daverich4's picture
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Whose idea was this???
KBK's picture
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Well, if you go and read on who Ray McGovern is, he's tell you all about it.

He worked for the CIA for 27 years.

14 of those years was as the CIA Liaison for the White House, informing the presidents of what was going on in the world through the CIA, etc. That's no bullshit, that was his job. Think about his depth of experience across multiple fields.

What he said ab out 'al-queda' is this:

Al-queda is a derivation of Arabic slang for 'out taking a shit'..which via the CIA, was the name for a 'shit list' of every idiot and run of the mill human being in the middle east and anywhere else that could be pumped up into LOOKING like they were a terrorist.

Why? Well, the heads of the country, those who were running it at the time, needed a 'Casus Beli' (which is Latin for 'bullshit reason' or 'bullshit justification') for jumping into other countries and to justify budgets, maintain paranoia etc, which is good for CIA employee morale. Makes them feel all warm inside.

Basically, the people of the CIA where pressured into making up a bullshit list of non-existent suspects. So they did. Kitchen sinks and all. Al -Quaida is born!!! (hell, it's such bullshit, we don't even know how to agree on how it is spelled)

It even came down to the point that Osama Bin Laden (the Bin Laden family being close friends of the Bush family going nigh on 35 years now - you can't make this shit up!!!) was ratted on by his friends who proffered him for kidnapping and prosecution in the US..and the US turned them down, three times in a row, over an approximate two year period. Hell, Osama was seen all over the world and differing security forces of differing countries all offered to collect him.... and the US turned them all down, and left him run free, as the US government asked.

In anutshell, as the stories get worse and far more condemning after this, you'll have to do your own research to see how deep the lies are...the end point of all the people in Guantanamo being taxi drivers, etc, all innocent - and many other supportive bits show that Ray McGovern is NOT lying, one iota. Remember what his job was, and this can be verified, as well. Ray said that the 'crazies' got ahold of the highest offices in the US (we're talking the Dick Cheney and the Monsanto/Defense industry dirtbags like Donald Rumsfeld who stood in front of a microphone and said there was 2.2 TRILLION $$ missing/unaccounted for from the defense department paperwork..and then the accountants who figured that out all died the next day when the pentagon was hit, fancy that!!) and have advanced this to the point that none of it is real, at all.

So it comes as no surprise to me that a bullshit terrorist would be allowed to keep his mouth shut in a mockery of a public trial in order to keep the lie alive for the public.

Ray McGovern does not want this insanity to happen and spoke out about it. You might notice that a senior ex-CIA officer who knows how to protect himself from their attempts on his life (if you go check) is finally dying of Cancer. You might notice that no major news outlet in any way carries any of this information, which shows you that you should not, in any way, ever trust a newspaper or Television station to report anything that is important as being true, in quality or depth of subject.

News has been used as a method of controlling public opinion for as long as humans have gathered into groups. See it for what it is.

If you have the capacity to deal with what I just said then you might have what it takes to go out and search out the information to tell you that what I have said is not a lie, and then maybe you won't be capable of being lied to anymore, as you have begun to do your homework.

Monty's picture
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Do you also think the moon landing was a fake?

KBK's picture
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I've no idea.

Are you trying to label me, Monty?

As I said, it is Ray McGovern who said this about 'terry wrists', not I. His credentials are impeccable, and 100% real.

Regarding the Manchurian underpants bomber, who was purposely brought past the security system in the Netherlands by a diplomat..and then that kid was the son of a Nigerian banker....somehow screaming about Yemen.

Here's another clue that it's bullshit.

Speculation has risen that Michael Leiter, director of the National Counter Terrorism Centre, would be forced out after it emerged that he stayed on a skiing holiday for several days after the attack.

He don't respond ..as he knew it was utter bullshit. His job was to look and act concerned, and he failed. I guess he forgot to feign and act out concern!

Remember, if you take all of the terrorist acts that have been carried out on a plane, and then calculate what the odds are that you will be in some terrorist act involving aircraft, the odds are over 10 million to 1. The odds of being struck by lightening are 500,000 to 1. In essence, as a comparative, the odds of you being in a terrywrist attack on an aircraft are about the same as you being struck by lightening 100 times in a row.

Yet the same garbage is being spouted as a method to get people to give up their freedoms and accept a police state.

If such truths anger you, I'm sorry about that, but you'd better come to terms with it.

As for terrywrists and their flaming underwear on planes, people could have easily done similar for at least the past 50 years, for all the same reasons.

Note that they did not.

Cui Bono? (Who benefits?) Ask yourself....and then you find the true culprits.

Monty's picture
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I'm not trying to label you, I'm trying to determine the degree of your willingness to accept conspiracies with regard to things I'm more familiar with that are also hotbeds of conspiratory rumblings.

Orb's picture
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Joined: May 28 2009 - 12:51am

Do you also think the moon landing was a fake?

Just to add.
Well some of that conspiracy sure sounds better than a few modern ones.
But it sure does ignore the simple fact the 1st ones to complain about cosmic rays/space particles were indeed those on apollo 11 and since then this has been noted by other astronauts.



Mainly because they were so far beyond our planet.
IMO this puts a dent in the moon landing conspiracy, although does raise the question why Apollo 10 crew did not notice any of this

Ooh and I forgot, lets not forget the UFO they initially saw (which turns out to be one of the four panels involved in the seperation from one of the rocket stages).
Not something that was expected to be seen.


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