Which genre of music gets the most playing time on your system?

Mellow jazz and small-combo instrumental music is frequently the material of choice in audio stores and at hi-fi shows. But audiophiles enjoy a wide variety of music. Reader Richard Horan wonders: what's your favorite?

Which genre of music gets the most playing time on your system?
24% (78 votes)
1% (3 votes)
0% (1 vote)
Show tunes/soundtracks
1% (3 votes)
23% (74 votes)
World music
1% (3 votes)
2% (5 votes)
Rock (all variations)
29% (95 votes)
3% (11 votes)
7% (24 votes)
2% (7 votes)
Other . . .
7% (22 votes)
Total votes: 326

dale a bumann's picture

42 years old and still enjoying it very much!

Frank Holderfield's picture

I would like to see more reviews on ambient music (Brian Eno, Harold Budd, John Cage, Vidna Obmana). This is what I mostly listen to in addition to jazz and classical. It seems a bit elitist to exclude these performers, who have certainly had a significant impact on the music scene. It also sounds great on tubed equipment; very textural and existential.

Louie Jones's picture

New Age

bill Weinstein's picture

Easily 70% Rock and Roll -- Hope I die before I get old!

Bernard Reagan's picture

I can't pick just one! This is NOT fair . . .

Lorrain, Montreal, PQ.'s picture

the jazz classics: miles davis, chet baker, dave brubeck are my most frequently played material thesse days.



Paul Kleinsmith's picture

I listen to Classical about 80% of the time. The remainder is predominantly devoted to jazz.

Hans Guss's picture


Anonymous's picture

I also enjoy a wide range of music,from a little country to classicial,with some rock and jazz inbetween.slao some of the alternative musin thats out there

Dave Brown's picture

It varies. When it comes to critical listening, from month to month I might listen to mostly jazz, classical, or "pop." The music that gets played the most would have to be "radio rock," because that's almost always on in the background.

Jim Whitney's picture

Variety is the spice of life. I grew up in the '60s, college in the '70s, and am a long-time fan of the Who, Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. However, I grew up in the '50s and '60s listening to classical. Beethoven, Grieg, & Co. get their fair share. Meanwhile, the likes of Richard Thompson, Lyle Lovett, and many other wonderfully recorded, more acoustic pieces are always a treat. Some are palate-cleansers, some main courses.

Marc Phillips's picture

I tend to listen in phases---rock phases, classical phases, jazz phases. Usually these phases last for less than a year while I really try to dig around and learn something new within each genre. But, predictably, as I grow older, the rock phases grow shorter and the other two phases grow longer. Alas, old-fogeydom approacheth.

David S.  Dodd's picture

Right now it's female vocalists... all styles from jazz (anything ella), through country (patsy k & mary ford), slowly past femdom (kd lang?) to out & out weird (ricky lee jones "ghostyhead") ... it just has to be female. Next month? who knows, stay tuned & just keep listening, because it really doesn't matter....

John Jaruzel's picture

The more I listen to music, I find the three Bs to be the best-lasting entertainment.

Dennis Lathem's picture

What? what not, no foundation all the way down the line.

Ken Berg's picture

50's - 60's mainstream jazz

Aaron John Reynolds's picture

While I do not restrict my listening to classical alone, I find that no other genre can portray such a vast array of rich emotional tonal colours which transends boundaries of time and space.

Dan Thomas's picture

Well---in the "Other' category there's Bluegrass, Chant, Easy Listening, Gospel, Field Recordings, Minimalism, Gothic, Psychedelic, Christmas, Avant-Garde, Hillbilly, Swing, Cool, Music Hall, Funk, Experimental, Acid, New Wave, Thrash, Electronic, Bop, Hard Bop, Spoken Word, New Age, Punk, Ska, Dixieland, Trance, Industrial, Soul, Noise, R&B, Capt. Beefheart, Bubblegum, Zydeco, Easy Listening, Sound Effects, Heavy Metal, Surf, Grunge, Rap, Lo-Fi, Ambient, Disco, Hip-Hop, Lounge, Comedy, and so-called "audiophile music"!

F.  Myers's picture

I listen to a lot of "alternative" music, primarily stuff that has remained underground or slighly out of the mainstream---like Belle and Sebastian, Cowboy Junkies, and some "electronica"---which happens to image like you have never heard before. Check out the Future Sound of London's "My Kingdom" EP and forget about surround-sound!

Simon Tipping's picture

Piano trios and female vocalists

anibor @ aol.com's picture

Jazz is not Kenny G. Jazz is Bird, Monk, Evans, Miles (acoustic), Trane, Chico Freeman, Haden, et al.

Chris Bennett's picture

Why do we feal the need to put everything in a neat little hole? Most of my music collection contains eliments of all the options you made available. If anything why not group you music by how it makes you FEAL.

Anonymous's picture

Mostly listen to music by The Cure. I will listen to just about any music that I can get on vinyl.

David Dallard's picture

Music played at hi-fi shows tends to be terminally boring!! Ask to play anything with a bit of life, especially if it's even slightly rocky, and suddenly you're a leper. Why is this?

Rash's picture

Although my collection is 40% rock and 30% classical, lately most rock seems puerile. I've gotten tired of hearing Rock-a-Day Johnny singing "Tell your Ma, tell your Pa, our love's a-gonna grow, ooo-wah, ooo-wah." Except for Matthew Sweet, there is very little new rock I like. So I started listening to jazz, especially Stan Getz and stuff from the late '50s and '60s: Bill Evans, Paul Desmond, early Miles Davis, late Lester Young, Dave Brubeck. For those wanting an entree into jazz, you will think you've gone to heaven when you hear Getz/Gilberto (20-bit release) on a single-ended triode system!

Skip Higdon's picture

While classic rock is rather good, I find that some of the newer stuff (Grant Lee Buffalo, Beck, etc.) is where the future lies. Hence the reason for listening.

angel martin's picture

no smooth jazz, but the real thing!

Danny Cohagen's picture

I look foward to each and every issue of Sterophile, My only wish would be to have an expanded blues section on occation (i.e. some of the new blues performers). Thanks for the past interviews and reviews.

Craig Sypnier's picture

Jazz, followed by classical and OLD rock recordings that today's "studioheads" would do well to listen to . . . all on vinyl, of course!
