Wedding Dresses and Blue Hair

I have no idea what it has to do with an audio show either, not that Stephen Mejias seems to care.

Stephen Mejias's picture
Duh: We are married to high-fidelity. And blue is pretty.
struts's picture

...and this, officer, is the last time anyone saw him...

John Atkinson's picture
It's between the established SSI in Montreal (blue) and the new TAVES show in Toronto (green).
Buddha's picture

I met the girls when they came into our room while we were playing the Son Et Image CD from last year. I even got some video of one lipsyncing to her own voice over our system. I was smitten, and IM'd the video footage to my wife.

"Who on earth is that?," she asked, "a bride?"

I said, "Yes, my second wife."

Katy replied, "You mean she's going to marry you posthumously?"

They were three charming and alluring love lingers.