Hart! Hart!

Way back in the day, when I was just a wee li'l Stereophiler, taking orders for classified advertising in Audio Mart, I shared the most enjoyable telephone conversations with one advertiser in particular, Audio Advancements' Hart Huschens.

After only a few brief chats, I got the sense that Hart was a truly gentle and honest person. Six years later, I still have the opportunity to speak with Hart. Only now, we talk about different things: the Buyer's Guide and "Recommended Components," mostly. It wasn't until yesterday, however, that I had the real pleasure of meeting Mr. Huschens in person.

Hart is the US distributor for, among others: dps and EuroLab turntables, RS Labs and Schroeder tonearms, ESE Lab phono stages, and EarMax headphone amps. My conversation with Hart was interrupted continuously by enthusiastic customers, exclaiming, "Hart! Hart! You sold me my first headphone amp five years ago. I still love it."

"I'm glad to hear it," Hart would respond. "Would you remind me of which amp it was?"

"The standard EarMax," one such customer might respond.

"Oh, yes. I remember," Hart would say.