Which Stereophile writer would you want to have over for an evening and why?

Let's say you're having an audio party, or just wanting to tweak your audio system. Which <I>Stereophile</I> writer would you want to have over for an evening and why?

Which <I>Stereophile</I> writer would you want to have over for an evening and why?
I'd pick . . .
86% (68 votes)
Keep 'em away from my house
14% (11 votes)
Total votes: 79

Daniel Emerson's picture


Blue Mikey's picture

Bob Reina.

Nancy Lobron's picture

I'd invite Sam Tellig over to my house. Sam is right on with his recommendations and he's witty and engaging. Obviously, we'd have a great time listenting to music, discussing equipment, drinking vodka together, and talking about all the colorful friends, relatives, and pets that make cameo appearances in Sam's column!

OvenMaster's picture

None. Stereophile writers are too fussy. Nothing is ever quite good enough, and every product reviewed, no matter how expensive, has some sort of flaw. My real-world working-Joe system would undoubtedly have Stereophile's "golden ears" running and screaming in agony.

audio-sleuth@comcast.net's picture

Sam Tellig. I'd like to show him why you need a flat (benign) impedance for tube amps.

Paul Basinski's picture

Why stop at one? Art, Mikey, Sam, John

Adam Leppert's picture

Fremer! He's far and away my favorite writer. We could talk politics all night, too.

Victoria K.'s picture

Sam Telig. I value his opinion on audio products.

Dona Moses's picture

sam tellig

Clifton's picture

Art Dudley. We could talk about politics. I was going to say Wes, because he's the wittiest and funniest (they're not always the same, unfortunately) guy you have. But why waste time laughing when you can argue? Still, I've never seen Elizabeth. Hmmmm...now, there's an idea!

Dave in Dallas's picture

Sam Tellig because he reviews things I can afford. Art Dudley because I think he has a screw loose somewhere and would be fun to talk to.

Tommy's picture

My parties alway have the music as the central focus, not the neurosis of listening to half a track before changing cables, fiddling with VTA, adding or subtracting Mpingo doo-hickies, re-wiring the listening room back to the mains etc. I'd be happy to indulge their obsessions on any other occasion but NEVER DURING A PARTY!

David Gillett's picture

Sam Tellig, because he tells the best stories and has the sharpest wit.

S.  Chapman's picture

I'd pick one of Stereophile's music reviewers, like Thomas Conrad or Robert Levine, and preferably both of those gentlemen. An evening discussing music sounds far preferable to an evening spent picking nits with one of your hardware writers.

Donald N.'s picture

This is very hard to answer because I find Stereophile's writers to be extremely interesting. First selection: Art Dudley

Jim Merrill's picture

I'd pick Michael Fremer for an audio party because he's flamboyant, colorful, opinionated, and entertaining.

CJI's picture

Robert Baird and I would pester him for all those stories about musicians that he just tells his dinner guests.

IO's picture

Wes Phillips. His writing always makes me feel like I'm right beside him checking out a new component. He also likes odd music which is where I'm at too.

Thomas the tank engine's picture

Michael Fremer, no doubt. Even a turntable like my simple Rega is way tweakier than any other piece of hi-fi kit. Oh, and Mikey, there's a good one thousand LPs to clean here.. ;)

Allen's picture

Aww....why can't we select? I want to see who won without trawling through pages of words counting up names!

david cyprium's picture

Art Dudley, whether he helped me improve the system or not, he seems like he'd a fun person to spend an evening working and talking around audio and any and all other subjects.

Roy&#039;s Mom, UK's picture

Could we choose Roy Hall? He seems to think he owns your rag.

Alexander's picture

I would probably pick Art Dudley. He's intelligent, thought provoking, with a great sense of humor whose politics would make for some lively conversation. To top things off, he's not a bad reviewer either.

JCS's picture

John Marks

Gerald Neily's picture

Kalman Rubinson, he's the only one interested in surround sound.

Nick Krcic's picture

Sam Tellig! He is a great conversationalist. I love his articles!

macksman's picture

Open invitation hereby publicly issued to the one(s) most in need of a break from conversation about stereo equipment. Come on over and let's talk about Wm Burroughs, Salman Rushdie, contemporary art, contemporary politics and the shift of power from states to corporations, the demise of constitutionalism, contemporary wars that nobody follows, Henry V, Burgundies, slow food, the promise of love and the blessings of music on our lives. That should be so much more rewarding than babbling technology back and forth.

kay.'s picture

mr. atkinson...

Wing Cho's picture

Sam Tellig. He writes the most interesting articles.

Laura's picture

Michael Fremer for his great sense of humor, love of vinyl and overall knowledge.
