
KR: "What the hell did you people do to me?"

SM: "They call it 'The Bug.' You've been bitten by speaker lust."

KR: "You do know that if I get these speakers and go away to Boston I may have to ask you if I can post a blog entry every now and then. I'll need help figuring out where to put these babies and I'll let you know how they really sound to my young ears."

SM: "I love that idea."

KR: "The bite itches."

Al Marcy's picture

Blogging! Pizza! Music! Earth may be inhabitable, after all :)

Ward's picture

If I send a few people up there," will you ensure that they're bitten by ""the Bug"" as well? I know a few who could stand to invest in a good system.

Buddha's picture

Well, great post and all," but I would have thought Kalman Rubinson would have already worked through dealing with the ""bite that itches"" and wouldn't refer to his ears as being all that ""young.""

Midlife Hi-Fi crisis", perhaps?
