CECE's picture
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Can I rant about Jim Tavegia?
Jan Vigne
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DUP, you are a jerk. What was posted didn't require your comments. Whether you agree or disagree with what was posted is of no concern. To disparage what was posted with your idiotic comments is despicably rude. As a card carrying liberal myself, I find you well out of line here. I think you should apologize and then cut the crap. What did your mother teach you?

Jim Tavegia
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Now you have exposed yourself. It is really the "Jerry McGuire" syndrome? "Show me the money, Jerry!"

You see, and I am not even talking millions here. I just gave her a measily $5 and she spilled the beans.

Trust me on this one: He who has the most toys does not win. Once you figure out how to get your Whispers into adjoining caskets and take them along...let me know. I didn't even define "where" the journey might take you. To each his own.

I am a most furtunate man. She has tolerated me and this hobby. That is a great thing, and she still likes me. Wow!

Of course, your mileage may vary.

dianetavegia's picture
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I'm not easily offended. It's not ME he's trashin'.

Thanks Jeff!

Low Mileage and Low Maintenance

I'm so far to the religious right, Jerry Falwell has to turn his head to the right to see me.

Lamont Sanford
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Would you call that haircut a pixie or a wedge cut?

ohfourohnine's picture
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What can you say, Jan? DUP has devoted hours at the keyboard establishing to all and sundry that when you look up Jerk in the dictionary, DUP's picture is there. This post does, however, define a new low even for DUP.

Fortunately, I'm certain that Diane Tavegia is a much stronger person than is DUP and quite capable of writing off his untoward remarks as just so much noise.

tandy's picture
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I think the world has seen so much crap in marriage, that when something beautiful comes along, some can scarcely believe it.

I think Diane pointed out something beautiful. Read her first paragraph. Does that sound like someone under another's boot? Or rather someone still in love. Would she be saying that if he was abusing her, stomping on her, which God hates, or showing love?

But there is more she said between the lines that many missed.

When the disciples asked Jesus who was the greatest, Jesus said the world rulers "Lord" it over others, dictators, despots, and the such.

However, Jesus went on to say that who so ever is greatest among you shall be servants.

In otherwards, applying this principle to marriage, the husband is to be a servant to his wife, caring, appreciating, and loving her, not "lording" it over her.

Notice Diane's words again, it is all praise. Between the lines I think she is saying Jim is a great servant to her, appreciating and loving her in the truest sense. And her reply is loving and caring. Talk about a great marriage and relationship.

DUP, I hope this explains how Jim is following Christ and how beautiful a truly loving relationship is and should be.
No "Lording" it over others, but caring, seeking to serve the other.

Congradulations to both Diane and Jim for such a wonderful relationship.

CECE's picture
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That's what MY mother taught me, what can I do? You don't like John Lennon? How dare you? Now I'm insulted, IMAGINE is a great album, LISTEN to the words, it's words to live by, no ..religon too, no country, it's all about PEACE and caring without the BS that most "cults" (churches, politcial affiliations) bring forth. Which god is the god that is right? Which current dictator in the world is the one to listen too? OH, they don't call em that nowadays do they.. Mine of course, now lets have a war over it. If there is a god, why don't it make my WHISPERS sound like HELIX'S? See, can't happen. I've been married longer than you have (in total 3 times) so don't be preaching to me about la la land, fantasy beleifs, etc. And my first 2 mariages ended in a very nice divorce, she ran off with the PRIEST!!! The other one converted and ran off to SwaziLand and became an African witch doctress....Oogga Booga, now prey to the magic rock (shakti stone?)

tandy's picture
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Your questions are for another time and place.

On an upbeat note, I am so happy for Diane and Jim.

All the best to both.

JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
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Have you no shame? Do you know how to apologize for rude behavior? I thought you were weird but ok. It would seem that you're just rude and disrespectful.

Windzilla's picture
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cheers to many more


Lamont Sanford
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If you're going to criticize religion the least you can do is get you geography correct. Iraq is mainly Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and the Taliban was created by Pakistan to bring down the communist Afghanistan government after the Soviet Union moved out. Most Talibs practice Wahhabism, born out of Saudi Arabia and embraced and bastardized by the likes of Osama bin Laden and al-Zawahiri. I wish you would quit trying to act like a nigger when you're not.

CECE's picture
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Then WHY are we making a mess in IRAQ? Gee, I can run for prez, don't need to know nutin', obviously.

CECE's picture
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OK, I appologize, for what, i don't know But I do, I did, and whatever. Now can we celebrate my neighbors planting of a new TREE?

CECE's picture
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That's right, mine too, let the WHISPERS do their thing and all the stuff driving them. She also gets her fun things. Some more extreme than WHISPER

Jan Vigne
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I doubt that's what your mother taught you, DUP. Once again you seem to have heard what you want to hear and ignored the rest. Lennon never implied that we attack anyone's peaceful beliefs about religion, country or unconditional love for your fellow man. He was asking for everyone to "live as one" with the understanding that we all hold certain truths to be our own personal bedrock of humaness. That implies not being the first to cast a stone, DUP. Peace, DUP, get it?! Peace! Not attack for no good reason. Find what is good about what your fellow human being believes and bring that bit of information into your own belief system. No one has a hold on all the truth but combined we make the world a better place to live. Everyone living as one. Get it? Including knowledge of the others who share this planet with you will make you a better person. Demeaning their beliefs, whether spritual or political, only makes you less of a person and more like some religious/political zealot. Something you've once again proven youself to be, here, with your replies. Get some new equipment and listen with fresh ears to a few philosophers. You might try some Dylan and Guthrie while you're at it and some old time gospel. If nothing else, the idea of thinking before spewing forth your vacuous belief system should start to wedge itself into that vacant hole you call a brain.

LM2940's picture
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"Find what is good about what your fellow human being believes and bring that bit of information into your own belief system. No one has a hold on all the truth but combined we make the world a better place to live. Everyone living as one."

I agree. That is an ideal and beautiful sentiment. But most of the "religious" people that I have known, past and present, would not agree with you. Most of them feel as though they have found "THE TRUTH" and if you don't agree then you are on your way to a fiery hell. I can't say that they have all been like this but most have.

Jan Vigne
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According to the nuns who taught me, not everyone is necessarily destined for a fiery Hell but rather a complacent Limbo where you have come so close but no cigar. Only if you have been baptised into the world of Christian (read Catholic, in this case) faith and then insult God will you burn in Hell for all time. What I have found more often among all Western and some Eastern religions is the desire to forcibly convert you to their beliefs and let you chance the possibility you will spend all eternity in Hell rather than let you stay innocent and destined for a more benign Limbo. I think this stacking of the deck is one of the things that turned me against organized religion. Believe me, I was indoctrinated with the joy of knowing God for all eternity but it always seemed like the rules for that happening were a bit too iffy once you started asking questions. Of course, listening to George Carlin, who was also raised Catholic, as a youth didn't help convince me about religion's good points.

Let me ask; why do you think Lennon wrote the words, "no religion". My feeling is he was not trying to eliminate religion from anyone's life. I assume he meant all religions should become more tolerant of others. Therefore, "no religion" should be interpreted as no religion should be used to bully anyone else. All religions and philosophies can have value and all can be made dangerous by a handful of zealots. You can argue that even aetheists who try to impose their beliefs on others are guilty of practicing a dangerous "religion". "No religion" should, in my mind, be interpretted as all religions and philosophies, aetheists and agnostics living "as one" with respect for each other.

CECE's picture
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Religoin is a man made bunch of crowd control BS. Romans used it, many otehrs to give the certain few in charge soem kind of power over the gullible. 21st century and ya still really think this god thing sees all and knows all, most things have been explained scientificly and in nature. Just think if teh sand nuts didn't have their "religon" and teh catholics" didn't have theirs, see how peaceful things would be? all religion is based on some boogieman, and gullible beleivers. Tax free too, nice business model. And the POPE gets free BENZ pope mobile. Ride him around like a circus clown on display, it's FUNNY. Pope in a glass cage. In nature there is no religon. Made up fairy tales and folk lore. Have you been "touched" by a priest lately, in more than one way, spiritually and above the knee. They always look like pastey loose skin, cus they don't do any work, they sit around reading fairy tales, counting teh money. Local priest of 40 years, got caught stole like $4 MILLION over teh years!!! Praise teh lord, owned friggin houses in differetn states, trips to Las Vegas!!! Man he had the perfect scam, 40 years....god didn't save him did it? Wanna buy a "prayer cloth"!!!? SEnd $5 to ....

ohfourohnine's picture
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Given that Audiophilia has long been accepted as somewhere between a sport and a religion, how about we leave endless argument over religion/religiosity and return to some of the topics this forum was intended to support. All history tells us that we can stay on the course this thread has taken forever and never settle anything - or provide much that is enlightening or entertaining either. Isn't it time to drop it?

Jan Vigne
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RGibran's picture
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As a registered forum member, you can choose to

tandy's picture
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Well, DUP, you not only managed, but continue to destroy a special moment that Diane gave to Jim. Now we aren't even congradulating Diane and Jim.

After this spectical, would it be unwise to ask Stephen to temporarily ban DUP? This guy is unbelievable.

JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
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If we get to vote on this I vote yes.

JoeE SP9
JoeE SP9's picture
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As black American I would greatly appreciate your not using the "N" word. For your information we wouldn't have DUP. We do have manners.

Buddha's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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Congratulations to one of my favorite people here...and her husband!

Wishing you many years more to go!


Never mind DUP, he is a wide-eyed closed-eared cult member who is required to worship and prosyletize in the AVA/Legacy cult.

You may remember him from the east coast airports he used to hang out in trying to recruit converts to the Cult of Van Alstine.

His brand of duo-theism does not allow for other types of worship, lest his ears be made to stop ringing from high decibal exposure.


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