Are Cats Changing the Behavior of Millions?

Not the usual "ain't they cute?" discussion, but a look into Toxoplasma, a parasite that has a strange behavioral action on rats—and perhaps on men and women as well.

Chris's picture

Wow: more for the God Squad vs. Evolution crowd! On the one hand, a person could argue that the chance that such an incredibly specialized effect on an otherwise seemingly useless (ecosystemically speaking) organism evolved from a series of extremely fortunate mutations is so slim that it would have to have been an intentional design.On the other hand, one could argue that evolution is more than simple chance mutation: the needs of the organism to survive can express specific mutations in the interest of survival.On the third hand (mutations are convenient for arguments), one might argue after reading this article that all intelligence and consciousness may actually be a hive consciousness imbued parasitically to host brains!On the fourth and final hand (defectors from the third hand, dontcha know...)," the truly Toxoplasmotic might think that the ""God Parasites"" infecting our brains are an Alien Invasion: parasites delivered on asteroids!Purpose-Driven Life vs. Life-Driven Purpose!Nano