use in their construction can be purchased for about $0.15 in large quantities.

What makes a bigger difference, if you can do it is to have a dedicated line run from the breaker box to the audio system so that the audio system is as isolated as possible electronically from everything else in the house. It depends on the circumstances but electricians don't charge a lot for this service. Everyone that I've ever talked to that has done says it was one of the biggest improvements that they have ever heard in their systems.

Spirit's picture
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I too thought mains conditioning would make no differance once, then I came across on in Maplins and decided to give it a go. Well my Pioneer plasma instantly crisped up picture wise, and the sound from my av amp improved also in terms of the treble was clearer and better defined.
I am a convert now for life!!!

besswood's picture
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Not even the AC, but equipments also require maintenance. A good of good quality require less maintenance. I am using equipments of Point A technology which is satisfactory.

geoffkait's picture
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What do we know about outlets and when did we know it? Without getting into all the gory details, I think we can safely say we know that the outlet is important. We can also say the wall outlet cover is important. And the plug of the power cord is important. We also know that regular cleaning and even contact enhancers can be important. Even demagnetizing the wall outlet and power cord plug can be important.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica

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