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Ways to Biwire???
Kal Rubinson
Kal Rubinson's picture
Last seen: 6 days 21 hours ago
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Bi-Wiring (I want to do this for the sound quality for my B&W 705 speakers connected to my Denon 2807)

This initial premise is highly disputable. Get decent speaker cables with appropriate terminations and obsess with other things that matter more.


dbowker's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: May 8 2007 - 6:37am

I sort of agree with Cal, but DO make sure you get good quality jumpers and throw away the stock plates (which almost always are lame).

CECE's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

What sound qualitys does a jumper wire have? Please explain this one? You can hear differences in a jumper wire? Here we go

CECE's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

I think the idea of Buy wiring is thought up by wire scammers, just like motehr's day and father's day was invented by the card company to .......SELL CARDS!!! Bi AMPING is actually a logical electrical idea

dbowker's picture
Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: May 8 2007 - 6:37am

Off Topic somewhat, but Mother's Day was not set up by card companies. It was created and lobbied for by a devoted spinster in the early 20th Century. She then spent the rest of her life lobbying against the commercialization of the holiday! She never could get the genie back in that bottle I guess.

Logan's picture
Last seen: 14 years 3 months ago
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Most people who decry biwiring have never tried or heard it, in my experience. It works with some combinations and not with others.

I once owned B&W CDM1 speakers - the predecessor to your 705s. They benefitted greatly from biwiring (to a much better amp than Denon makes), especially the bass. I used two separate cables to each speaker but there's no reason why this should be better or worse than dedicated biwire cable.

If the A and B speaker terminals on your amp are identical you can use both for biwiring. Or you can double up the cables at the amp end into just one terminal - you won't hear any difference. As to termination, anything is better than spring clips.

Banana plugs or spades need to be well soldered or crimped to the wire and need to be a good close fit to your amp and speaker terminals. Some people swear by bare wire connections but this means you have to spanner-tighten the amp and speaker connection to the point where something might break. I smear the crimped wire/plug interface in my system with nail varnish to minimise the effect of oxidation of the exposed copper.

CECE's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 17 2005 - 8:16am

It's a Hallmark moment. So Father's day was started by whom? Along with secretary's day, this day that day Green Day, Pay Day, as teh card company. Valentines Day? Which one is not a CARD day? If it was started by a SPINSTER, why ain't it called Spinster Day? Soon there will be unwed mother's day. Just like there became homo ride parades, this parade that parade....ain't it one big party..... Sounds like teh name of a new $50,000 TT...The SPINster!!!! I makes all your records sound old, just like they did 50 years ago!!!

CECE's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
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We ain't got no stinkin' SPANNERS here. We gots WRENCHES. Why use 2 cables, why not just thicker 1 cord? Electrically them audio electrons don't know which path they use, do they? If you go through teh trouble of running an extra cable ya mights as well run it from another amp, Bi AMP is useful, Bi wiring is foolish, probably created by......wire sellers!

Abysmal's picture
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It's a Hallmark moment..... Spinster Day? Soon there will be unwed mother's day. Just like there became homo ride parades, this parade that parade....ain't it one big party..... Sounds like teh name of a new $50,000 TT...The SPINster!!!! I makes all your records sound old, just like they did 50 years ago!!!

cyclebrain's picture
Last seen: 3 months 6 days ago
Joined: Jun 16 2006 - 11:40pm

Just think of the tuning possibilities with biwiring. You can swap the phase of part of your speaker. You could adjust the phase relationship of the drivers by using different length cables or cables with different propagation rates.
And of course this method allows one to use a cable that works better at the high end for the high end and use a low frequency cable for the low end. Also make sure to separate them to prevent crosstalk between the two identical signals.

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