Is audio's "lunatic fringe" good or bad for the hobby?

Innovation can often come from unexpected places, but "thinking different" can also engender ridicule. Is audio's "lunatic fringe" good or bad for the hobby?

Is audio's "lunatic fringe" good or bad for the hobby?
It's a good thing
30% (50 votes)
It's a bad thing
35% (58 votes)
A little of both
35% (57 votes)
Total votes: 165

COMMENTS's picture

Within any hobby, political group, etc, you have elements of the extreme. I think it is helpful that we have fringe tweakers and audio mystics. It helps us to think outside of the box, and serves to keep us humble by making us realize that we don't know, nor can we measure, everything that influences the reproduction of audio yet. What is damaging is how the non-audiophile world depicts the average audiophile. There is a disproportionate focus on the fringe elements simply because there is more entertainment value. Audio, like any other hobby, has degrees of enthusiasm, normal people, and geeks Watch what local press coverage of the upcoming Rocky Mountain Audio Fest pays attention to. Will it be how wonderful music sounds on a high-quality system, or how small businesses are so well-supported by the hobby, or how odd the attendees are for wanting to spend so much money on stereo equipment?

Wendell Narrod's picture

Especially when manufacturers cultivate the lunacy with snake oil products.

Jerry's picture

The utter arrogance of a few gives the whole hobby a bad name.

Stephen Curling's picture

The ridicule from thinking different is like a suggestion box. It may not work in this scenario but it may fit what someone else is trying to work on that does not draw ridicule.

Ima Believer's picture

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Plush's picture

It is a distraction and a motivation for progress.
