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Joined: Sep 20 2005 - 7:04am
802D & Excellent Issue
Jim Tavegia
Jim Tavegia's picture
Last seen: Never ago
Joined: Sep 1 2005 - 4:27pm

There are also some affordable, but high quality hybrid 150 watt per channel basic amps from Unison Research, the DM, that sound spectacular and there is a matching preamp, the Pre, to go with the set. It has a very nice built-in pnono stage for both mm & mc cartridges. If you can find a Unison dealer near you they would be worth a listen for sure. They are the Unison Unico on stereoids. It is 150 watts per channel or can be bridged into a 500 watt monoblock. They can be run bal or unbal. I am sure Holiday music at your house is pretty spectacular. www.unisonresearch.com

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