Where's the Outrage?

______ "who receive electric shocks carry the device around in a backpack and wear the electrodes 24 hours a day; some are also monitored at all times by at least one Rotenberg Center employee."

Fill in the blank. If you answered "enemy combatant," you'll be horrified to learn the answer is children guilty of "nagging, swearing, and failing to maintain a neat appearance" at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts, a "'special needs school,' [that] takes in all kinds of troubled kids—severely autistic, mentally retarded, schizophrenic, bipolar, emotionally disturbed—and attempts to change their behavior with a complex system of rewards and punishments, including painful electric shocks to the torso and limbs."

In an article in Mother Jones this month, we are told that "students who receive electric shocks carry the device around in a backpack and wear the electrodes 24 hours a day; some are also monitored at all times by at least one Rotenberg Center employee."

If they did it to dogs, the MSM would be all over this.